Friday 12 July 2013

Stupid Statements VII                            


We are all prone to making stupid statements during our lifetimes but some people make them a great deal of the time and some make really stupid statements. Here are some of the really stupid statements uttered by obviously stupid people.


Paula Deen

The white background behind the text of this paragraph has no significance with respect to the input of the text as it is an anomaly in the printing.
This woman is a celebrity chef who has written a cook book, has a TV show and owns a famous restaurant. She has earned millions of dollars. Then one day she opened her mouth and said a stupid statement that came back to haunt her, big time.


A former employee of Bubba’s Oyster and Seafood House in Savannah, Georgia, (owned by Deen and her brother, Earl ‘Bubba’ Hiers) claims Deen used the N-word while discussing the desired dress code for servers at her brother’s wedding. Here is what she actually said, “Well what I would really like is a bunch of little niggers to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around, Now that would be a true Southern wedding wouldn't it? But we can't do that because the media would be on me about that.” The use of the word nigger is a big no, no and rightly so and especially if it is used by celebrities. Well as to be expected, the media was crawling all over her because of that silly and obnoxious statement. She apologized on TV and tears flowed from her eyes. It brings me back many years ago when I watched the TV evangelist, Swaggart apologizing to his viewers for having sex with a prostitute after criticizing a fellow evangelist for his sexual mores. Tears from his eyes also flowed like the water going over the Niagara Falls. Of course, Swaggart lost his TV show but Deen has lost more than her TV show. Well, as to be expected, she has also lost her sponsors and that will hurt her financially big time. Wal-Mart stores Inc announced in June 2013, that they ended their sponsorship relationship with her. Also her name has being removed from four buffet restaurants in the United States.


Jan Arden


This woman is a Canadian Juno-award singer


She condemned the media by saying, “What you are doing to Paula Deen is disgusting.”  Hey, stupid woman. They were doing what is expected of them—reporting the news. Then she said about the “N’ word, “That word used by Deen was in fact Nutella.”  If that was so, then why did Paula Deen apologize for using the word Nigger?    Then to add salt to the wounds she was inflicting on the media, she said; “Ironically, it’s bigots who are going after Paula Deen’s character. Like they are perfect citizens? What a bunch of bull shit. You bunch of whites.” Does that sound like a lot of gibberish from a rotten child? Then the dizzy heights of her stupidity raised its head when she then said; “I have enjoyed being called a racist.” What kind of fool publicly states that she is enjoying being called a racist?


Serena Williams


This woman is a famous tennis star who is currently ranked No. 1 in women's singles tennis. Regarded as one of the greatest tennis players of all time, Williams is the only player to have achieved a Career Golden Slam in both singles and doubles.  


Williams is one of the world's richest sportswomen and is worth many millions of dollars, however, she is not above taking stacks of the brightly coloured Wimbledon towels home with her after her matches. “The players are requested to give the towels back but can keep them if they want to,” said a Wimbledon spokesman. She has been constantly fined by the tennis authorities for gross behavior on the court however I am not going to dwell on her greed and obnoxious conduct on and off the court but rather on a stupid statement she made.

During a recent interview with Rolling Stone, the tennis champ was asked about the Steubenville rape case.  This was a case where a young woman was raped by two high school football stars. They were sent to jail for a year for their crime. This is what Williams had to say about the rape and the victim.

“Do you think it was fair, what they [the rapists] got? They did something stupid, but I don’t know. I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: Don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember? It could have been much worse. She’s lucky. Obviously, I don’t know, maybe she wasn’t a virgin, but she shouldn’t have put herself in that position, unless they slipped her something, then that’s different.”

Williams is not the first person to put the blame on rape victims. First of all she says that she’s not blaming the victim then she says that she put herself in the position she was in. However, she says that the victim was so drunk she couldn’t remember what had happened to her. Actually she was given a drink that had a drug in it that would later put her into an unconscious state and that is when she was raped. Williams later apologized to the victim for her insensitive statement.


Lance Armstrong


This disgraced cyclist had won seven Tour de France cyclist races only to have all his seven titles stripped from him because of him ingesting the banned hormone erythropoietin which made him stronger than other cyclists in the races.


In June 2013 while being interviewed by Le Mond, he said in part; “I am being persecuted by vulture journalism, desperate journalism.” The media had the right to report the findings of the Anti-doping Agency and his initial denials and eventual admission that he in fact had been taking banned drugs to win his seven titles. I don’t see how the media were vultures or even desperate for news.  He later said; “It was impossible to win the Tour without doping when I was racing.” That was a really stupid statement because if everyone in the race was not ingesting illicit and banned drugs, someone would have won the races. Then to add to his stupidity, he said, “Doping was just part of the job of being a pro cyclist.” That is like an employee in a store saying that stealing from the employer is just part of the job.


Chuck Hagel 


This man is the defence secretary in the United States


During an event being held at the University of Nebraska in June 2013, a Indian-born professor rose to ask a question and it was within seconds that Hagel asked the professor, “You are not a member of the Taliban, are you?”  Hagel later said that the question wasn’t particularly addressed to anyone specifically. Even that statement is stupid considering that he said it almost immediately after the professor rose to speak. He must have thought that because of his skin colour, the professor was a Muslim from Afghanistan.




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