does Canada permit
them to be sold on the market?
Every country has stupid
legislation that should have been removed a long time ago but still remains as
law which haunts everyone who become victims of such stupid laws. Canada is no
exception to this governmental stupidity.
Canada’s Health
Products and Food Branch (HPFB) is regulated by Health Canada which is part of the Canadian government. That branch
has approved 10,000 prescription drugs in Canada. What steps do these people
take to ensure that the drugs they have approved of are not going to cause side
effects that will bring about deaths or alternatively, serious complications
for the wellbeing of those that take these drugs?
Here is a horrible example of where
sufficient testing didn’t take place and a great many people around the world
suffered terribly as a direct result of the failure in properly testing the
drug. The drug I am speaking of is
called thalidomide. This horrible
drug was released into the market in 1957 in West Germany under the label of Contergan. Primarily prescribed as a
sedative or hypnotic, thalidomide also claimed to cure “anxiety, insomnia,
gastritis, and tension". Afterwards it was used against nausea and to
alleviate morning sickness in pregnant women. Thalidomide
became an over the counter drug in Germany around 1960,
and could be bought without a prescription.
Shortly after
the drug was sold, in Germany, between 5,000 and 7,000 infants were born with
malformation of the limbs (phocomelia). Only 40% of these children survived.
Malformation of their limbs meant that they would be born without arms and as a
result, their hands grew out of their shoulders or their arms stop at their
elbows. Many were born without legs or their limbs
stopped at their knees.
Heath Canada approved of
the drug in 1961 even though the people in the HPFB were
aware of the disastrous effects the drug had on children born in Germany of
mothers who took the drug. Why, you may ask, would they approve of such a drug
to be prescribed in the first place? It appears that the regulator didn’t have
the authority to remove the drug from the pharmacist’s shelves. However, they
could have warned the public of the dangers of the use of thalidomide but
instead, they kept silent. Subsequently, hundreds of Canadian babies were born
The Food and Drugs Act which
had been in existence since 1951 had the authority to define what was in the
drugs and what the uses of the drugs were for but it didn’t have the authority
to remove them from the shelves of the pharmacists if they felt that the drugs
would be detrimental to the wellbeing of those that use them.
Currently, there is a pill sold in Canadian drug stores that supposedly
fights acne. It is called Diane-35. These pills are a type of oral
birth-control medication that can also help treat acne. Unfortunately, there are
potential side effects associated with this medication, as there are with other
types of birth-control pills.
If you have hypertension, diabetes or
are obese, Diane-35 can cause water
retention, which will make such medical conditions worse. For example, water
retention can cause excess water to surround the heart thereby causing pressure
against the heart. When
fluid builds up in the lungs, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and arms and legs, brings about congestive heart
failure. When you suffer from that ailment, you have difficulty in breathing. I
know. I suffered from that ailment. It is a very scary situation to be in.
The most common side effects of Diane-35 include nausea, abdominal pain,
bloating, vomiting, dizziness, breast tenderness or pain, excessive fatigue and
feet or ankle swelling. Obviously the side effects far outweigh having the
medicine to fight acne.
France found that the use of Diane-35 for birth control was putting women at risk of suffering
from severe and sometimes fatal blood clots in their bodies. Thirteen Canadian young
women have died as a result of blood clots forming in their bodies after using Diane-35.
So why is this drug permitted to be
sold by pharmacists in Canada? The federal government doesn’t have the
authority to remove the drug from the drug stores. To make matters worse, Health Canada has concluded that the
drug’s benefits outweigh the risks.
What is really worse is that the drug
manufacturers don’t even have to publicize the risks until they have decided to
recall the drugs. By that time, many unsuspecting g victims may have died in
the interim.
Consider what occurred after it was
later learned about the useless affect that Alysena-28
had on women who used it. Health
Canada raised the level of the recall out of concern for women who had been
advised not to get pregnant for medical reasons or who might be using drugs
that “could be even be harmful to a developing fetus.” The updated recall
advises women to check their packages and contact their doctors for advice, as
well as to use an alternative birth control in the meantime. The decision to
delay the more serious recall is upsetting to women who would consider an
unwanted pregnancy a serious health consequence of using that particular drug.
Medicines have made enormous contributions to health. We are able to
treat diseases like meningitis, tuberculosis and syphilis that used to be
untreatable. We have powerful painkillers that help to make the last days of a
cancer patient's life more bearable. Medicines can even prevent heart attacks. If
they are used when needed, medicines can make a difference between life and
death, or comfort and pain.
But taking medicines are always a risk.
Some medicines react unfavorably to other medicines and sometime even with what
he eat. Aspirin which is truly a wonder drug that has many benefits can also
cause ulcers in your digestive system and dangerously thin your blood if you
are already taking blood thinners as part of your medicines. This is why you
should discuss your medicines with your doctor or your pharmacist. The best
guide is to remember that none of the drugs are totally
It has been estimated that between 75,000 and 100,000 people die from
medicine use each year in the U.S. This would make harmful drug reactions the
fourth to sixth leading cause of death. If their higher estimate is correct,
only heart disease, cancer and stroke claim more lives. At the same rate in
Canada, about 10,000 people would die each year from harmful effects of
medicines. You can be one of these people who die.
To get a drug approved for sale in Canada, the company manufacturing the
drug has to test it on cells and tissues, on animals, and finally on people to
show that it is acceptably safe and effective.
Health Canada's Health Products
and Food Branch then reviews the company's application and decides whether
or not the drug can be marketed. If it is approved, the HPFB also approves
specific labeling to accompany it. This labeling includes a listing of the
health conditions the drug has been shown to treat effectively, warnings about
possible harmful effects and about interactions with other medicines, as well
as information about who should and who should not use the drug; for example,
labeling would indicate whether it can be used safely by children, pregnant
women, the elderly, or by people with certain health problems.
Unfortunately, In Canada, these decisions are made behind closed doors and neither the
public nor physicians have access to the reports of Health Products and Food Branch reviewers or to the information on safety
and effectiveness a company submits for review. Further, a company is under no
obligation to publish the effectiveness and safety studies submitted for
review, and these studies often remain unpublished. Therefore, without access
to the reports that are submitted to Health Canada, physicians and the public
often have very limited information on which to base decisions about whether to
try a new drug.
Even if these unpublished studies were to be made available in Canada,
our knowledge about the effects of new drugs would be limited. Usually, between
2000 to 3000 people will have taken the drug in pre-marketing studies, and often
only for short periods of time. After it is then released on the market, thousands
or even millions of people may use the same drug. If 2000 to 3000 people who tested
a particular drug and long-term serious harmful reactions occurred in less than
about 1 in 800 people of the people tested, millions of people who buy the
product are unlikely to be aware of the possible risk. By the time the bad
effects of the drug has been discovered, you could be one of thousands of
people who are suffering from the side effects of a drug you thought was safe.
Remember, it is to the advantage of the drug manufacturers to be
silent about the side effects of their drugs if they think that the harm is
slight or limited to only a few users of the drug. Money is their goal, not
your welfare.
The Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Program in Health
Canada, which is responsible for monitoring harmful drug reactions, has started
to disseminate information through a newsletter and by making regular reports
in the Canadian Medical Association
Journal. These reports are a good way to warn physicians of harmful drug
effects that have been reported to the Centre or that have been observed in
other countries. Unfortunately, they usually do not reach the public. I notice
that National Geographic Magazine
which advertises various drugs includes a very comprehensive description of the
side effects of those drugs being advertised in their magazine. They do this
because they don’t want to be sued by people who suffer from the side effects
of the medicine advertised in their magazine.
and Health Protection is
a coalition of community groups, researchers, journalists and activists
concerned about the safety of pharmaceutical drugs. They have made the
following suggestions that in my
opinion, may alleviate this ongoing problem of bad drugs.
STRENGTHEN the drug approval system, and only allow new drugs on the market in
Canada that show an advantage over existing treatments, whether it is better
safety, effectiveness or convenience.
MAKE the drug approval system a participatory process, and allow full public
access to the information on drug safety and effectiveness used by Health
Canada, as well as to the reasons why Health Canada decided to accept or refuse
a new drug.
DEVELOP detailed, clear conflict of interest guidelines for scientific,
advisory and decision-making committees involved in drug regulation. People
with financial ties to the company manufacturing a product should not be
involved in decisions about whether that product is approved.
REQUIRE systematic, scientifically designed follow-up studies once a drug is
approved, during the first years it its use, to collect information on its
safety when it's used in a large population and under relatively uncontrolled
conditions. These post-approval studies should not be a trade-off for weaker
drug approvals.
MAKE adverse drug reaction reporting mandatory for doctors, pharmacists and
other health professionals and give it a prominent place in health education.
USE existing computerized provincial drug prescribing databases for
routine, less intense monitoring of health effects of new drug treatments. This
type of monitoring should be done in a way that maintains confidentiality and
protects privacy.
HAVE an effective warning system in place to let health professionals and
the public know if a problem is suspected, or if a drug has been banned or
restricted for safety reasons in another country.
SET UP special safety studies for drug use in pregnancy and breastfeeding and
for drugs used by healthy women over long periods of time. These should be
long-term as well as short-term studies.
IMPLEMENT drug approval processes that allow for the full participation of a wide
range of women’s organizations and women’s health activists in the assessment
and approval of new products that are used primarily by women, including all
new hormonal products for women.
GIVEN the problem of unnecessary medicalization of women’s lives, a full
public review is needed of all drugs currently on the Canadian market that are
intended for healthy stages of women’s lives (menstrual cycle, menopause,
pregnancy, breastfeeding), for disease prevention in healthy women (for example
osteoporosis prevention), or for treatment of mental health problems
(anti-anxiety drugs, sleeping pills and antidepressants). This review should
involve full participation of women’s organizations, as described above. The
aim would be to re-examine licensing decisions and labeling, and to develop
policy options to deal with current and future problems related to unnecessary
prescribing of drugs to women.
I hope you have found this article useful.
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