Do wind turbines really harm humans?
For years, we have been listening
to people claiming that wind turbines are harming the health of human beings.
Hopefully, I will be able to persuade you that such harm to humans is a myth. I
will give you the background of the couple who made a claim that the wind
turbines near their farm were harming them and I will also give you the
decision of the Environment Appeals Tribunal that heard their complaint and
made their decision in December 2013.
Shawn and Tricia Drennan
(hereinafter referred to as the appellants) filed a request on August 6, 2013
for a hearing before the Environmental Review Tribunal with respect to their
complaint about nearby wind turbines harming their health. Their complaint was
directed to the 140 turbines located in the Township of
Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh, in Huron County, Ontario. These wind turbines had a
capacity to provide 270 megawatts. One
megawatt is one million watts of power. A
large apartment building or large commercial building may use several megawatts
in electric power and heat. It follows that 270 megawatts could supply power
for a small town.
The appellants filed a
notice of a constitutional question alleging that permitting the turbines to
operate near human beings violates section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the “Charter”) that guarantees that everyone has the
right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be
deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental
justice. I suppose they were suggesting that the turbines were interfering with
their right to live without their health being harmed by the nearby turbines.
The main issues
are: Issue No. 1: Whether the
Appellants’ right to
security of person has been violated under s. 7 of the Charter. Issue No. 2: Whether permitting the Project to
exist in accordance with the REA (Exposure and Risk Assessments) will cause serious harm to
human health.
Section 145.2.1 (2) states that the
Tribunal shall review the decision of the Director and shall consider only
whether engaging in a renewable energy project in accordance with the renewable
energy approval will cause (a) serious harm to human health; or (b)serious and
irreversible harm to plant life, animal life or the natural environment. The person who asked for the hearing has the onus
of proving that engaging in the renewable energy project in accordance with the
renewable energy approval will cause harm to that person, to others and/or to
the environment. This is what the appellants were hoping to achieve.
The Appellants submitted that the evidence heard at
the original hearing established that
there had yet
to be established a safe setback distance or appropriate noise level to protect
humans from harm to their health associated with industrial wind turbines. Their evidence was that even at setback distances of 800 metres and noise compliance with 40 decibels. Ontario
residents are still exposed to adverse health effects associated with noise
emitted from industrial wind turbines. They
therefore submitted that because the legislative scheme for the creation of
industrial wind turbine projects exposes the public to a risk to their health,
the legislative scheme must comply with s. 7 of the Charter and at present, it wasn’t. Accordingly, they were seeking a revocation of the
Director’s decision to approve the project.
Mr. Wrightman, as a participant at the appeal
hearing, filed a submission with respect to the Appellants’ s. 7 Charter claim. In his submission, he
said that as a result of the regulatory
process, which does not require the project proponent to establish that there
are no adverse health effects associated with a wind turbine farm, it is clear
that there will be nevertheless health effects that will violate the section 7
rights of the Appellants. He also said
that by reversing the burden of proof in circumstances where there is evidence
of adverse health effects is itself a violation of section 7.
The Director submitted that, for a claim to
be successful under s. 7 of the Charter,
the deprivation or harm complained of must be state imposed. In this case, he submitted the deprivation
outlined by the Appellants is not state imposed. The Director further noted that courts have
held that where there is a proven risk of harm, appellants then must prove that
the state action or impugned provisions create an increased risk of harm to the
known harm that was already established. The question that had to be answered is; “Is
there evidence that would establish that the wind turbines would cause harm to
humans etc.?”
The Appellants called
four witnesses who have lived near wind turbine projects in the province. Witness No. 1 lived on a property with the
nearest wind turbine 800 metres away.
This witness outlined a number of health impacts attributed by the
witness to the wind project, such as sleep deprivation, ringing in the ears,
increased blood pressure and heart rate, among other concerns. The Appellants submit that the evidence of
this witness should carry significant weight because the witness moved from the
house because of the wind turbine although the family had intended to retire at
that location.
Witness No. 2 had a wind turbine less than
550 metres from their residence and attributed a number of health impacts to
the turbines including sleep deprivation, stomach aches, heart palpitations,
headaches and cognitive and memory problems. The witness stated that once the
family moved away from the wind turbines, the symptoms were relieved. The
Appellants submitted that the Tribunal should also give significant weight to
this witness’ testimony since there was no other plausible explanation for the
adverse health impacts.
Witness No. 3 lives near the Melancthon wind
farm and testified with respect to the impacts from the operation of the
transformer station located approximately 490 metres from the home. Witness No.
3 did not complain about the wind turbines located four to five kilometres from
the home. Witness 3 however complained
of poor sleep, shakiness, headaches, pressure in the chest and ringing in the
ears which the witness associates with the operation of the transformer. The witness testified that the health issues
persisted despite a number of mitigation measures being undertaken by the
approval holder of that project. The
witness did outline a number of pre-existing health issues. The witness states it was the vibration and
humming inside of the home that was the cause of concern, although no evidence
was adduced with regard to the cause of the vibration and humming and the
associated noise levels.
Witness No. 4 lives in a house where the
nearest wind turbine is located 724 metres from that house. The witness
complained of experiencing headaches, ear aches, trouble sleeping and
associated health effects allegedly commencing once the wind farm became
operational. Medical records that relate
to the issue only dated from August of 2013.
Witness No. 4 had a number of health issues prior to the operation of
the wind turbine. The witness admitted
that a number of the health complaints occur when the witness is in the house,
irrespective of whether the wind turbines are in operation or not.
The Director argued that the Tribunal should
not rely on the evidence of the post-turbine witnesses. For the first witness,
the Director said that no medical professional has linked the turbine projects
to any of these health issues and that all of the clinical tests, such as
hearing, stress and cardiology tests were found to be normal. With respect to the second post-turbine
witness, the Director said that the medical records submitted contained
virtually no notes of the health issues raised by the witness and that no
medical professional has linked the turbine project to any of the health
issues. The Director further noted that all four of the witnesses admitted that
they were self-diagnosed. A previous hearing with respect to another appellant
ruled that where the Tribunal stated that the witnesses’ own evidence was not
and could not be found to be confirmatory of causation in the absence of expert
medical evidence confirming causation and conclusive measurement of sound
pressure levels. The complaints from the post-turbine witnesses did not provide
sufficient evidence to make a diagnosis since the complaints were
self-reported, there were incomplete medical records and the witnesses had not
been examined by a treating physician.
The Director also noted that the witnesses
did not provide noise level measurements so that the Tribunal could determine
whether the health complaints arose from noise levels below 40 decibels.
It would appear that those four witnesses had
self-diagnosed themselves with Wind Turbine
Syndrome and yet many of them exhibited pre-existing conditions that
suggest other underlying conditions than those caused by the turbines.
Mr. O’Neal was called by the
Director and qualified by the Tribunal in this proceeding to give opinion
evidence as an expert acoustician with expertise in low frequency noise. Mr. O’Neal gave evidence that it was his
opinion that infrasound and low frequency sound will not impact people at
distances as close as 305 meters from the nearest wind turbine. He further
testified that the work he conducted and the literature he reviewed led him to
the conclusion that infrasound and low frequency sound levels from wind
turbines were below the criteria for various standards organizations with
respect to the impacts on the health of those people living those distances
from the turbines.
Another witness, Mr. Coulson was called to
give evidence and was qualified as an expert witness by the Tribunal to give
opinion evidence as a noise engineer.
The Mr. Coulson reviewed the noise assessment prepared for the
Project. Mr. Coulson concluded that the
noise assessment prepared for the Project was in compliance with the Ministry’s
Noise Guidelines and thus disagreed with the deficiencies listed by Mr. James
in his evidence. He also said that he didn’t believe that there is anything
unique about infrasound from wind turbines in that there are many natural
sources of infrasound and they are consistent with the infrasound from wind
Dr. Mundt was called to give testimony
and was qualified by the Tribunal to give opinion evidence in epidemiology,
which is the study of the causes of disease in populations. Dr. Mundt had undertaken a review of the
available thirteen peer-reviewed scientific studies with respect to wind
turbines and human health and concluded that there is no convincing evidence
that residential exposure to wind turbines causes harm to human health although
the literature reports an association between sound pressure levels and
annoyance. Dr. Mundt’s conclusion was that while some individuals may
experience annoyance from wind turbine noise, there is no indication of a
correlation between annoyance from wind turbine noise and adverse health nor does
the noise affect the health of humans and further, in those studies there
wasn’t any indication of serious harm to humans.
Dr. Mundt concluded that the
evidence of the post-turbine witnesses was insufficient to determine a causal connection
between their health and exposure to wind turbine noise; and that the health
impacts complained of by the post-turbine witnesses could not be extrapolated
to any other group.
It is my respectful opinion that
the only conditions consistently complained of with respect to wind turbines are
annoyance. There is a difference between disease and annoyance and annoyance is
not classified as a disease.
Dr. Mundt’s view was that there is a possible
explanation for the reporting of adverse health effects by some people. It is
called the ”nocebo effect”; that is, when persons are presented with
first-person accounts of symptoms attributed to wind turbines, they tend to
report more deviant health symptoms and
greater intensity of symptoms regardless if they are exposed to wind turbine
infrasound or other sources of infrasound.
Dr. McCunney was called as a witness and was
deemed to be qualified by the Tribunal to give opinion evidence as a medical
doctor specializing in occupational and environmental medicine with particular
expertise in health implications of noise exposure. Based on his assessment of the noise
assessment report for the Project, the relevant scientific literature and the
evidence presented by the Appellants, he concluded that the Wind Turbine Project
would not cause harm to human health if operated in accordance with the standards
of the Exposure and Risk
Assessments. Dr. McCunney further reviewed the relevant
literature and concluded that there is no scientific support for a direct
causal link between chronic noise exposure of less than 40 decibels and adverse
health effects. Dr. McCunney also concluded that infrasound and low frequency
sound from wind turbines with conditions similar to the REA are not at levels
that are harmful to human health. He also said that the nonspecific symptoms
complained of by the post-turbine witnesses are common to the general
population, and sleep disorders are also common in the population and have
multiple causes. He further said that the World Health Organization’s Night Noise Guidelines for Europe
established that noise levels lower than 45 decibels are not associated with
significant sleep awakenings.
Dr. Moore was called as a witness
and was deemed to be qualified by the Tribunal to give opinion evidence as a
physician with expertise in family and emergency medicine, public health and
preventative medicine. He explained the importance
of complete medical histories for the post-turbine witnesses in order to form a
medical diagnosis. Dr. Moore outlined
that the relationship between health effects and exposure can only be drawn by
taking into account a variety of factors, including habits, diet, past
illnesses, medications being used and the occupation of the witnesses. In this
particular hearing, neither of the witnesses were examined by their family
doctors in this manner so it follows, that their self-diagnosis was of no value
to the tribunal. Dr. Moore submitted that the concept of “Wind Turbine
Syndrome” is not a medically accepted diagnosis and that there is no evidence
for such a set of health effects from exposure to wind turbines that could be
characterized in such a manner.
Dr. Moore testified that he
reviewed the medical records of the four post-turbine witnesses and concluded
that, given the limited exposure information, limited medical histories
provided, the possible bias he identified, and the wide array of symptoms that
are common to the general population, it would be irrational, indeed not
biologically plausible for many of the adverse effects alleged by the
post-turbine witnesses to be attributed to any one etiology (the study of the
causes of diseases). There is no doubt in my mind that the four complainants believed that
the wind turbines created problems for them, at least in their minds. But
perhaps there were hidden motives that were the underlying factors behind their
complaints. Here are some of them that I
believe existed in all or at least some of the minds of the complainants.
some of the post-turbine witnesses have
made lifestyle choices that could explain their alleged symptoms, especially
those relating to sleep; 2.
some of the post-turbine
witnesses have health complaints but have not communicated them to their
doctors or medical professionals; 3.
there are possible signs
of bias in respect of each witness in that they may have concerns with respect
to loss of property values and because of their participation in or support of
groups opposing wind turbine projects. 4.
have heard stories of other people suffering from the effects of wind turbines
they believe are similar to their complaints. 5.
don’t like looking at wind turbines.
I am not really convinced that wind turbines that are at least 300
metres (984 feet) away from a house can cause health problems for those living
in them or working near them. My wife and I once stood a mere 100 meters 328
feet from the base of a wind turbine and all we heard was the faint swishing
noise of the blades as they turned far above us. I remember when we bought our first home that
was a mere hundred feet from high tension wires. We were warned that we might
suffer from health problems if we lived that close to those wires. Nonsense! We
lived in our home for twenty years and neither I nor my wife and our two
daughters suffered from any deviant
effects of those wires. Naturally, we would have preferred to have a house
overlooking a lake or river or mountains in the distance but we settled for the
house we bought until we moved into a better one twenty years later.
There were approximately
750 complaints alleging health effects with respect to noise from wind turbines
or transformers were received. When I consider those complaints, I
automatically think of what took place in October of 2006 when two teenage girls
at Girls Town school, which is near Mexico City, claimed that they were
suffering from muscle atrophy and nausea. At one point it appeared that nearly
fifteen percent of the students were suffering from these symptoms. None of
them actually were suffering from atrophy and nausea. They were actually suffering from mass
hysteria is the sociopsychological phenomenon. It is describes as the
manifestation of the same hysterical symptoms by more than one person. It is
also referred to as collective hysteria. It may begin when a group witnesses
one individual becoming hysterical during an extremely stressful or a traumatic
event. A potential symptom is group nausea, which happens when a person becomes
violently ill and triggers a similar reaction in other group members.
I honestly believe that when wind turbines began
appearing on land, some people who didn’t want them near their property began
experiencing symptoms which they attributed to the wind turbines but were not
actually caused by the wind turbines.
They told their neighbours and friends what the wind turbines were doing
to them and then they too began experiencing the same symptoms. But it was all in their heads. Mass hysteria is really collective obsessional behavior. It is collective delusions of threats to society that spread rapidly through rumors
and fear. But
the threats are not real. They are myths.
The tribunal concluded that the two complainants
and the four witnesses who had similar complaints no basis to complain at all
and therefore the Tribunal rejected their complaints.
Now if the government built coal-fed turbines a
few hundred meters from their homes, I could see legitimate grounds for
complaints but wind turbines are not as harmful as these kinds of people
portray so complaining about them is futile especially when they are at least
396 meters from one’s home. I realize
that it would be better if the wind turbines could be placed out of sight but
that isn’t always possible. They are placed where they can get the best wind at
the most time as possible. If that means
placing one 400 meters from your home, learn to live with it. If it built in
one of your fields, enjoy the rental fee you will get from the government.
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