Saturday 15 December 2007

Is he really a beast

It was one of the quickest prosecutions and convictions in federal history. The federal prosecutor wanted to make an example of Michael Vick (professional football superstar) and he did exactly that. The prosecutor quickly got his friends to turn on him and they did in order to reduce their own sentences and soon Vic will be spending 2008 and half of 2009 in a federal prison camp. This express-train trial must have scared the hell out of those on the professional dog-fighting circuit. And Vick's conviction will surely deter other athletes from venturing down this back-roads, highly secretive (and disgusting) gambling enterprise involving dog fighting.

If Vick is a model prisoner and actually gets time off for good behavior — he could be in a halfway house by April or May of 2009 —then he might be allowed to apply for work in the NFL in 2009. I doubt however that he will ever make any money as a sponsor of merchandise. His sponsors dumped him to cleanse their reputation faster than someone doing the same thing who is suffering from diarrhea.

Dog fighting is unquestionably a disgusting sport. The dogs are mauled and bitten to death and those that don’t die right away, are killed by their owners. Vic killed some of his dogs by electrocuting them.

In his letter to the judge who was to sentence him, Vic admitted that what he did was wrong. In the same letter, he had the temerity to say (get ready for this) “I love animals.” He added that he grew up in a culture where the authorities ignored the crime of dog fighting. Does that mean that if he lived in a culture that approved of cannibalism, he would be a cannibal?

Here comes the best part. Get ready for it because it is a gem in a colossal pile of stupid remarks.

“Your Honour. I am not the bad person or beast I’ve been made out to be. I have been talked about and ridiculed on a day to day basis by people who really don’t know Michael Vic, the human being.” Unquote

Quite frankly, I doubt that anyone really wants to know Michael Vic any more than they really want to know O.J.Simpson. Human being? In the manner in which he described himself as a human being, he would have us believe that he is a really nice human being when in fact, he is a rotten human being.

If you are still standing after reading that particular onslaught of his muck thrown at the judge, the epitome of his begging follows. He said to the judge in his letter to him about what has happened to him since he was arrested;

“This has been painful because my son watches the news and can understand what’s going on with his father and my daughter asks me on a regular basis as to when I will be home to play games with her but I have no answer.”

His children are two and five years old respectively. Now he can give his daughter an answer. “Eighteen months from now.” Why doesn’t he simply take his imprisonment like a man instead of whining about how his poor children are suffering?

By the way, many men in prisons are dog lovers. I wonder how he is going to get along with them.

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