Sunday 25 March 2007

Creepy people (Part 1)

About ten per cent of the world's population are psychopaths. These people; men, women and children alike are people who have never learned to have empathy with other human beings. They cannot and do not care about others. They are the school bullies, the highway thugs who tailgate and weave in front of you without signaling; they borrow money from you with no intentions whatever to return the money. They are wife beaters, nagging wives, children who steal from their parent's purses and wallets, they are the men and women who have unprotected sex with their unsuspecting sexual partners when they are suffering from AIDS, they are the fathers who sire children and then abandon them. They are the kind of people your mother warned you about. Fate being what it is, it is impossible for the remaining ninety percent of the rest of the world's population to avoid coming in contact with these undesirables. However, as we grow older and wiser, we learn how to differentiate the ten percenters from the rest of us.

Everything that follows in this blog is about the kinds of things psychopaths do to qualify as part of the ten percenters and what it was that they did that was so creepy. This does not necessarily mean that because they did something creepy once or twice, that they are necessarily part of the ten percenters. All of us at some time or another will do something creepy in our lives and not really be psychopaths. However, this page is created to illustrate just how creepy some people can be at times.

Big Shots

I really wish I knew the name of the big shot in Toronto, Canada this short piece is about but I got the information from the Toronto Sun and the big shot's name wasn't included. It appears that some big shot in Toronto arrived at a theater in January 1998 to watch the movie, Titanic. He and his companion arrived at the sold-out theatre just as the movie was to begin and they saw two vacant seats and promptly sat in them even though they were told that the seats were already taken by two young boys who had left them temporarily to go to the candy counter. Mr. Big shot and his companion wouldn't budge and when the boys arrived at their seats, they saw Mr. Big Shot and his companion sitting in them. When they complained to him, he actually told the kids to get lost. The movie began and the boys went to the manager and complained. You will love what follows. Minutes later, the movie stopped and a voice boomed from behind the screen. "Please excuse the interruption, Ladies and Gentlemen. The movie will begin again as soon as we escort some undesirable people out of the theatre." The lights went up and the ushers went to Mr. Big Shot and his companion and marched them out of the theatre to the cheers and applause of everyone in the theatre. The boys returned to their seats, the lights went out and the movie continued. Mr. Big Shot and his companion never returned to the theatre again. Do we really care?

Creepy abusers

For the most part, mothers love their children and will do anything to make them happy but there are exceptions. In September 1989, Annette Sanford, then age 34 and Carolyn Anne Wilson, then age 42, of Otsego, Michigan, shared a house and lived in it with their six children. (three each) The 10-year-old boy, four girls ranging from 9 to 14 and an 18-year-old mentally challenged girl were treated horribly by these two women. The children were forced to scrub the floors with tooth brushes and were fed only dog food and in fact the kids were regularly seen eating scraps of food from the school garbage containers. The two women made their living by bringing men to their home and then they would then line up their children before the men so that the men could pick the children they wanted to sexually abuse and rape. In one particular day, the ten-year-old boy was sexually abused by six different men. Needless to say, the mothers were charged with first degree child abuse and sent to prison for a very long time. I doubt that their stay in prison was a particularly happy one for them. Prisoners in prisons don't like child abusers and they can get really upset when they learn that parents abused their kids. I mean really UPSET if you read my meaning.

Another Creepy Mother

Maria Rivera of Calument City, Illinois is not what you would call a loving mother. On October 23, 1998, she decided that she had had enough of her husband giving so much attention to their 4-year-old instead of her so while the young boy was asleep in his room, she set his bed on fire and then locked the door to his room. He suffered burns to 40% of his body leaving him critically burned and fighting for his life in the hospital. This wasn’t the first time this has happened. In 1993, she locked their 23-month old daughter in a closet after setting a fire in it. She left her child to die. She died. The mother was charged with murder, attempted murder and two counts of aggravated arson. She was sent to prison for a very long time.

Creepy Dog owners

Many years ago in the 70s, I hosted a TV show in Toronto and the entire show was about dog shit. At that time, there was about 2.5 million people in Toronto and hundreds of thousands of dogs were shitting everywhere and their shit wasn't being scooped up by their owners. I estimated that in one month, a hundred box cars could be filled with the dog shit.

Tova Kellerman, 25, is one of those dog owners you love to hate. She's the kind of dog owner who brings her dog into the park and lets it shit on the lawns or the walkways without her scooping up after her. And when her Labrador retriever shits, like all dogs of that kind, it SHITS.

Well, in November 1998, this fat, I meant, really FAT dog owner was letting her dog shit in a park when a 68-year-old woman was walking in the park and she saw the fat woman's dog do its thing in the park and the fat woman then walk away from it without scooping up after her dog. The older woman said to the fat woman, "Next time, could you take a bag and pick it up?"

The fat woman charged after the older woman and then wrapped her hands around the older woman's neck and ripped a gold chain from her neck. Six boys and girls from a nearby school saw what was happening and rushed to help the older woman and one managed to pull fatso away from her victim. Fatso broke free and rushed at the senior citizen again and punched her in the mouth.

The school children stayed with the victim until the paramedics arrived and one school child followed the fat bully to her home and then informed the police of her whereabouts. The fat woman was charged with assault.

Here is a story about dog creeps that will really get you angry.

Mary Hulme and her husband William, both 45, were walking their two leashed dogs (a Rottweiler and a Boxer) in a Toronto park one day in August 1998.

Ken Willimot, 50 was walking with his guide dog (yes, he is blind) in the same park and he became frightened when he heard one of the Hulme's dogs growling nearby. He called out, "I hope you have that damn dog leashed."

Mary Hule wasn't going to take that so she got mouthy then pushed the blind man to the ground. After the man fell to the ground, she called out to her husband to unleash the dogs and when he did, she called out, "Sic him. Sic him." which the dogs did. The blind man suffered severe lacerations to his face and arm, one dog gnawing straight to the bone of one of his arms. He also lost part of an ear lobe.

As to be expected, the two were arrested and Mr. Hulme was kept in jail until his trial in November 16, 1998. He got another three months added to his imprisonment and his creepy wife was given a conditional sentence of three months which meant that she was under house arrest during that period of time. In my opinion, she should have got the same amount of jail time as her creepy husband got.

I would be remiss if I didnt mention that the blind man, to some degree brought this on himself. Instead of referring to the Hulmes' dog as "damn dog" he might have got better results if he merely said, "I am frightened by your dog as I am blind. Please keep your dog away from me and my guide dog." That might have elicited immediate cooperation on the part of the Hulmes.

Creepy Evil Criminals

I suppose we could say that all criminals are creepy but some are really creepy and it is these really creepy criminals that I am writing about.

On May 25, 1997, seven-year-old Sherice Iverson was to meet her death at the hands of 18-year-old Jeremy Strohmeyer at the Primadona Casino in Nevada.

Her father unfortunately like to gamble and he would take his two small children with him and leave them in the arcade while he gambled, even at 3:00 in the morning. That particular morning, Sherice went into the ladies washroom and Iverson upon seeing her do so, immediately followed behind her. He grabbed the girl, placed his hand over her mouth and carried her into the handicap stall.

Strohmeyer had a friend, David Cash who upon having seen Strohmeyer follow the girl into the washroom, went in sometime later and stood on the toilet next to the handicap stall and after seeing Strohmeyer with the girl, tapped him on the head. That didn't stop Iverson so his friend left and he waited outside the building. Strohmeyer continued to undress his small captive and then he began to sexually molest her. When he was finished with her, he took hold of the terrified seven-year-old girl's head and snapped it twice. She died immediately. He didn't know that the casino's cameras were working and he was identified on the video tape as the man who followed the little girl into the washroom.

After some school chums of his watched him on the news on TV while the video was being shown across the nation, they reported him to the police. After he was arrested, he told the police that he killed the girl because he wanted to experience death as he had never been that close to death before. To avoid the death penalty, he pleaded guilty to murder, kidnapping and sexual assault and was given life in prison with no hope of parole.

Because David Cash (who hadn't been identified on the video) turned himself in and acted as the chief prosecution witness. He wasn't charged with anything however he was persona non grata at Berkley University. There have been several demonstrations to get him out of the university without success. He was so reviled at that university, he was completely ostracized by all the students.

This brings to mind what happened in Edinburg in the 1820s when William Burke and William Hare murdered people so that they could sell their victim's bodies to a Dr. Robert Knox, who he in turn would use the bodies for his School of Anatomy. When Burke and Hare were caught, the latter testified against his partner in crime. Burke was hanged on January 28, 1829. Hare was released and never seen again and although Knox wasn't charged with anything because there was no evidence that he knew that the victims had been murdered, it was some years before Knox lived down the condemnations of the public and press.

Creepy Young Criminals

In Medan, Indonesia, in October 1998, 17-year-old Fahrizal Batubara wasn't too happy when his parents grounded him for misbehaving. To get even with his parents and his siblings, he decided to kill them. First, he slipped up behind one of his sisters while she was watching television. He smashed in her head with a hammer. Then he went after his mother and his brother. When his dad came home, he killed him and then he later killed his remaining two sisters. After this dastardy deed was done, he called his friends on the phone and asked them to come over and party. When they arrived, they found the young killer outside the house digging graves. This kid isn't sick and creepy--he's bloody evil.

Insurance scammers

Now we all know that when people rip off insurance companies, the rest of us have to pay higher premiums.

Sandra Benson, 36 and Freeman Berry, 45 who lived in a common-law relationship were two insurance scammers who ripped off insurance companies in Georgia and New York. They began in 1992 when Benson claimed that $7,000 worth of karaoke equipment was stolen from her car. She actually stored it in a neighbour's house. Then in Feburary 1994, the couple submitted insurance claims to three different insurance companies for the same car accident and the collected $200,000. The next month, the couple moved their personal items from their house in Goshen, New York just a few hours before they set fire to their house. State Farm settled the claim for $244,236. She later claimed for blindness, claiming she was hit on the head by a copy machine while she was applying for a job. She collected $225,480. The company she claims she was applying for work turned out to be her own company. All together, they ripped of insurance companies for a million dollars leaving two burned out homes in their wake. They were arrested and faced federal criminal charges re their scams.

Creepy Lawyers

It shouldn't come to a surprise to anyone that I have listed lawyers in the same page as creeps. Some lawyers are real creeps. Here ate two examples of two lawyers who took advantage of their clients.

When lawyers agree to work on a contingency basis, they do all the work and pay the disbursements and if they lose, their clients don't pay but if they win, the lawyers take some of the monies won from the top, anywhere from 10 percent to 33.3 percent. When the cases involve class actions, that is where many people are suing one defendant in one huge court case, the amount of the contingency fees can be enormous.

The State of Minesota, Blue Cross and Blue Shield retained the services of a law firm called Robins, Miller, Kaplan & Ciresi of Minneapolis in 1994. The defendant was the tobacco industry. The agreement was that the law firm would get 25% of the earnings. That is a huge, HUGE fee considering the fact that the judgment was for $9.5 billion dollars. Their cut would be $2.37 billion dollars for their law firm. Needless to say that the 25% agreement came under sharp criticism from Governor Arne Carison and some of his fellow lawmakers. Finally the law firm agreed to settle for less. The accepted as their fee, $669 million dollars. Whisper it in my ear that they did $669 million dollars worth of research and preparation for the case. Give me a break.

The same thing is happening in Canada. The Canadian Red Cross negligently distributed blood that was laden with Hepatitus C and thousands of Canadians became infected via transfusions. A British Columbia class action law suit was undertaken on behalf of many of the victims by two law firms dealing with the B.C. government which is considering compensating the victims. The terms of the settlement would include the two firms getting 28% of the award if the matter is settled six months before the trial date and a third of the award if it is settled after the six-month period. The compensation order to date is $1.1 billion dollars. Since most of the work was done earlier in the Royal Commission dealing with the blood scandal, there is very liittle the lawyers have to do and despite that, they want at most, $366 million dollars.

When you consider the fact that the victims in both situations are numbered in the many thousands upon thousands, the victims individually won't get much but their lawyers individually will make a king's ransom. No wonder there are so many lawyer's jokes in which the word 'sharks' are often found in them.

Military creeps

Fun loving Belgian paratrooper, Sgt. Dirk Nassel, procured a Somali girl, age 14, as a 'birthday treat' for his buddies. The youngster danced nude on a table with one soldier and had sex with two others. Sgt. Nassel also tied a boy to a truck so that he could be dragged along behind. He also forced a young Muslim boy to eat pork and when the boy vomited, he made the boy eat his vomit. This poor excuse for a soldier and human being was charged and tried by a Belgium military court and got off with a three-month prison suspension.

The tribunal in my opinion should also come under the heading of creeps for awarding such a lenient sentence.

Murderous creeps

Felicia Scott, 31, of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA, was so anxious to have a child of her own, she decided, along with several male cohorts to visit one of her girlfriends for the purpose of taking her girlfriend's child from her. The trouble was that her 17-year-old's friend's child hadn't been born yet. That made no difference to the three creeps who showed up unexpectantly at the pregnant teenager's home. The girl was shot twice in her head and then the gouls conducted a Cesarian section upon their dead victim and sliced the almost-to-be-born fetus from her dead mother's womb. Scott later claimed that the child was her own. For this terrible deed, she was sentenced to life in prison without parole. I know what you are thinking--she should be executed. But thirty or forty years in a prison where no-one, I mean absolutely no-one will ever forgive her for what she did is going to be very hard on her. Do we care? I will keep you abreast as to what is going to happen to her two male goulie-friends. Incidentally, the little child (a girl) lives with her father.

Political creeps

Maurice Duplessis, a former premier of the province of Quebec was one of the most dishonest politicians in Canada. He once tried to shut down a church and the courts made him personally pay dearly for that caper.

Between 1930 and 1950, this monster permitted illegitimate children who were orphans after being abandoned by their parents (and couldn't be placed in foster homes or orphanages) to be placed in institutions for the mentally ill. As such, these otherwise normal children were brought up in surroundings that were fit only for the mentally ill. To say that they were brought up in a normal environment is, is a twisting of the word, 'normal'.

There were approximately 3000 surviving orphans who wanted some form of compensation for what they had to undergo. The Quebec government in December 1998 made an announcement that at that time, that they were prepared to make a formal apology and later consider some form of compensation to these victims of that horrible premier.
Rotten husbands

Another Creep

Leslie Knott, 40, an Englishman in Chester, England, told Marguerita Taylor that if she married him, he would change his faith and become a Mormon. He married her in March, 1995. While she was expecting twins, he left her and then married Catherine Scott, 37. At the registry office, he stated that his first wife had died--which of course was a lie. This creep was eventually found out and tried for bigamy. His lawyer told the court that his client forgot that he married Marguerita Taylor and believes he was in Ipswich and not Chester when he married Ms. Taylor, therefore wasn't in the true sense, a bigamist. As to be expected, the judge didn't buy that excuse (would you?) and jailed him for six months. This would be a good time for him to read up on "How to Improve Your Memory"

Creepy Scammers

Joe and Lydia Federico, formerly of the Philippines and now living in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, decided to bring young Philippine women into Canada to work as nannies. The women spent almost the last of their money on airfare and an $850 fee to Global Care (operated by these two creeps) for job replacement services. But when they arrived in Canada, they found out that they had no jobs to go to and were practically penniless. The Federicos housed the nannies in their basement and gave them mattresses to sleep on. They charged these homeless women $150 a month each (meals not included) and they would also charge them $5 for each trip the women made when they wanted to go to a store to buy food. Interest charges were added after 45 days. These two creeps are charged with 26 violations of the Immigration Act. I am happy to say that all of the women were eventually matched up with families looking for nannies by the authorities and they have been told that if they kept their noses clean and continued working for the next three years, they could apply for landed-immigrant status (the preliminary status before becoming Canadian citizens)

Creepy Sex Fiends

Chris Ahamefule Ihedura, formerly of Nigeria and later a resident of Texas, signed a contract with his American-born wife prior to their mariage that after they were married, he could have sex with her 15-year-old daughter and father a child with his step-daughter since her mother could no longer bear children. The mother subjected her daughter to a guilt trip and her step- father told the 15-year-old girl that if she didn't have sex with him, she would be kicked out of the house. Under the terms of the contract, the girl could keep the baby if it was a girl but her mother and stepfather would keep the baby if the child was a boy. The girl gave birth to a baby girl. Needless to say, Mr. and Mrs. Ihedura were charged and put on trial. In Texas, they were looking at BIG time.

Teenage runaway kids need all the care and attention they can get and many of them were taken in by Norman Elder, 58 who once ran for mayor in the City of Toronto, Ontario. He would choose which runaway boys could live in his house but once inside his home, they discovered what his real motives were. He wanted sex with them and most of them were fleeing his house and inappropriate attentions in the middle of the night. He pleaded guilty to 10 charges for indecent assaults from 1971-81 on youths ages 16 to 18. He got two years less a day in a provincial reformatory in March 1998.

Sports celebrity creeps

Canada has had some spectacular men conduct cross-country runs across Canada, one with one leg and another in a wheelchair---all for the purpose of raising money for a good cause. Now there is nothing wrong with keeping some of the money to hire a couple of people to assist them along with renting a recreational vehicle that they can live in during the cross country trip. But those that have done this have never claimed a dime for themselves. Everything that was earned (after basic expenses) went towards the cause. Well, that was until Sheldon Kennedy, 31, came along. He is a NHL hockey player who had been sexually abused by a former coach who was subsequently jailed after Kennedy went public.

Now according to Kennedy, he wanted to raise money so that a special $15 million dollar children's camp for abused children could be built in Canada. To do this, he crossed the country wearing inline skates. Everyone praised him for his sacrifice.

Then several months after the trip was completed and he raised 2.6 million, the truth became known. He was being paid to do this. He was being paid $7500 a month to skate across Canada. From May to October 1998, he earned $40,000. Not once while he was skating across Canada did he mention to anyone not connected to his trip, that he was being paid $40,000 to do the trip. There are a great many people who would be more than happy to make that kind of trip for $40,000. Tell me about his sacrifice. Did he give the $40,000 to his cause?

One can appreciate the importance of privacy and sympathize with famous people seeking it at times but here is a case of a creep who sought privacy when in fact no one was interested in him at all. The Maple Leaf's hockey team's enforcer, Tie Domi (is it really spelled Dummy?) in June 1999 along with other members of his team had entered a hotel in Buffalo, New York. Two young men were approaching two other members of the team for their autographs when "Dummy" yelled out loud, "Fuck off. Get the fuck out of here." The two young men were escorted out of the hotel by the hotel security. I think the dummy forgot that spectators pay their income. It's one thing to refuse to sign your own name on an autograph book but to speak for your team mates who are beside you is something else especially in the manner and with the language this creep did.

Stupid Creeps

This next story is in a way, sort of funny because of the way it ended up but it still comes under the heading of creeps. Unfortunately, I don't have the last names of the two creepy criminals because I got the information out of a book called "America's Dumbest Criminals" but in any case, read on and enjoy.

There were two hunters (if hunting was what they were really doing) called Kerry and David who used to drive thirty miles (48.2 kilometers) into the desert outside a southwestern city and track down animals to shoot them out of sport.
They even laid traps so that they could shoot the animals caught in the traps. One day they decided to do something different. When they caught a coyote, they tied two sticks of dynamite to its sides and just as they were about to release the animal, they lit the fuse. They had hoped to watch the destruction of the animal from afar.

When the animal was released, it just stood there so the men, realizing that the last place they wanted to be was next to the doomed animal, began running from it at top speed. Can you believe it? The coyote began running after them, close behind. No matter which way they jagged, the coyote was still close behind these frantic creeps with the fuse still hissing away. Now the animal had been trapped in their trap all morning under the hot sun so what it really needed was some shade so where do you think it went to find shade? Right underneath these two creep's brand new twenty-thousand dollar Blazer. No amount of coaching would get that coyote to leave it's new-found shade. Well, it didn't take the dynamite long to do what it was supposed to do. There wasn't anything left of the coyote and very little left of the Blazer.

Now these two would-be hunter/trappers had a real problem. There they were, thirty miles into the hot desert with the hot sun searing down on them with no means of getting back to the city, with their only containers of water having been blown up with everything else. Well, they were eventually rescued by the police and when the investigation was completed, these two creeps were charged with cruelty to animals and illegal use of dynamite. Now here comes the best part. When the creep who owned the demolished Blazer made a claim with his insurance company, naturally the insurance company turned him down.

I really like to think that when the coyote chose to go under the Blazer, shade wasn't the only thing it was looking for. How about pay back? Is that so much to hope for?

I hope that you have enjoyed the short stories of some of the creeps I have written about. More will be presented to you at a later date.

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