Tuesday 13 July 2010

Canada should not repatriate cockroaches back into our country

In this article, I am pulling no punches. I am condemning terrorists, no matter what their purpose is and no matter who they are.

Since Mankind has walked on earth, people have compared some human beings with members of the animal kingdom. We have sayings such as; swims like a fish, crafty as a fox, brave as lion, stubborn as a mule, smart as an owl etc. And then we sometimes simply call certain people, cockroaches.

In this article, I am going to describe a Canadian family as a family of cockroaches. The people I am referring to is the Khadr family. Now I will be more specific because there are Khadr families in Canada that are honourable and decent people and I am certainly not referring to them. The family I am referring to is the family of Maha Elsamnah and Ahmed Said Khadr. They are Canada’s first family of terrorists.

If a cockroach mates with another cockroach, you can be sure that they will spawn more cockroaches. That’s what happened when Maha Elsamnah mated with Ahmed Khadr, an Egyptian-born terrorist. This cockroach was a close follower of al-Qaida. Between him and his wife, they then spawned five other cockroaches that then turned out to be just like them.

Ahmad Said Khadr met Osama bin Laden in 1985 and later he funneled Canadian taxpayer moneys to him and eventually moved his entire family to Afghanistan to join him. Jean Chretien, one of Canada’s former prime ministers used diplomatic leverage as PM to rescue Ahmed Khadr from the Pakistanis following his 1995 arrest for a deadly bombing in Islamabad. In 1995, Ahmed Khadr was arrested following the Ayman al-Zawahiri's bombing of the Egyptian embassy in Pakistan, and accused of financially aiding the conspirators. Ahmed was hospitalized after engaging in a hunger strike. He was eventually released and then Ahmed Khadr went to ground in Afghanistan, and met with al-Qaida leaders, including Osama bin Laden, who reportedly attended Khadr’s daughter's (Zaynab) wedding in 1999, two years before unleashing 9/11. This cockroach was finally squashed when he was killed in 2003 during a gun battle with Pakistani military.

Maha Elsamnah, the cockroaches’ wife, took her then-14-year-old son Omar from Canada to Pakistan in 2001 and enrolled him for Al-Qaeda training. When she returned to Canada with her son, Abdul Karim, she publicly insisted on April 9, 2004, that Al-Qaeda-sponsored training camps were the best place for her children. The family often visited the compound of Osama Bin Laden. She said, "Would you like me to raise my child in Canada to be, by the time he's 12 or 13 years old, to be on drugs or having some homosexual relationship? Is it better?" Well, quite frankly, as bad as being on drugs can be, it is far worse for a child of that age to be trained to kill innocent people. She later added, "I'm proud of what we are and I'm proud we're in Canada now. Believe me. I will not force myself on anyone as a Canadian citizen.” But she did because she brought her son Abdul back to Canada and then rejoiced in their family’s Canadian citizenship by saying that she picked up health-care forms for Abdul Karim. "We've just been to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan office. That's it. They said we have to fill out forms." She added that her son will have trouble waiting out the three-month residency term required to qualify for publicly funded health care that is paid by Canadian taxpayers.

Marty McKay, a psychologist commissioned by the Children's Aid Society of Toronto to study the Khadr case said, “People should be held responsible for the dogma that they preach and that they inculcate (impress) into their children if it leads to havoc and loss of life." That would certainly apply to Maha Elsamnah Khadr and the cockroach she mated with.

Her son, Abdul Karim, was 14 during the October 2003 shoot-out that left his father dead and he was half-paralyzed by wounds sustained in the shootout with the Pakistani armed forces. He was eventually returned to Canada and in June 2010, he was arrested in Toronto for sex offences. He was charged on June 4, 2010 with one count each of sexual assault and sexual exploitation for relations with a female minor.

Her eldest son, Abdullah, was a Qaeda fugitive constantly on the move to elude capture. Canadian intelligence states that he ran a Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan during the Taliban period, something Abdullah denies. He is also suspected of selling weaponry to the Taliban and al-Qaida. When asked about 9/11 in a CBC interview, he replied that he felt sorry for those who were killed but he had admiration for the hijackers. "It was very wild to see a person seeing a building in front of him and he's going 900 kilometres per hour straight in the building.”

Her second eldest, Abdurahman, who claims to have broken family ties after 9/11, but he was raised to be a suicide bomber. He does not totally distance himself from Al-Qaeda's goals, however. That’s clear when you consider what he said. "I do not support all but some of all they are doing."

Her daughter Zaynab was engaged to one terrorist and married an al Qaeda member in 1999 with Osama bin Laden himself present at the nuptials. Zaynab endorses the 9/11 atrocities and hopes her infant daughter will die fighting Americans. She said, “If I was to choose for my daughter to live a life of no meaning or to die a martyr, I would choose for her to die a martyr.… I'd love to die a martyr. It's a desire that I believe that any Muslim would have or should have.” That would mean that she would be willing to walk into a crowd of innocent people with a bomb strapped to her body and blow them and herself up. She would like her daughter to do the same thing. Absolutely gross.

Their third son was Omar Khadr who at the age of 15, was planting land mines in Afghanistan and is alleged to have lobbed a hand grenade at American troops in which U.S. medic Sgt. Christopher Speer was killed.

The rest of this article is about this particular cockroach. He was captured by American forces at the age of 15 following a four-hour firefight with militants in the village of Ayub Kheyl, Afghanistan. He has spent seven years in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp accused of war crimes and providing support to terrorism after allegedly throwing a grenade that killed a US medic.

Why was this cockroach fighting Americans in Afghanistan? He is a Canadian citizen and had no right whatsoever to be fighting with the Taliban in Afghanistan especially when Canadian soldiers are dying in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban.

I would be less than honest if I didn’t add however that in February 2008, the Pentagon accidentally released documents that revealed that although Khadr was present in the house, there was no other evidence that he had thrown the grenade. In fact, military officials had originally reported that another of the surviving militants had thrown the grenade just before being killed and later rewrote their report to implicate Khadr instead. Defence lawyers have also suggested that the soldier may have been killed by friendly fire by his own comrades. It was later determined that Khadr had been crippled, blinded and trapped beneath rubble at the time, and American soldiers weren't even aware of his presence until one stepped on his prone body.

Even if it is true that he didn’t lob the hand grenade that killed Sgt. Speers, he was still in the house when the other militants were fighting the American forces. Are we to believe that he was merely a bystander taking notes? In any case, he ended up in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp and remained there for years while waiting for his trial, a trial that is scheduled for August 10, 2010.

Canadian authorities have consistently refused to seek extradition or repatriation of this cockroach despite the urgings of Amnesty International, UNICEF, the Canadian Bar Association and other prominent organizations. I am in total agreement with the decision of the Canadian government to remain neutral in this matter for the following reasons.

He was in a house in which his fellow militants were fighting American forces in a village in Afghanistan. The militants are the same kind of people who have been planting bombs on roads that has killed a great many American and Canadian soldiers. There is even a picture of him working on a roadside bomb. There was no legitimate reason for him to be in Afghanistan since it was not the place of his birth and his parents originally came from Pakistan.

In April 2009, the Federal Court of Canada ruled that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms made it obligatory for the government to immediately demand Khadr's return. After a hearing before the Court of Appeals produced the same result, the government announced they would argue their case before the Supreme Court of Canada. In January 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that Khadr's constitutional rights had clearly been violated, but it stopped short of ordering the government to seek his return to Canada.

The government stated; “Our position regarding Mr. Khadr remains unchanged. In fact, it is the same policy held by two previous governments. Omar Khadr has been accused of serious crimes including murder, attempted murder, conspiracy, material support for terrorism and spying, all in violation of the laws of war.”

The question that surely must be in the minds of many people is as follows; is he guilty of these crimes if he was fighting as a soldier? If he was a soldier, then he would be innocent of those crimes except giving material support for terrorists. But was he a soldier? He was not. A soldier is defined by Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention as follows; soldiers include members of organized resistance movements who carry their weapons openly, who are part of a chain of command and whose group carry a flag or wear an emblem on their uniform that is recognized at a distance and who follow the laws and customs of war as per the Geneva Convention. This cockroach had none of these attributes that would define him as a soldier. He was fighting the Americans as a member of the Taliban which are insurgents and terrorists and not part of Afghanistan’s legitimate army. He has been on occasion referred to as a child solder. He was not a child soldier even though he was 15 when he was captured. A child soldier as defined by article 38 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is as follows; a child soldier is someone who has not yet attained the age of 15. He was old enough to be part of a Taliban instruction video on how to kill so he is certainly old enough to stand trial for the crimes he is accused of having committed.

What was his motive? Perhaps when he was 15, he simply wanted to play with guns and couple that with the incantations of his evil father, he succumbed to the thrill of fighting in a war on the side of the Taliban. Khadr received one-on-one weapons training and he was photographed working on a improvised explosive device (roadside bomb) the kind that have killed American and Canadian soldiers while he was at the al Qaeda training camp. These are the actions of a terrorist-in-training.

On July 5, 2010, the Federal Court of Canada ruled that the federal government had seven days to draft a list of ways to remedy the breaches of Khadr's Charter rights. In its ruling, the court said Khadr, who is being held at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is entitled to "procedural fairness and natural justice." I don’t take issue with that at all.

Justice Russell Zinn ruled that the federal government has not met the standard set by the Supreme Court of Canada, which ruled in January 2010 that Khadr's rights had been violated and Ottawa must right the wrongs inflicted on the young Canadian. The Conservative government announced July 12, 2010 it will appeal a Federal Court ruling giving it seven days to address violations of terrorism-suspect, Omar Khadr.

This case raises important issues concerning the Crown prerogative over foreign affairs. As the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in an earlier case involving Omar Khadr, ‘It would not be appropriate for the Court to give direction as to the diplomatic steps necessary to address the breaches of Omar Khadr's Charter rights.
Despite that, he is still a Canadian citizen and for this reason, the Government of Canada continues to provide consular services to Omar Khadr. But that is all they should provide him.

This young man (he is now 23) forfeited his rights as a Canadian when he left Canada to fight the American soldiers as a Taliban militant in Afghanistan. Now he is in the hands of the Americans and if they give this young cockroach a fair trial and then sentence him to imprisonment for a very long time, Canadian authorities will have no right to interfere with the decision of the American tribunal that is trying him if it arrives at a fair decision.

Canadians have to realize that their first duty is to their own country and if they deviate from that premise and choose to fight along side of militants who are terrorists and fight NATO soldiers in another country, especially when Canadian soldiers are part of the NATO contingent, they do so at their own risk. Neither they nor others who are soft-headed whiners have the right to intervene with his trial by the Americans. Their rights only extend to see that this cockroach gets a fair trial.

We must not forget how this then 15-year-old cockroach was planting landmines in Afghanistan before being wounded in a gunfight with U.S. soldiers. He is correctly being be tried by the country that charged him, just as we try foreigners indicted for crimes here in Canada.

If this cockroach is imprisoned for many years in an American prison for the alleged crimes he is accused of and finally is repatriated back into Canada, perhaps when he is an old man, he will have changed his way of thinking and will

Incidentally, the picture you have seen posted in the news media of him being a young boy was not taken when he was in Afghanistan. His mother took the picture when he was still in Toronto and was younger. She then submitted it to the media as a means of attempting to garner sympathy for the cockroach she spawned.

I will keep my readers posted when I learn what this young man’s fate is.

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