Friday 10 May 2013

Creeps:  Part XI


About   ten per cent of the world's populations are psychopaths. These people; men, women and children alike are people who have never learned how to have empathy with other human beings. They cannot and do not care about others. They are the school bullies, the highway thugs who tailgate and weave in front of you without signaling; they borrow money from you with no intentions whatever to return the money.  They are wife beaters, nagging wives, children who steal from their parent's purses and wallets, they are the men and women who have unprotected sex with their unsuspecting sexual partners when they are suffering from AIDS, they are the fathers who sire children and then abandon them. They are businessmen who cheat others, they are politicians who are corrupt. They are the kind of people your mother warned you about. Fate being what it is; it is impossible for the remaining ninety percent of the rest of the world's population to avoid coming in contact with these undesirables. However, as we grow older and wiser, we learn how to differentiate most of the ten percenters we come in contact with from the rest of us.

Everything that follows in this series is about the kinds of things psychopaths do to qualify them as being part of the ten percenters and what it was that they did that was so creepy. This does not necessarily mean that because they did something creepy once or twice, that they are necessarily part of the ten percenters. All of us at some time or another will do something creepy in our lives and not really be psychopaths. However, this series is presented to you to illustrate just how creepy some people can be at times.

This particular article is about abortion however it is not my intention in this article to go into the pros and cons of abortion but rather, I will tell of you a creep who did abortions. If you are squeamish, I suggest that you don’t read this article.

Kermit Barron Gosnell (age 72) was an American medical doctor who practiced as an abortion provider in Philadelphia and nearby states between 1972 and 2011and in 2013, he was put on trial for first and third degree murder, illegal prescribing of drugs, conspiracy related to corruption, and illegal abortions and related medical malpractice offenses, at his abortion practice. In 2011, he was reported to be well known in Philadelphia for providing abortions to poor minority and immigrant women. It was also claimed that Gosnell charged $1,600–$3,000 for each late-term abortion. In most states in the US, it is against the law to abort a fetus in the latter months of gestation unless the late-term abortion is necessary to save the life of the mother. 


Gosnell was arrested in January 2011 and charged—along with other crimes and along with other co-defendant employees, with eight counts of murder resulting from gross medical malpractice in treatment of patients at his clinics. The murder charges related to a patient who died while under his care and seven newborns said to have been killed after being born alive during attempted abortions. He pleaded not guilty.


Admittedly, doctors make mistakes and learn from them. Let’s face it, we all make mistakes so unless a doctor’s mistake is a direct result of stupid negligence or recklessness and he makes the same mistake again, I can readily forgive a doctor for his or her mistake. But this quack made a great many mistakes and he didn’t learn a thing from his mistakes. Here is a brief history of acts of misbehaviour filed against him.

1989 and 1993 – Cited by Pennsylvania Department of Health for having no nurses in the recovery room.

1996 – Censured and fined in both Pennsylvania and New York states, for employing unlicensed personnel.

Around 1996 – Pediatrician Dr Schwartz,  the former head of adolescent services at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and as of 2010, Philadelphia’s health commissioner testified in the 2010 hearing that around 1996 or 1997 he had hand-delivered a letter of complaint about Gosnell's practice to the Secretary of Health’s office and stopped referring patients to the clinic, but received no response.

Around 2000 – Civil lawsuit filed on behalf of the children of Semika Shaw, who had called the clinic the day after an abortion to report heavy bleeding, and died 3 days later of a perforated uterus and a bloodstream infection. The case alleged that Gosnell had failed to tell her to return to the clinic or seek emergency medical care. It was settled out of court in 2002 for $900,000.

Around 2001 – Gosnell claimed to be providing children’s vaccines under a program administered by the Health Department’s Division of Disease Control, but was repeatedly suspended for failing to maintain logs and for storing vaccines in unsanitary inappropriate refrigerators and at improper temperatures.

December 2001 – Ex-employee Marcella Choung gave what the Grand Jury would later call ‘a detailed written complaint’ to the Pennsylvania Department of State which she followed up with an interview in March 2002.

Around 2006 – Civil lawsuit filed by patient but dismissed as out of time. The complaint was that Gosnell had been unable to complete an abortion but then apparently failed or refused to call paramedics or other clinical emergency personnel, after she had needed help. The patient reported, “I really felt like he was going to let me die.”

In total during the course of his career, 46 known lawsuits had been filed against Gosnell over some 32 years. Observers claimed that there was a complete failure by Pennsylvania regulators who had overlooked other repeated concerns brought to their attention, including lack of trained staff, barbaric conditions, and a high level of illegal late-term abortions.

His clinic, The Women’s Medical Society was raided on February 18th 2010 under a search warrant by investigators from the FBI and state police. The raid was the result of a months-long investigation by the Drug Enforcement Administration the Philadelphia Police Department, and the State's Dangerous Drug-Offender Unit into suspected illegal drug prescription use at the practice. The investigation had also revealed the suspicious death of patient Karnamaya Mongar in 2009, which had in turn brought to light further information about unsanitary operations, use of untrained staff, and use of powerful drugs without proper medical supervision and control. Thus, when the February 2010 raid took place, staff from the Pennsylvania Department of State and Pennsylvania Department of Health also attended, as these issues were under their jurisdictions.


When the team members entered the clinic, they were appalled, describing it to the Grand Jury as being filthy, deplorable, disgusting, very unsanitary, very outdated, horrendous, and by far, the worst that these experienced investigators had ever encountered. There was blood on the floor. A stench of urine filled the air. A flea-infested cat was wandering through the facility, and there were cat feces on the stairs. Semi-conscious women scheduled for abortions were moaning in the waiting room or the recovery room, where they sat on dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets. All the women had been sedated by unlicensed staff  long before Gosnell arrived at his clinic and staff members could not accurately state what medications or dosages they had administered to the waiting patients. Many of the medications in inventory were past their expiration dates, surgical procedure rooms were filthy and unsanitary resembling a bad gas station restroom. Instruments were not sterile. Equipment was rusty and outdated. Oxygen equipment was covered with dust, and had not been inspected. The same corroded suction tubing used for abortions was the only tubing available for oral airways if assistance for breathing was needed.                                                                                


Fetal remains were haphazardly stored throughout the clinic in bags, milk jugs, orange juice cartons, and even in cat-food containers. Gosnell admitted to Detective Wood that at least 10 to 20 percent of the fetuses were probably older than 24 weeks the legal limit. In some instances, surgical incisions had been made at the base of the fetal skulls. The investigators found a row of jars containing just the severed feet of fetuses. In the basement, they discovered medical waste piled high. The intact 19-week fetus delivered by Mrs. Mongar three months earlier was in a freezer. In all, the remains of 45 fetuses were recovered in which at least two of them, and probably three, could have lived after being removed by this quack.


What did this human monster do when he realized that the fetuses were still alive after they were removed from his patient’s uteruses? Brace yourself!  According to Adrienne Moton, a former employee who was a school dropout and worked in the monster’s clinic, he ordered her kill the surviving babies by snipping with scissors, their spinal cords. She said that she did this with ten babies. She testified at this monster’s trial that she actually saw him carry away a healthy-looking baby before he disposed of it. His lawyer argued that no live births took place at the clinic because Gosnell terminated the pregnancies in utero and therefore, they were not born. I find that hard to believe because the woman who snipped the babies spinal cords wouldn’t have done that evil deed while the babies were still in the women’s uteruses.


Gosnell's license to practice was finally suspended on February 22nd 2010. What I find incredible is the fact that up to then, the governing body that licences doctors didn’t put an end to this monster’s practice permanently long before that date. That tells you something of the calibre of those doctors serving with that body of regulators.


What would you do if you were in need of an abortion and you entered that doctor’s unimaginable house of horrors? You would make a hasty retreat but alas, the women who came to him were desperate because he was the only doctor they knew of who would help them abort their late-term babies.


This creep didn’t take the stand in his defence for obvious reasons. The prosecutor would have rhetorically eviscerated him in front of the jury.  The jury convicted him however on April 23rd, 2013, the court judge tossed three of eight murder charges which means that he still faces the death penalty if convicted on the four remaining counts of first-degree murder involving babies he's accused of killing with scissors after they were born alive. The judge also upheld murder charges in a patient's overdose death. Gosnell is charged with third-degree murder in the 2009 death of 41-year-old Karnamaya Mongar, a recent refugee to the U.S. who died after an abortion at hiss Women's Medical Society. Third-degree murder involves malice, or conscious disregard for her life. That particular crime isn’t a death penalty crime.

Three of Doctor Kermit Gosnell's former employees from his West Philadelphia abortion office could face a potential death penalty sentence just like their employer. City prosecutors alleged that Lynda Williams, 42, from Wilmington; Steven Massof, 48, from Pittsburgh; and Adrienne Moton, 33, from Upper Darby assisted Gosnell in seven abortions where the infants were born live and then killed by the 70-year-old physician.

Pearl Gosnell, 50, the wife of Kermit Gosnell pleaded guilty to performing an abortion after 24 weeks, criminal conspiracy and participating in a corrupt organization according to the District Attorney’s office. Those are not death penalty crimes

I am waiting to learn what the sentences will be and when I learn what they are, I will update this article.

UPDATE:  On May 13th, 2013, his jury found him guilty of involuntary manslaughter for the death of Bhutanese fugitive who died from his botched abortion, and he was also found guilty of first degree murder with respect to the murder of the newborns by having their spinal cords cut while they were still alive. On the following day, he signed an agreement that by not appealing the verdict or the trial, he would not be sentenced to death but he will be instead sent to prison for the rest of his life. He is currently 72 years of age so if he is healthy, he may live another twenty years but if he does, it will be in protective custody in which he will spend 23 hours each day in his cell. It is a fitting punishment for such an evil man.

UPDATE: May 16th,  2013. Dr. Gosnell was given another life sentence for killing a newborn baby whom he described as big enough and thriving, it could walk to a bus.

UPDATE: On May 30th,  2013, this monster's wife, Pearl Gosnell received a sentence of 7 to 23 months in prison. The judge gave her credit for the 3 months she remained in pre-trial custody. Judge Learner decided not to imprison Adrienne Moton 36, who pleaded guilty of third-degree murder because she had shown remorse for killing at least 10 babies by severing their spinal cords at the base of their necks. She should have gone to prison for life as far as I am concerned.


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