Friday 26 April 2013

Stupid  Statements  (Part XVII)


We are all prone to making stupid statements during our lifetimes but some people make them a great deal of the time and some make really stupid statements. Here are some of the really stupid statements uttered by obviously stupid people. 


Rob Ford


This man is the mayor of Toronto, Ontario and who is undoubtedly one of the stupidest mayors that has ever been elected in that city. The stupidity of this man is so obvious when you realize not only what he did while driving on a busy expressway in downtown Toronto at 70 kilometres an hour while reading but also what he said about his stupid act.   


We all know that when we are driving our vehicles, it is extremely important that we concentrate on our driving and that is why we have laws that prohibits us from using hand-held devices while driving. Unfortunately, we don’t have a law in Canada that prohibits us from reading newspapers, books or even government reports while we are driving our vehicles. Recently, this political twit was reading a report which was in his right hand while he was driving his car along the expressway at 70 kilometres an hour. Both hands are supposed to be on the steering wheel.                           


Thousands of people saw him do it when it was shown on Twitter. When a reporter asked him if he reads while driving his car, he replied (brace yourself for it) “Yeah, probably.” What does he mean by probably? He knew that he had been photographed doing it and that it was on Twitter.


He attempted to justify his conduct on the road by saying; “Trying to catch up on my work, you know. I keep my eyes on the road, but I am a busy man.”        A driver should keep his eyes on the road all the time, He can’t do that if he is reading while he is driving his vehicle.           


At the time he was being questioned by the reporter, he was initially talking about a trade mission. He was obviously upset with the reporter’s question with respect to his driving. He said to the reporter. “I don’t know what that (his driving) has to do with the trade mission. Ridiculous questions sometimes.”


It was not a ridiculous question. The mayor is expected to drive his car properly and not be distracted by reading at the same time when his eyes should be on the road ahead of him at all times. If this twit had an accident and someone was seriously injured or killed, his excuse that he was reading a report because he is a busy man and this resulted in him being distracted while driving his car will get him no sympathy at all from the court or the rest of the driving public.   


Earlier this year, Ford faced another round of questions after allegedly driving past the open doors of a streetcar, (which is illegal) causing an exchange of words with the streetcar operator. Last year, Ford avoided a distracted driving charge for speaking on his cell phone while driving. That is also illegal. The incident first came to light after a woman accused the mayor of giving her and her daughter the finger after she asked him to hang up the cell phone.

Generally it is the politicians who make stupid statements and that is probably because most of what they say publicly is recorded in the media.


Krista Ford


This silly 21-year-old woman is the niece of Mayor Ford and like many young people, she too made a stupid statement. While she was interviewed on a radio program called Talk Radio  at AM 640 on August 31st 2012,  she expressed her concern about recent attacks on women in Toronto’s west end by offering the following suggestion to women, “Stay alert, walk tall, carry mace, take self- defence courses and don’t dress like a whore.”


First of all, it is illegal for anyone in Canada other than the police to carry mace or even be in possession of it. Second of all, women who have dressed conservatively have also been sexually attacked by men.


She later apologized for making that silly statement but what is most interesting is that photos of her have been seen on news sites worldwide while being scantily clad. The Daily Mail in England described her as a former Lingerie Football player who dressed extremely provocatively in her Twitter profile picture. It reminds me of that old saw, “Don’t do as I do, do as I say.”


Here are some examples of pure lunacy made by two other  politicians.


Todd Akin


This inane Missouri Republican Congressman who is running for office again was speaking about women who are raped. He said, (brace yourself for it) “It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that’s (impregnation) really rare.” unquote


I can only presume that the doctors he spoke with are all quacks. Did he speak with a gynecologist? Probably not. My mother was raped by a man she was going out with and believe me when I say that my ensuing birth was not a rare event. My birth was inevitable as almost all births that are not aborted whether or not the mother was raped. This political hack actually believes that a woman who has a child because of a date rape or a violent rape and enjoys the raping experience will invariably have a child but if she doesn’t enjoy the experience, she won’t have a child. Give me a break. Does this nitwit have any idea as to how babies are conceived when their fathers raped their mothers?  What is really frightening is that some of his constituents with the same lack of brains might actually vote him into office despite the fact that the Republicans are asking him to withdraw from the Congressional race.


George Galloway


This British member of Parliament is another nitwit who when discussing the accusation of a Swedish woman who said that Julian Assange allegedly raped her as she was sleeping said, (Again I suggest that you brace yourself) “It may be sordid and bad sexual etiquette, but whatever else it is, it is not rape or (otherwise) you bankrupt the term rape of all meaning.”  unquote


Does what he said apply to committing murder?  If so, then he would also say about the killer who with premedication stabs his victim in the back, It may be sordid and bad manners, but whatever else it is, it is not murder or (otherwise) you bankrupt the term murder of all meaning.”


Gerald McMahon

This fool is the lawyer for Jimmy Cournoy, 33 who was arrested in Mexico for importing tons of Canadian marijuana into the United States in league with the Mafia and other criminal organizations. When questioned by the media he said, As we all know, there is no such thing as the Mafia. It’s all in the movies.


Michelle Shocked

According to this folk and rock singing twit’s Facebook, she said, “I am an average anarchist skateboard rock born again Christian.” Not satisfied with that nonsense, she also said in a speech, “You can go on Twitter and say that Michelle Shocked says  that God hates fags.” She was also overheard to say, “Gay marriage will end the world.” Admittedly, there are a lot of gay marriages and no doubt will be many more but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be any more babies born in the future.


Heather Lamoureux

This woman is a judge in the criminal court in Calgary, Canada. When a blind man whom she convicted of sexual assault was determining what would be a suitable sentence to give him, she decided not to send him to jail but instead she sentenced him to house arrest in his home for 18 months. Her reason for this was that if he went to jail, he would be placed in protective custody since placing a blind man, especially a convicted sex offender in the general population of the jail would be dangerous to his well-being. Protective custody units are often requested by convicted sex offenders who are typically threatened and beaten by other prisoners.


This judge said with respect to imprisoning a blind man in prison, “Such a sentence is in breach of the United Nations convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.” I have studied that Convention and there is nothing said about imprisoning people with disabilities. For example, when the Guelph Reformatory for first offenders in Ontario was built, they had a unit that was used only for prisoners suffering from TB. They couldn’t leave the unit, not even to exercise outside the unit. The government actions weren’t in conflict with the human rights of those particular prisoners. When condemned prisoners in the US are placed on death row, they are in their cells 23 hours each day and admittedly they are denied their civil rights, but it is for the protection of other prisoners.  The Correctional authorities in Alberta said that they could accommodate the blind man as they have accommodated a blind man in the past and still accommodate disabled persons. The judge made a silly statement without any justification whatsoever.


Tom Flanagan

He was an advisor to the prime minister of Canada and who was also the campaign manager of one of the leaders of a political party in Canada. He really set of a firestorm of criticism when he said, “Viewing child pornography shouldn’t be a crime. I do have some grave doubts about putting people in jail because of their taste in [child-pornographic] pictures.”


The United States Department of Justice estimates that child-sex pornographers have recorded the abuse of more than one million children in the United States alone. The production of child pornography has become very profitable and is no longer limited to paedophiles. Organized crime is involved in the production and distribution of child pornography therefore when someone downloads child pornography for a price; they are contributing to the wealth of child pornographers so that they can continue abusing and filming sex-abused children.


Flanagan realized that he made a terrible mistake making that statement and apologized. It didn’t help his career however.


Zybeidat Tsarnaeva

One of the two ethnic Chechens involved in the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013 had been under partial FBI surveillance for at least three years. Their mother told the English-language Russia Today television station in a phone interview, a recording of which was obtained by Reuters, “I believe that my sons are innocent and have been framed. Tamerlan was controlled by the FBI, like, for three to five years.”

He was killed in a shootout with police and his younger 19-year-old brother Dzhokhar was captured after a day-long manhunt. Her sons were not under the control of the FBI but the older brother was interviewed at the request of the Russian government several years ago.

The mother later said, “If they are going to kill him. (youngest son) I don’t care. My oldest son is killed, so I don’t care. I don’t care if my youngest son is going to be killed today. I want the world to hear this. And, I don’t care if I am going to get killed too. And I will say, Allahu Akbar!” (God is Great)


She also said, “Those persons shown on TV are actors, not my sons.”


I wonder if she will ever believe that her sons were the Boston Marathon Bombers as the evidence is stacking up against them and the younger son has admitted to a number of people that he and his older brother were the Boston Marathon bombers.


When she was speaking about her oldest son, Tamerlan, she screamed, Why did they kill him? Why did they have to kill him? They got him alive. He was in their hands.”


Tamerlan was shot during a standoff with police and was run over by a car driven by his younger brother as he escaped from the scene.


When describing the scenes of the bombings, she said, “It is a 'really big play with paint instead of blood.”

Zubeidat Tsarnaeva had known as early as 2011 that her son had been radicalised and sent text messages to family in Russia suggesting he was willing to die for Islam.

Anzor Tsarnaev


This man is the father of the two Boston bombers. He said on April 22nd, “Tamerlan was driving him to school when they started shooting at them.” Who told him that? His two sons were fleeing in a high jacked car.


He also said, “Tamerlan had been detained alive rather than dying in a shootout with police and later killed”


The pictures on TV showed that he had been shot by police when the brothers were shooting at them and after he fell to the ground, his younger brother accidentally ran over him with the high jacked car. He was declared dead within ten minutes of being taken to a local hospital.

When asked what he would say to his surviving son, he said: “Give up. Give up. You have a bright future ahead of you. Come home to Russia.”

I hardly think his surviving son has a bright future ahead of him especially if he is facing the death penalty.


The parents of the two Boston Marathon bombers are obviously in a state of denial.


John Norris


This man is the lawyer of Raed Jaser who is one of the suspects of an alleged two-man terrorist plot to bomb a VIA train going from Toronto and into the United States. When the suspects appeared in court on the 24th of April, 2013, the lawyer representing Jasper said in part, “The timing of the arrest is a bit of a mystery and I would certainly like to hear the explanation of the RCMP (federal police) for that. They’ve (the RCMP) been very clear that there were [was] no risk of public safety.” 


He suspected that the timing of the arrest was brought about by the Canadian government’s recent proposal for dealing with terrorists and the arrest of the surviving Boston Marathon terrorist. He may be right but so what? I believe that it was appropriate to arrest the two suspects because the police believed that they had enough evidence to get a conviction against the two men and that delaying the arrest might very well have increased the risk to the passengers taking the fatal train.


The RCMP were not saying that there was no risk. They were saying that just prior to the arrest; the two suspects didn’t appear to be taking immediate steps to place a bomb on the train. However, there is always a risk when terrorists are planning to commit a terrorist act. You can never be absolutely sure when the moment arrives when they will suddenly commit the act. The sooner they are taken into custody, the safer it is for society. We will have to wait to see if the two suspects arrested by the RCMP are guilty of terrorism.


Reeve Witherspoon


The Oscar-winning actress and her husband were stopped by the police when her husband’s driving looked suspicious. He was charged with driving under the influence. When she began leaving the car, she was ordered to remain in the car. In response to that order, she replied, “Do you know who I am? You are about to find out You’re about to be on National News.” Guess what. The officer wasn’t on national news but she was and she certainly will be during her trial for disorderly conduct. She later admitted that her conduct was disrespectful to the officer. Too smart, too late.



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