Prostitution in Canada
Prostitution has been legal in Canada for a great many years. What has been illegal with respect to prostitution is living off the avails of prostitution and soliciting in a public place. Alas, the police have charged husbands and/or boyfriends who have been out of work with living off the avails of prostitution when their girlfriends or husbands were given the money by their girlfriends or wives to buy food for both of them or pay the rent for both of them. And if the act of prostitution was undertaken in their home, their home is declared a public place and that means that they can’t even bring alcoholic beverages into the home without first obtaining a permit from the government. As you can see, this is a foolish law.
It has in the past, been illegal
to solicit a potential customer in a public place such as a street sidewalk.
Now I can see the justification for that particular law. A great many citizens
who had no intentions whatsoever of having sex with a prostitute, resented
being approached by a hooker on the street. Some of the hookers were quite
aggressive in the manner in which they made their solicitations. A citizen
shouldn’t have to sidestep an aggressive hooker.
The majority of the Court of Appeal found the
prohibition on communicating in public for the purpose of prostitution was
constitutional. While it engaged security of the person, it did so in
accordance with the principles of fundamental justice. That is because
the provision in the Criminal Code aims to combat
nuisance-related problems caused by street solicitation. It is not
arbitrary; it has been effective in protecting residential neighbourhoods from
the targeted harms. Nor is it overbroad or grossly
disproportionate. In finding the provision grossly disproportionate, the
application Superior Court judge erred by understating the objective in a way
that did not reflect the evidence, and by over-emphasizing the impact of the
provision on prostitutes’ security of the person. The evidence did not
establish that inability to communicate with customers contributed to the harm
experienced by prostitutes to a degree that made the impact grossly
disproportionate to the benefits. The majority of the Court of Appeal also
found that it was bound by the fact that this provision violated s. 2(b)
of the Charter,
but was justified under s. 1
of the Charter.
Section 7
provides that the state cannot deny a person’s right to life, liberty or
security of the person, except in accordance with the principles of fundamental
justice. At this stage, the question is whether the impugned laws
negatively impact or limit the applicants’ security of the person.
The Supreme Court said in response;
“The prohibitions at issue do not merely impose conditions on
how prostitutes operate. They go a critical step further, by imposing
dangerous conditions on prostitution; they prevent people engaged in a risky —
but legal — activity from taking steps to protect themselves from the risks.”
The bawdy-house provisions, however, make it an
offence to do so in any “place” that is “kept or occupied” or “resorted to” for
the purpose of prostitution. To some
degree, that provision can be a godsend to non-participants in the immediate
area of a bawdy house.
For example, if you live in a
rooming house, a condo, an apartment, a duplex or two houses joined together, the
last thing you want to be hearing on the other side of a common wall is the
high-pitched shrieking of joy from a woman indulging in some form of sexual
Many years ago, I was in a motel
room on Ottawa and around midnight while I was almost asleep, I suddenly heard
screeching from a woman. Further, the headboard of the bed in her room was
banging the wall that the headboard of my bed was next to. For half an hour I
could hear, “WOW”, thump, thump, “WEE” thump, thump, “OHHH, YOU’RE SO GOOD”
until I finally had enough. I went to the main desk and told them if they
couldn‘t put an end to the racket going on in the room next to me, then I wanted
a room in the owners apartment. The love birds were turfed from the hotel and I
then got a decent night’s sleep.
Based on a balance of probabilities, the safest
form of prostitution is working independently from a fixed location. Obviously
indoor work is far less dangerous than street prostitution — a finding that the
evidence amply supports. However I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that
not always is indoor prostitution safe. A number of years ago, a man killed and
butchered a woman who was in her bedroom in her parent’s home while her parents
were downstairs in the kitchen. They didn’t hear a thing coming from their
daughter’s room. This means that for a brothel to be safe, security has to be
maintained so that such a thing doesn’t happen to the prostitutes who work out
of the brothel.
The current prohibition on hiring drivers or
security guards is a problem because this prevents prostitutes from
having a regular clientele and from setting up indoor safeguards like
receptionists, assistants, bodyguards and audio room monitoring, which would
reduce risks. Further, it interferes
with provision of health checks and preventive health measures
When I was in my second year of the
Criminology Program at the University of Toronto, I chose to write one of my
papers on prostitution. I pointed out that in my opinion there was a need for
women who are willing to share their bodies with men that are strangers to
them. My reasoning was based on the fact that many men don’t have girlfriends
or husbands because of a number of reasons that are not their fault and they
need some way to release their sexual urges. Even married men would go to as
prostitute to have some form of sex their wives wouldn’t give them. While
some prostitutes may fit the description of persons who freely choose (or at
one time chose) to engage in the risky economic activity of prostitution, many
prostitutes have no meaningful choice but to do so.
A common complaint from the
prostitutes in Canada was that if they are alone with a stranger, they might
get killed and that is often why their boyfriends would be nearby. But the
boyfriends were then charged by the police for living off the avails of
prostitution. Even if a cab driver remained nearby, he too would face that
As to pimps living off the avails
of prostitution, I have no sympathy at all for them. They usually are scum bags
that take almost all of the prostitute’s earnings and many of them beat the
women if they don’t earn enough.
Well, at last, these issues have
been looked into by the Supreme Court of Canada. Its decision came down on
December 20, 2013. They heard arguments from 20 interveners representing
government along with a number of organizations.
Three current or former prostitutes, (B, L and
S) brought an application to the court seeking declarations that three
provisions of the Criminal Code which
criminalize various activities related to prostitution, infringe their rights
under section 7
of the Canadian Charter.
section 210
makes it an offence to keep or be in a bawdy‑house; s. 212(1)(j)
prohibits living on the avails of prostitution; and, section 213(1)(c)
prohibits communicating in public for the purposes of prostitution. They
argued that these restrictions on prostitution put the safety and lives of
prostitutes at risk, by preventing them from implementing certain safety
measures — such as hiring security guards or “screening” potential clients —
that could protect them from violence. B, L and S also alleged that section 213(1)(c)
infringes the freedom of expression guarantee under section 2(b)
of the Charter,
and that none of the provisions are saved under section 1
which states that despite the abuses against the Charter, exceptions can be made in the interest of the general
The court ruled that the existing laws
negatively impact security of the person rights of prostitutes and thus engage s. 7.
The proper standard of causation is a flexible “sufficient causal connection”
standard, as correctly adopted by the application judge. The prohibitions
all heighten the risks the applicants face in prostitution — itself a legal
activity. They do not merely impose conditions on how prostitutes
operate. They go a critical step further, by imposing dangerous conditions
on prostitution; they prevent people engaged in a risky — but legal — activity
from taking steps to protect themselves from the risks. That causal
connection is not negated by the actions of third‑party johns and pimps, or
prostitutes’ so‑called choice to engage in prostitution. While some
prostitutes may fit the description of persons who freely choose (or at one
time chose) to engage in the risky economic activity of prostitution, many
prostitutes have no meaningful choice but to do so. Moreover, it makes no
difference that the conduct of pimps and johns is the immediate source of the
harms suffered by prostitutes. The violence of a john does not diminish
the role of the state in making a prostitute more vulnerable to that violence.”
Further, the three women established that the
deprivation of their security of the person is not in accordance with the
principles of fundamental justice: principles that attempt to capture
basic values underpinning Canada’s constitutional order. This case
concerns the basic values against arbitrariness (where there is no
connection between the effect and the object of the law and where the law
goes too far and interferes with some conduct that bears no connection
to its objective), and gross disproportionality (where the effect of the law is
grossly disproportionate to the state’s objective).
These are three distinct principles related to
arbitrariness, in that the question for both is whether there is no connection
between the law’s effect and its objective. All three principles compare
the rights infringement caused by the law with the objective of the law, not
with the law’s effectiveness; they do not look to how well the law achieves its
object, or to how much of the population the law benefits or is negatively
impacted. The analysis is qualitative, not quantitative.
The question under s. 7
is whether anyone’s life, liberty or security of the person has been
denied by a law that is inherently bad; a grossly disproportionate, overbroad,
or arbitrary effect on one person is sufficient to establish a breach of s. 7
guaranteeing their security against harm being done to them.
The Supreme Court recognized that working as
call girls is the safest way to sell sex; yet, prostitutes who attempt to
increase their level of safety by working as call-girls currently face criminal
sanction. With respect to s. 212(1)(j),
prostitution, including legal out-call work, may be made less dangerous if a
prostitute is allowed to hire an assistant or a bodyguard; yet, such business
relationships are illegal due to the living on the avails of prostitution
provision. Finally, s. 213(1)(c)
prohibits street prostitutes, who are largely the most vulnerable prostitutes
and face an alarming amount of violence, from screening clients at an early,
and crucial, stage of a potential transaction, thereby putting them at an
increased risk of violence.
Prostitutes are faced with deciding between
their liberty and their security of the person. Thus, while it is
ultimately the client who inflicts violence upon a prostitute, in my view the
law plays a sufficient contributory role in preventing a prostitute from taking
steps that could reduce the risk of such violence being brought down upon them.
Making in an offence to forbid the existence
of a bawdy house and living on the avails of prostitution
has been unconstitutional on the basis that they engaged the security of the
person in a way that was not in accordance with the principles of fundamental
justice. Nevada and Amsterdam were places where men
could go to brothels to have sex and it was legal.
The court also said, “Applying
these principles to the impugned provisions, the negative impact of the bawdy‑house
prohibition (s. 210)
on the applicants’ security of the person is grossly disproportionate to its
objective of preventing public nuisance. The harms to prostitutes
identified by the courts below, such as being prevented from working in safer
fixed indoor locations and from resorting to safe houses, are grossly
disproportionate to the deterrence of community disruption. Parliament has
the power to regulate against nuisances, but not at the cost of the health,
safety and lives of prostitutes.
Second, the purpose of the living on the avails
of prostitution prohibition in s. 212(1)(j)
is to target pimps and the parasitic, exploitative conduct in which they
engage. The law, however, punishes everyone who lives on the avails of
prostitution without distinguishing between those who exploit prostitutes and
those who could increase the safety and security of prostitutes, for example,
legitimate drivers, managers, or bodyguards. It also includes anyone
involved in business with a prostitute, such as accountants or
receptionists. In these ways, the law includes some conduct that bears no
relation to its purpose of preventing the exploitation of prostitutes.
The living on the avails provision is consequently overbroad.
Third, the purpose of the communicating
prohibition in s. 213(1)(c)
is not to eliminate street prostitution for its own sake, but to take
prostitution off the streets and out of public view in order to prevent the
nuisances that street prostitution can cause. The provision’s negative
impact on the safety and lives of street prostitutes, who are prevented by the
communicating prohibition from screening potential clients for intoxication and
propensity to violence, is a grossly disproportionate response to the
possibility of nuisance caused by street prostitution.” unquote
Unfortunately, the communicating law as it
applies today has had the effect of displacing prostitutes from familiar areas,
where they may be supported by friends and regular customers, to more isolated
areas, thereby making them more vulnerable to being picked up by someone who
will do serious harm to them when they are helpless and alone.
While the Attorneys General did not seriously
argued that the laws, if found to infringe s. 7,
can be justified under s. 1,
some of their arguments under s. 7
were properly addressed at this stage of the analysis. In particular,
they attempt to justify the living on the avails provision on the basis that it
must be drafted broadly enough in order to capture all exploitative
The law not only catches drivers and bodyguards,
who may actually be pimps, but it also catches clearly non‑exploitative
relationships, such as receptionists or accountants who work with prostitutes.
The law is therefore not minimally impairing. Nor, at the final stage of the s. 1
inquiry, is the law’s effect of preventing prostitutes from taking measures
that would increase their safety, and possibly save their lives, outweighed by
the law’s positive effect of protecting prostitutes from exploitative
The impugned laws are not saved by s. 1 which means that even if what the prostitutes
do is against the best interests of the general public, they are protected from
the current law that outlaws the conduct of those who protect prostitutes for a
fee as it pertains to the charges of living off the avails of prostitution.
The court ruled that although
each of the challenged provisions violates the Charter
does not mean that Parliament is precluded from imposing limits on where and
how prostitution may be conducted, as long as it does so in a way that does not
infringe the constitutional rights of prostitutes. The regulation of
prostitution is a complex and delicate matter. It will be for Parliament,
should it choose to do so, to devise a new approach, reflecting different
elements of the existing regime. Considering all the interests at stake,
the declaration of invalidity should be suspended for one year.
There is no doubt in my mind that before the
Canadian parliament prepares the new legislation, there will be many people who
will find fault with the Supreme Court’s ruling and will make their views known
to the parliamentarians.
As an example, young women going to university
or college will be tempted to sell their bodies to strangers to earn their
tuition and their living expenses rather than take on a temporary job
somewhere. Further, unscrupulous pimps will still be around acting under the
guise of drivers etc.
Parliament will also have to take into
consideration the fact that when prostitutes congregate in one specific area of
any community, petty crime soon follows.
This means that the prostitutes in a community should be permitted to
congregate in an area that is neither residential or where stores are located
so that the non-participant citizens won’t be hassled.
One of the issues that will surely be raised in
Parliament is the issue of payment for those services. That could be solved by licencing the hookers
and making them eligible to participate in both federal and possible government
pension plans. In other words, the more they earn and declare on their income
tax forms, the higher will be their benefits when they retire at age 60 or
Years ago, I was invited to make a presentation
before the Toronto City Council that wanted to licence hookers. I expressed
some concern by stating that could be a problem for the women if their request
for such a licence was refused. I asked the city council and the hundreds of
spectators in the council hall as to how they would feel if they had been
turned down for a prostitute’s licence and later when asked if they had been
refused a licence in the past, they would have to admit they couldn’t even get
a licence to sell their bodies. That statement brought howls of laughter from
both the spectators and the members of the council.
213(1)(c) of the Criminal
Code prohibits communicating or attempting to communicate for the purpose
of engaging in prostitution or obtaining the sexual services of a prostitute,
in a public place or a place open to public view. The provision extends
to conduct that is verbal communication by prohibiting stopping or attempting
to stop any person for those purposes. This law applies to both hookers and
their johns. Toronto female police officers would often pose as prostitutes and
as soon as a john proposed to the officer, a police car suddenly appeared and
the john was promptly arrested. Even if
many of the prostitutes find ways in which they can solicit business in places
other than those that are public, there will be some of them who will continue
to congregate on the sidewalks of busy streets.
Another way to cut down on the number of
prostitutes in Canada is for Immigration Canada to be more careful as to whom
they permit to come to Canada. For example, as many as 400,000 prostitutes in
Germany came from other countries. Whenever organized crime raises its ugly
head, you can be sure that the prostitutes will follow. The way to solve this
problem is to punish all members of organized crime, no matter what their
status are in the gangs. Pimps who live entirely on the earnings of prostitutes
should be severely punished. A five year minimum for the first offence and
every offence after that might very well get those pimps away from these women.
Accepting the realization that there are those
who freely choose to engage in prostitution, it must be remembered that
prostitution — the exchange of sex for money — is not illegal in Canada nor has
it ever been so. This being so, it behooves the members of the Canadian
Parliament to make sure that the prostitutes can act in a manner that reduces
their risk of being harmed in any manner whatsoever. To ignore their current
plight, is contrary to the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms that guarantees that everyone is entitled to
be protected from harm as stated in section 7 of the Charter.
At the same time, the parliamentarians must
bring in legislation that also protects the communities from un-called for nuisances
that may come about by bothersome solicitation on the part of prostitutes and
johns alike in public places—such as in
residential areas and especially where children congregate and also in
commercial areas where shopping is done.
If more of an effort was made to improve the
lives of women who are forced for economic reasons to prostitute themselves,
there would be less women choosing this way of life. Of course many of these
women bring about their vocation to a life of prostitution by ingesting drugs
that harm them, both physically and mentally.
Prostitution will only end when men have no need
to be sexually aroused. Since that will never happen, society has an obligation
to organize prostitution in such a manner that the sex workers are protected,
the criminals have no part of it and the ordinary citizens aren’t hassled by
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