Monday 24 December 2012

The  world  really will come  to  an  end  eventually

I never cease to be amaze that there are still silly, stupid and naïve fools in the world who truly believe what they have been told by fake soothsayers that the world is really coming to an end during their lifetimes. I use the words; ‘fake soothsayers’ because their public statements are obviously without foundation and they know it or they are suffering from the loss of a large number of brain cells.  

Wilbur Glenn Voliva in September, 1935 was an evangelist who announced that the world was going to go puff and disappear. There was no puff and the world is still here.           
 Herbert W. Armstrong was the founder of the Worldwide Church of God. He told the members of his church that the Rapture was to take place in 1936 and that only they would saved. After the prophecy failed, he changed the date three more times and each time his prophecy failed again.

David Berg who was the leader of Children of God predicted in January 1973 that there would be a colossal doomsday event heralded by Comet Kohoutek. It never happened.

William M. Branhama Christian minister predicted the Rapture would occur no later than 1977. Well, that year came and went some time ago.

 Chuck Smith who was the founder of Calvary Chapel, predicted the generation of 1948 would be the last generation, and that the world would end by 1981 at the latest. We are still waiting, Chucky.

In the late 1976, TV preacher, Pat Robertson predicted that the end of the world was coming in October or November 1982. He was still preaching after 1982.

Harold Camping predicted that Jesus Christ would return to Earth on May 21, 2011, whereupon the righteous would fly up to heaven, and that there would follow five months of fire, brimstone and plagues on Earth, with millions of people dying each day, culminating on October 21, 2011, with the final destruction of the world. He had previously predicted that Judgment Day would occur on or about September 6, 1994. He even told his followers that they would undergo a transformation that would allow them to fly and walk through walls. This fool was wrong in all of his prophecies. What is amazing that many of his followers believed that rubbish he was giving them. Many of them quit their jobs and sold their homes and gave this fool millions of dollars which he used to promote his forecast of doom in 5,000 billboards and 20 RVs plastered with his predictions. When he finally realized that his forecasts were wrong, he admitted that his prophecies had been wrong and that he had no idea as to when the world would end. Later he died on December 15, 2013.

Truly one of the craziest group of doomsday followers was called Heaven’s Gate. The cult based their belief on a combination of Christian ideas of the apocalypse and elements of science fiction. If their ideas were to be believed, planet Earth was due to be wiped clean by supernatural forces, and the only path to salvation was to escape to the “Next Level”. According to founder Marshall Applewhite, this escape could be achieved through an ascetic existence, which meant detachment from family, friends, jobs, possessions and other trappings of modern existence. In 1997, however, Applewhite announced a fast-track route to the Next Level: boarding a spacecraft that was trailing the comet Hale-Bopp. On March 26th, when the comet was at its brightest, Applewhite and 38 of his followers committed suicide in order to abandon their terrestrial forms and gain access to the UFO which of course was never there.

There were many more so-called prophets who claimed that they knew when the world would come to an end including the recent batch of fools who believed that the Mayan calendar forecasted the demised of the world occurring on December 22nd of December 2012. We are still here and we will be for a very long time.

Now the end of life on Earth will come about eventually but our planet will still remain in existence until trillions of years later when it will be swallowed in the black hole in the middle of our galaxy like all the other stars and planets ahead of it. What then, you may ask will bring about the demise of all life on Earth?

Nuclear Winter. This is a hypothetical  climatic  effect of a world-wide nuclear war after exploding hundreds of atomic or hydrogen bombs. The nuclear winter scenario predicts that the huge fires caused by such nuclear explosions resulted from burning urban areas would loft massive amounts of dense smoke from the fires into the upper troposphere stratosphere. At 10-15 kilometers (6–9 miles) above the Earth's surface, the absorption of sunlight would further heat the smoke, lifting some, or all of it, into the stratosphere, where the smoke would persist for years, with no rain to wash it out. This aerosol of particles would block out much of the sun's light from reaching the surface, causing surface temperatures to drop drastically. Eventually, all plant life would die because of the lack of sunlight and then the animals would follow. Finally with no food to eat, human beings would probably eat other humans until there are none left alive on Earth

Large Asteroid Sixty-five million years ago, a huge asteroid that was about 10 kilometres (6.2 kilometres) in diameter hit Earth at a speed of 20 kilometres a second in the Yucatan Peninsula. Its weight was 1.31 trillion tons. Within two minutes after impact, about 105 cubic kilometers of ejecta (1013 tons) was lofted into the air for about 100 kilometers. The material ejected from the impact through the hole in the atmosphere would have re-entered all over the globe and heat up from the friction with the atmosphere. The chunks of material would be hot enough to produce a lot of infrared light. The heat from the glowing material would then start fires around the globe as soon as they hit forests and grassland. Global fires would put about 7 × 1010 tons of soot into the air. This would have aggravated environmental stresses associated with the impact and it subsequently wiped out 70% of all animal life on earth including the dinosaurs. The reason why they died was because the soot and smoke rising into the air blocked out the sun and all plant life withered and died. With no food to eat, the food-eating animals died first followed by the meat-eating animals. Then just as the fate humans would endure with a world-wide nuclear war, human beings would gradually die off after such a large asteroid impact.  If you think it won’t happen again, think again. There have been fives such asteroid impacts in the past.

Volcanic Winter Underneath Yellowstone Park is a monstrous plume of lava and hot rock that is causing the earth above it to heave and tremble. One of the park’s super eruptions (2.1 million years ago), which produced the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff, was the largest and it produced 2,500 times as much ash as the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption did.  Certainly 75,000 cubic square kilometres (46,602 square miles) of debris shot into the air is enough to doom all life on Earth.  It in fact is the largest volcano on Earth even though it is entirely underground. It is referred to as a super volcano.  The U.S. Geological Survey applies the term to any eruption ejecting more than in a single event which is more than 50 times the size of the infamous Krakatau eruption of 1883, which killed more than 36,000 people and far more than Mount St. Helens which only spewed out three cubic kilometers of material into the sky. Gases rising high into the stratosphere would have mixed with water vapor to create a thin haze of sulfate aerosols that dimmed sunlight, potentially plunging the Earth into years of volcanic winter. According to some researchers, humans witnessed such a catastrophe around 74,000 years ago when a super volcano called Toba erupted in Indonesia. It had spewed 2,800 cubic kilometers (240 cubic miles) of pumice and ash into the sky. The ensuing volcanic winter may have contributed to a period of global cooling that reduced the entire human population to a few thousand individuals. 
Our Sun as a red giant The end of our Sun's current phase of development will swell into a red giant, which will swallow the Earth several billion years from now. It is widely accepted by the scientific community that Earth will be destroyed around this time. However, in a billion years from now as our Sun grows gradually hotter (over millions of years), the Earth will become too hot for any form of life to exist.                                                                                                                                        

Black Hole  When Earth is finally sucked into the black hole in the centre of our galaxy, that will truly be the end of Earth expect for what is left of it which will be billions of times smaller than an atom. Let me explain.

A black hole is a region of space from which gravity prevents anything, including light, from ever escaping. Black holes of stellar mass form when very massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycles. Once a black hole has formed, it can continue to grow by absorbing additional matter which becomes compressed with the other material in the black hole. Any black hole will continually absorb gas and interstellar dust from its direct surroundings.  It can continue to grow by absorbing other stars and their planets and everything in between from its surroundings. By absorbing other stars etc., and merging with other black holes, supermassive black holes of millions of solar masses will form. There is general consensus that supermassive black holes exist in the centers of most galaxies. It has been said by scientists that black holes will finally become so compressed and because they are so small as a result; if a present-day rocket after it has also been compressed were able to cross the diameter of the black hole, it would be not unlike a present-day rocket trying to cross the width of our galaxy. As I said earlier in this article, that won’t happen for trillions of years from now so don’t plan for it.   
                                                                                                                          Well, there you have it. Until these events occur, there will still be fools and charlatans prophesizing that our world will be coming to an end much sooner and silly followers will still be believing everything they are being told.
                                                                                                                                 Can I interest you in buying an underground bunker? Don’t you want to be in it when the world comes to an end? You can have it cheap. 


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