Wednesday 23 March 2011

Sandy Hutchens: a fraudster that keeps growing like pond scum

I met this pond scum Sandy Hutchens years ago when I was the president of the Paralegal Society of Canada. He was attending one of our board meetings (which was open to any member). He and his ‘big mouth’ wife Tanya Hutchins (who simply wouldn’t shut up) tried to take over the meeting and I finally ordered them to leave. That was the last I ever saw of them. However later I was given information that he was involved in some shady dealings while acting as a paralegal and I asked the board to back up my proposal that the memberships of this man and his wife be cancelled. They agreed. As the years moved on, I was reading various news accounts of this man and his scams.

Laurie Monsebraaten of the Toronto Star wrote on March 21, 1988;

‘City Shelter’ is filling the rooming houses with welfare recipients, single mothers, pregnant teens and victims of family violence. But the group is operating the rooming houses without proper licences. They are buying up the relatively inexpensive homes in the west end, renovating without building permits, and getting welfare and other social agencies to refer people to them as if they were legal.

From our information, this group is set up to buy as many houses as they can get their hands on, and it's important that we put a stop to it now," she said. "They are community busters with no consideration for neighborhoods.

But City Shelter president Sandy Hutchens said in an interview that his group is doing everything to meet existing regulations and that he is offering clean, affordable housing for people in great need.

"We wanted to get the housing up as quickly as possible," he said. "Maybe we didn't do it in the right way, but we're working to correct that. I think it's a shame that we're being so violently opposed. Governments are saying that the private sector must do its share to help ease the housing crisis. Well, we're not just talking, we're actually doing something about it.

But Disero (Toronto West city counselor)  said Hutchens and his group "know exactly what they are doing" and "deliberately" broke the rules.

Disero became aware of City Shelter after residents on Gillespie Ave. complained about an illegal rooming house on their street two months ago.

"We believe this is a very shrewd group with a lot of money behind it," she said. "If the way they have acted on Gillespie Ave. is any indication of the way they do business, no Toronto community will be safe."

The city has always had trouble stopping illegal rooming houses - it took three years to shut down the last one in Disero's ward. But council has resisted bringing in tougher legislation controlling rooming houses because they are generally viewed as a good form of housing and the number of illegal operations has been minimal.

But Disero and other west Toronto councilors are worried that if private groups start turning rooming houses into big business with no respect for the law, the city could be overrun.

"Right now, the city is virtually powerless to stop them," said Councilor Richard Gilbert, Disero's wardmate and a member of the NDP caucus, which traditionally has been against stricter controls on rooming houses.

Along with the freeze, Disero wants the city's planning department to investigate the "growing phenomenon" of private interest in rooming houses, and report to council in two months on ways the city can stop abuses.

The city may want to limit the number of roomers in a non-owner-occupied rooming house to five or six, she speculated.

The Gillespie Ave. rooming house owned by City Shelter has 12 roomers, and provides the group an income of about $3,700 a month from rents.

What follows is excerpts from an article written by Joseph Hall of the Toronto Star on December 31, 1989;

"I guess I'll just freeze to death," Curran said yesterday. He is one of 21 residents facing eviction on Tuesday from their Parkdale rooming house. How are you supposed to find a new place at this time of year? How am I going to pay for a truck to move when I have to give first and last month's rent?"

Curran, a former bar singer whose ulcers have put him on permanent disability, said he and his neighbors were given notice two days before Christmas that the sheriff's department would be taking over their apartments at 233 Sorauren Ave. in the Dundas St.-Lansdowne Ave. area.

The tenants, many of whom are on welfare, were told that the building's new owner (Sandy Hutchens) had defaulted on mortgage payments, and that they had 10 days to get out.

Sandy Hutchens, who said he sold the building in September and has since managed it, has offered all the tenants rooms in his other properties around Parkdale. "I've told them that I will find them other places, but it's up to them whether they take them or not," said Hutchens, who manages about eight other buildings in the area.

Hutchens said he sold the building to "a woman" who is "out of town this weekend" and that she defaulted to the Laurentian Bank of Canada.

He said he plans to buy the building back from the bank next week and may reoffer the current tenants their rooms. It wasn’t going to happen..

Korwin-Kuczynski, councilor for Ward 2, said three of Hutchens' Parkdale buildings have been denied rooming house licences in the past few months and that there was a question of ownership in all three cases. "I will also be asking the city's housing inspectors to immediately begin inspections of all buildings that have been registered to Mr. Hutchens either now or in the past," Korwin-Kuczynski said.

"I don't have time to try and wade through the ownership question. We have to find out what's going on in his buildings as soon as possible."

He said he wants to ensure the rooming house owner was not moving people back into buildings recently denied operating licences.

Alfred Holden and Bob Mitchell of the Toronto Star wrote on January 3, 1990;

A judge agreed with their lawyer that the matter needs more unraveling, and granted a 10-day stay on the serving writs of possession for mortgage holders, who want to sell the building empty of tenants.

"I'm just ecstatic. It's just the beginning of our fight, but it gives us some time," said Shirley Claxton, one of 21 residents who were shocked to learn Christmas Eve that they'd been paying rent but their landlord (Sandy Hutchens) wasn't making payments on his mortgage.

The tenants' lawyer, Jean Hyndman, said she hopes to be able to negotiate with the mortgage holders so tenants can stay when the building is sold. She also plans to investigate some other legal avenues, she said.

Sandy Hutchens, who is listed as the owner of the property registered as 844645 Ontario Limited on the eviction notice, hasn't made any mortgage payments since June. When contacted by The Star earlier, Hutchens said he didn't own the building any longer.

The property's mortgage is held by three investors who used private pension monies to fund the mortgage. Henry Erlich, lawyer for the pension fund investors, said Hutchens owes about $16,000, maybe $20,000, with fees.

"The poor tenants are obviously innocent except for the fact that they've been very foolish. We gave them notice back in September that the owner wasn't making his payments and that they were going to be evicted," Erlich said.

Sandy Hutchins and his wife Tanya realized that poor immigrants were an easy target so they went into the immigration business for the purpose of ripping off those victims also.

Lila Sarick of The Globe and Mail wrote an article about this infestation on February 22, 1996. It is as follows in part;

A husband and wife who operated immigration consulting businesses in three countries have been charged with leading clients to believe they would receive jobs and visas in Canada.

Sandy Hutchens, 36, and his wife, Tanya, 29, of Aurora, Ontario were charged yesterday with fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to aid and abet persons to enter Canada, and employment of an illegal alien. Their company, Gold Star Legal Services, had offices in Toronto, the Philippines and Romania, RCMP Constable John Simpson said.

In the Philippines, 107 individuals say they paid $1,500 each and were told that job offers and Canadian work visas would be arranged, police said.

A number of those who applied were registered nurses, who paid the equivalent of half a year's salary and quit their jobs believing they would soon be traveling to jobs in Canada, Constable Simpson said. Some wrote letters to the companies and persons they believed would be their new employers, introducing themselves and thanking them for the job offer.

Other individuals say they were told they would receive visas to study at a non-existent Christian academy in Gravenhurst, Ontario or to work as sewing machine operators or nannies, police said. About 25 Romanians reported paying a total of $50,000 for promises of jobs and visas.

However, the job offers were fictitious and the Canadian embassies were not prepared to issue the visas. None of the individuals were successful in entering Canada, Constable Simpson said.

Police estimate the alleged fraud at $240,000.

All three Gold Star offices have been closed and the manager of the Philippines office is facing local criminal charges, Constable Simpson said. He added that the Romanian office manager is in Canada, having travelled here to urge the Hutchens to resolve the problems.

The investigation began a year ago when Filipinos living in Canada and trying to become permanent residents made complaints to the Philippine consulate in Toronto.

The company began as a service to resolve landlord-tenant disputes and branched into immigration work a few years ago, Constable Simpson said.

In October 2008, Mark Bonokoski, a columnist with the Toronto Sun, wrote an article about this fraudster. In it he wrote;

Earlier this summer, (2008) a house-warming message appeared on the online bulletin board of the Chabad@Flamingo synagogue in Thornhill, Ontario inviting the congregation to attend a Chanukat HaBayit at the new home of Moishe and Tanya Hutchens.

When he was finally arrested for fraud by Toronto cops back in 2002, he was a Baptist-raised, drug-pushing, scam-running paralegal named Sandy Hutchens, with a criminal record spanning 20 years.

By the time he was sentenced three years later to two years house arrest for bilking, among others, a wheelchair-bound cancer survivor out of $40,000, he had converted to Orthodox Judaism with Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, chaplain of the York Regional Police, and founder of Chabad@Flamingo, appearing as a character witness.

Superior Court Justice Harry LaForme called Rabbi Kaplan an "impressive witness," which more than half explains why Hutchens didn't receive the five years in jail that the Crown was seeking, and which many of his victims believed he richly deserved.

Since then, Sandy Hutchens has morphed into Moishe Hutchens and, when in business mode, he operates under the name Moishe Alexander. There is no mixup. Sandy (Moishe) Hutchens and Moishe Alexander are one and the same.

Last Sunday, after receiving a flurry of e-mail about his alleged activities, I popped over to Moishe Hutchens' new home on Theodore Place in Thornhill where, according to neighbours he has being living since April with his three children and his wife, Tanya, a paralegal allegedly working under the registered name of Tatiana Brik.

Incidentally, neither of these two scumbags are currently licenced in Ontario as paralegals nor is it likely that they ever will be.

No one answered the door bell. Newspapers were piled on the porch, and every blind was shut. A business card was left in the door next to the mezuzah, with the message to "please call."

Hutchens called the next day, but referred all comments to his lawyers, one being Lou Strezos and the other being Alvin Meisels, a Toronto real-estate lawyer who also represents Hutchens, including being counsel in the case of Canadian Funding Corp. v Brooke Properties Inc., in which Sandy Hutchens appears as "Craig Hutchens."

Lou Strezos called that night, and an agreed-upon time was scheduled to discuss Sandy Hutchens and why, in particular, he was operating as Moishe Alexander. Strezos cautioned, numerous times, that he was making notes of the conversation which I, in fact, was also taping.

"There's a very simple answer to it," said Strezos. "He formally converted to Orthodox Judaism and, a result of a committee of three ... a rabbinical court, in the colloquial sense, his Orthodox Jewish name is now Moishe Alexander. "It is not uncommon. There is nothing wrong with that. He's got nothing to hide."

Then Strezos was asked this: Are Moishe Alexander's current business dealings on the up-and-up?

"Yes," Strezos replied. "If there are any accusations to be made, and I am not going to speak about what spurious allegations may be made on the Internet, if an allegation is rendered by anybody, he will answer it in due course. I am not going to engage in a dialogue through the media on speculation on what you or other people may think. So that's properly answered. If anyone has to bring a suit, or anything arises, we will answer it in due course.”

Three years ago, a week after he was sentenced, I (Mark Bonokoski) popped into Hutchens' then- and equally-upmarket Thornhill home -- again out of the blue, just like last Sunday.

He was home, of course, as per court order with conditions of his sentencing (that included) two years of follow-up probation, random drug and alcohol tests, strict curfews, limited comings and goings, 50 hours of community work talking to groups about the scourge of drugs, and restitution of the entire $65,803 he had scammed from his victims.

I am standing in the living room, waiting for Sandy Hutchens to come downstairs.

"You Jewish?" Tanya Hutchens suddenly asks. "No," I reply.

It goes downhill from there, with Tanya Hutchens taking control of her husband's answers like how, for example, they planned to pay restitution.

"From our savings," she interjects.

And what Sandy Hutchens planned to do to make a living now that his scam artistry had been make public.

"He's self-employed," she replies.

And then I am asked to leave.

The Internet today is rife with allegations, none proven (in court), that the now 49-year-old Sandy Hutchens -- a.k.a Moishe Hutchens, a.k.a Craig Hutchens, and a.k.a Moishe Alexander -- is up to old tricks in suspect multi-jurisdictional mortgage schemes here, and including as far away as Florida.

It is difficult to keep track of Moishe Hutchens especially when it comes to tracking down his aliases.

Alvin Meisels -- lawyer No. 2 -- called the allegations on the Internet "a smear campaign that is causing (Hutchens/Alexander) a lot of grief."

"He's gone a long way to rehabilitate himself and, contrary to suspicions (anyone) might have, I am satisfied myself that the fellow is genuine," said Meisels. "He's closed a multitude of financial deals (since being convicted of fraud)-- certainly more than 15, certainly more than a score (20) -- and I am satisfied they are all legitimate.

"And those (financial deals) that did not close, did not close for legitimate reasons."

As for the Florida allegations, this was addressed by lawyer No. 3, noted Toronto civil litigation and libel attorney Julian Porter, who wrote a letter to Sun Media lawyer Tycho Manson in anticipation of a story being published.

"Mr. Alexander now has a good reputation as a private lender," Porter wrote. "In that position, he became involved with a transaction wherein financing was required relating to British purchasers of condominium units in Florida.

"The financing met with trouble through no fault whatsoever of Mr. Alexander. The proponents of the building transaction have, as Florida people are sometimes wont to do, decided they cannot meet their obligations. But, in the meantime, they can easily trash Mr. Alexander on the Internet and exploit his conviction four years ago."

While the RCMP will not confirm or deny, it is known that an investigation has been launched regarding complaints being leveled against Hutchens/Alexander in Ontario through RECOL, the privacy-protected online tip conduit on economic crime backed by the Mounties and the OPP.

It is also known that at least one Toronto lawyer -- Ian Stuart Hennessey -- has been disbarred this year by the Law Society of Upper Canada for his past involvement in assisting Sandy Hutchens, through "knowingly (being) involved in fraudulent mortgage transaction."

"The fact that others have been deceived by Hutchens is not a defence," the adjudication panel ruled.

If Sandy Hutchens, as Moishe Alexander, is not above board, he is obviously not afraid to wave the flag regarding his supposed coups while still on probation for fraud, although that particular detail goes unmentioned.

On one of Moishe Alexander's websites, complete with photos of him posing with supposedly pleased clients -- although their faces are pixilated out and no surnames are provided -- he brags of closing some pretty sweet deals through his aforementioned firm, Canadian Funding Corp.

Some of the headlines read as follows:

- "Canadian Funding Corp. and Moishe Alexander funds builder for multi-home construction with total financing of $1.2 million."
- "Canadian Funding Corp. and Moishe Alexander close 120 deals in three years."
- "Canadian Funding Corp. and Moishe Alexander provide all funding for $14 million development in Northern Ontario."
"Canadian Funding Corp. and Moishe Alexander provide full funding for $15.5 million condo development in Southern Ontario."

One testimonial, from a "Luc B. of Ontario" -- his face electronically blurred -- reads: "As a builder and developer, this ($1.2 million) funding provided by Canadian Funding Corp. and Moishe Alexander allows me to expand and continue my home building operation when nobody else would listen. Thanks Moishe."

Sandy Hutchens -- a.k.a Moishe Alexander -- was first introduced here in October 2002, when Toronto police in 32 Division's fraud squad had him pegged as a fly-by-nighter who professed to be a fighter for the underdog.

They had him running a bogus storefront paralegal operation in the city's north end, papering apartment buildings with flyers promising to fight rent hikes and landlord-tenant disputes, and boasting of his ability to arrange loans as well as broker the sale of commercial properties.

Det.Const. Ed Malachowski, who retired from the force in February, worked the thick and complicated file that finally got Sandy Hutchens convicted of four counts of fraud and another count of drug trafficking in prescription painkillers.

"He was nothing but a cancer," said Malachowski. "And he was a cancer who had to be stopped. He couldn't have cared less about his victims. Once he had won their trust, they were done.”

The following article was published on April 2, 2005 by /NewsStand/TorontoSun/News.

A CON MAN and drug peddler who bilked a cancer survivor out of her business begged for a conditional sentence yesterday after saying he had converted to Judaism. Character witnesses, including Rabbi Mendel Kaplan and other congregation members and friends, praised Sandy Hutchens, 45, as a devout orthodox Jewish family man with three kids.

Hutchens pleaded guilty to four counts of fraud and another count of drug trafficking in prescription painkillers last spring in front of Justice Harry LaForme.

Hutchens' lawyer, Joseph DiLuca, said his client has rehabilitated himself and provided $55,000 in restitution and agreed to pay an additional $10,000.

But Hutchens' conversion and glowing character testimonials weren't believed by cancer survivor and widow J.M. Shaw or any of his other victims.

"He is a consummate actor and I believe will use this talent to convince the court that he is a reformed man," said the 59-year-old widow, whose business Hutchens offered to sell in December 2000.

Instead he scammed her out of $40,000.

Shaw said her husband, who succumbed to cancer in October 2003, spent his final months worrying about his family's financial well-being.

"Two doctors and a nurse told me the only explanation for my illness (cancer) was stress," she said in a heartfelt victim impact statement.

Shaw is now working 52 hours a week, having lost her "nest egg" -- the business she and her husband built. Meanwhile, Hutchens and his family enjoyed a Caribbean cruise this winter and his children attend private school.

Crown attorneys Ann-Marie Calsavara and Moiz Rahman are seeking 5 1/2 years for Hutchens, who has a criminal record spanning 20 years.

Hutchens, who also operated a paralegal firm called Tenants Right Co. and The Legal Network, also admitted that he defrauded three clients with landlord-tenant problems for more than $25,000.

The judge will sentence Hutchens on April 8, 2005.

He wasn’t sent to prison. He was ordered to serve his sentence at home.

On March 19th 2011, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in their W5 program did a TV show on this fraudster. What follows, is a summary of that show.

Many Canadians found themselves financially devastated after turning to private lender CFC, whose website boasts “Just because your bank has said ‘no’ doesn’t mean we will.” W5 finds victims like PEI resident Tanyia Kingyens, who turned to Canadian Funding Corporation to secure a loan to purchase a million dollar seniors residence. Kingyens borrowed $32,000 from family members to cover CFC’s upfront fees.

Then, CFC started changing the rules and adding conditions, which Kingyens met, ultimately leaving her in the hole another $70,000. When the loan didn’t show up on its due date, Kingyens got nervous and searched the name of the CFC president, Craig Hutchens. She was shocked to discover Hutchens had a history of defrauding people.
Hutchens’s lengthy criminal history includes a 2005 conviction for drug trafficking and four counts of fraud, which included bilking a cancer survivor out of $40,000. The 51-year-old now lives in an affluent suburb just north of Toronto. He has converted to Orthodox Judaism and assumed the name “Moishe Alexander,” just one of at least a dozen aliases that W5 discovered in this investigation.

I should add that the program also stated that an investor in Florida needed $300 million dollars and Sandy Hutchins offered to lend him the money but asked for $2 million up front. It turned out that not only did this crook not have $300 million to lend, he couldn’t even get it. He even created a phony document alleging that the Toronto Dominion bank in Canada would give him the money if he needed it. The investor in Florida lost $2 million dollars to this pond scum and has sued for it back.

The Herald Tribune published an article about this crook on November 29, 2010 in which it wrote;

Washington Loop LLC, a Punta Gorda company managed by Charles A. Robinson and Lovina Lehr, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection just three months after suing a Canadian mortgage company for failing to fund a $17.4 million loan commitment.

The lawsuit against First Central Mortgage Funding of Toronto claims that company’s principals, Sandy Hutchens and Jennifer (is she Tanya?) Hutchens, assumed multiple identities in order to trick Washington Loop’s managers into thinking they had secured enough money to pay off their outstanding loans and proceed with their residential development on 250 acres off Washington Loop road in Punta Gorda. But Washington Loop never got a penny from First Central Mortgage.

According to the lawsuit, Washington Loop actually paid $223,000 to First Central Mortgage in fees and expenses, and is now accusing the Canadian mortgage company of fraud, conspiracy and breach of contract.

“First Central Mortgage along with Sandy Hutchens and Jennifer Hutchens obtained the signature and properly executed document as well as $223,000 pursuant to the fraudulent loan commitment by and through the color and aid of fraudulent and false representations,” the lawsuit filed on behalf of Washington Loop states. “Those false and fraudulent representations were statements of the ability to fund the mortgage, statements verbally, through agents, and on website of previous deals that had closed, and communications through e-mails reassuring Washington Loop that the refinancing was forthcoming.”

First Central Mortgage has responded to the lawsuit by filing a motion to dismiss, which claims Washington Loop’s allegations of fraud and conspiracy are “not clearly identified or sufficiently described.”

“The entire complaint is improper because it is an impermissible shotgun pleading,” the motion filed on behalf of the Canadian mortgage company states.

The fact that Washington Loop filed for bankruptcy protection just three months after filing suit against First Central Mortgage, attests to the financial predicament Washington Loop was placed in after failing to get fresh funds from the Canadian company.

Charlotte County court records show that Washington Loop owes $6.76 million to Busey Bank, which was used to begin developing the 250 acres at 37894 Washington Loop Road in Punta Gorda in 2007.

Busey Bank filed to foreclose on that loan in September 2009, but the debt is not yet included in Washington Loop’s bankruptcy filing.

Washington Loop has not filed a complete list of its assets and liabilities, but it has filed a preliminary statement claiming assets of less than $50,000 and debts of more than $1.9 million.

But in its fight to retain its land and the rights to develop it, the lawsuit against First Central Mortgage takes center stage.

The lawsuit states that Washington Loop hired a broker from Bernard Financial Group in August 2009 “to find a suitable lender with the intent to obtain refinancing.”
Bernard Financial referred Washington Loop to First Central Mortgage and Washington Loop received a commitment letter for a $17.4 million loan on Sept. 13, 2009.

To secure that commitment, Washington Loop paid First Central Mortgage $174,000 and paid an additional $6,000 to the Canadian company for travel related expenses.

“Upon wiring of funds and sending all requested documents to First Central Mortgage, Washington Loop started to experience difficulties in communicating with First Central Mortgage,” the Washington Loop lawsuit states. “Additionally, First Central Mortgage missed a planned closing date on Oct. 30, 2009.”

Over the next few weeks, Washington Loop claims First Central Mortgage began deploying delaying techniques – claiming documents were missing from Washington Loop’s loan file and demanding additional appraisals, which cost Washington Loop even more money.

By January of this year, Washington Loop began to ask for confirmation that the funds it was set to receive were held in escrow and discovered that “First Central Mortgage never had the intent or means to fund the signed commitment and that the money was not held in trust or escrow.”

Washington Loop also says in its suit that First Central Mortgage did not employ all the people its said it employed. In fact, Sandy Hutchens used a number of aliases including Moshe Ben Abraham, Fred Hayes, Moishe Alexander and Craig Hutchens, while her daughter, Jennifer Hutchens, used the name Jennifer Araujo.

“Sandy Hutchens and Jennifer Hutchens used no fewer than seven aliases and posed as multiple persons with multiple titles for the purpose of inducing Washington Loop into applying for and paying monies for a loan commitment,?” court documents filed by Washington Loop state. “False and fraudulent representations were made by the two individual defendants who indicated that they had the ability to fund the mortgage, provided information of previous deals that closed that in fact has not and assured Washington Loop that the financing was forthcoming when in fact it was not.”

Now here is some real irony for you. Sandy Hutchens has created a web site in which he warns people to watch for scammers. In it he says in part;

Sandy Hutchens and his team of scam prevention experts have put together some useful information for individuals and businesses to stay aware of the many scams and fraud schemes that are appearing in today’s society. They have also put together some good information for those that have already fell victim to a scam or fraud including contact information for private and government agencies dedicated to fighting against the scammers.

Our mission is to give consumers the information they need to avoid becoming victims of advanced fee fraud, affinity fraud, astrology and psychic scams, banking scams, betting scams, cheque overpayments, false charities, investment scams, identity theft, internet scams, pro-forma invoicing, prize and lottery scams, pyramid schemes, telephone share scams, work-from-home scams and any other type of fraud or scam and to help them get their complaints to law enforcement agencies quickly and easily.

I suppose it could be said that no one better than a scammer can tell you how to protect yourself against scammers. What I find rather interesting however is that he hasn’t mentioned who his so-called experts are. Do they really exist? If not, then that is just another scam of his.

Guess what funds his organization. He claims it is funded by Canadian Funding Corp. According to the CBC program W5, that corporation has no money. This is just another scam of this pond scum.

At the end of his web site, he says;

We at ‘Sandy Hutchens Scam Prevention’ are dedicated to making this world a better place by riding it of scammers and career criminals. You to can do your part by keeping people informed.

The world would be rid of these kinds of scammers if the judges sent them all to prison. I am doing my part to keep people informed about the likes of Sandy Hutchins and other pond scum that seem to sweep over society not unlike the recent Japanese tsunami which left wreckage and misery behind it.

By the way, now that I have your attention, I have a bridge I would like to sell you. One end of it is in Manhattan and the other end is in Brooklyn.

UPDATE: I received an email message from a lawyer in Denver, Colorado on March 28th that said in part; "I am about to file a class action on behalf of everyone he has defrauded in the US." unquote Will Hutchens attend when the matter comes to court? Not likely since he may not be permitted to enter the United States.

1 comment:

  1. It's too bad this isn't NYC, he'd be rooming with Bernie Madoff!

    I also know Tanya Brik-Huthens-Alexander etc....quite well.
    I've known her since she was an 18 year old crack addict/prostitute who supplemented her income as a "Legal Secretary" for a Law Firm whose clients consisted of Hookers, Pimps, and Bikers also the odd stripper and of course drug dealers. In fact she lived with a drug dealer for a few years in her one bedroom apartment on Isabella.

    How do I know this? I lived there too for a short time. She was young but you could see that she was a sociopath even then who wanted a fast and glamorous life but didn't want to work for it and aspired to be a career criminal and other people's lives or financial ruin had no affect on her. She's a shark and she's dangerous. She even stole her own Mothers condo and sold it illegally! She and Sandy both need to be locked up for a while, they wouldn't last a week in jail!
