MEASLES VACCINATION: Should it be mandatory?
Description of measles
Measles is a highly contagious infection caused by the measles virus. A red rash will cover the
entire body. It is a flat rash that usually starts on the face then
spreads to the rest of the body. Typically symptoms usually develop 10–12 days
after exposure to an infected person and last 7–10 days. Two or three days
after the start of its symptoms, small white spots may form inside the mouth,
known as Koplik’s spots. It is fortunate that it originally starts at the face because
it makes it easier to detect the onset of measles from the beginning of the
rash is extremely itchy and causes diarrhea, a cough, runny nose,
and red eyes. Ten
percent of people who are infected will also suffer from severe
complications that can include a fever that is often
greater than 40 °C (104.0 °F), blindness,
deafness, inflammation of the
brain, (encephalitis), pneumonia and even death however only about 0.2% of
people with measles die from measles. in
addition to 5 measles deaths in Canada since 2000, there have been 7 deaths
from subacute sclerosing panencephalitis—a complication of measles. There have been only 12 deaths from measles
in Canada since 1990, even though there were over 16,000 cases of this disease
in the last 34 years.
There are 24
different strains of measles of which at least 19 of them have been circulating
around the world since 1990 just as easily as the flu virus. The disease is spread by coughing and sneezing. The droplets are spread
in the air and for this reason, anyone in a streetcar, a subway, a bus or in
any room, can catch the disease even if they are some distance from the
infected person. the droplets can remain in the air of a confined space for quite
a long time. This means that even if the carrier of measles has left the
immediate area, his droplets are still there waiting to attack the unsuspected
It follows that that the
only way to protect ourselves from this disease is to be vaccinated against the
virus. Once that happens, our immune system is now in a position to recognize
what the virus looks like so that if the virus from an infected person is later
ingested in our bodies, our immune system is in a position to recognize the virus
and destroy it. This is the purpose of vaccinations which
has resulted in a 75% decrease in deaths from measles between 2000 and 2013
with about 85% of children globally being currently vaccinated. It is because 15% of children are not being
vaccinated against this disease that the disease is spreading. This contagious disease was eradicated from
the United States 15 years ago and then it reemerged because some parents were
not permitting their children to be vaccinated
against measles. All it took was someone from outside of the US to bring
the disease in and an unvaccinated child in the US caught the disease and from
then on, it spread to other unvaccinated children.
People who suffered
from that virus in the past are also immune from getting it again and those who
were vaccinated against the disease before 1970 are in all probability, immune
from the disease. That is because
the adults born before 1970 were probably previously vaccinated with the vaccine
for measles.
Routine childhood immunization involves the administering two doses of measles-containing
vaccine with the first dose given at 12 to 15 months of age and the second dose
at 18 months of age or any time thereafter, but certainly should be given not
later than before the entry of school.
However, some
alarming incidents are coming to the fore. Outbreaks of measles in vaccinated
children have continued and have intensified to this day. Right through the
1980s, measles outbreaks in fully vaccinated children had continued despite
high vaccination rates all over the world. In 1985 and 1986, there were as many
as 152 measles outbreaks in US school-age children despite the fact that those
children had previously received the measles vaccine. “Every 2-3 years, there
is an upsurge of measles irrespective of vaccination compliance. This information makes me believe
that those who were vaccinated before 1970 should get booster shots just to be
safe especially if they are elderly.
Myths about vaccinations
Some doctors or other
health care providers might misperceive certain conditions or circumstances as
valid contraindications or precautions to vaccination when notwithstanding
their concerns; they actually do not preclude the implementation of vaccination.
These misperceptions result in missed opportunities to administer recommended various
vaccines. Among the most common conditions mistakenly considered to be caused
by measles are diarrhea, minor upper respiratory tract with or without fever,
mild to moderate local reactions to a previous dose of measles vaccine, current
antimicrobial therapy, and being in the convalescent phase of an acute illness
when in fact these illnesses are not necessarily caused by the measles
vaccinations. Misinformation often drives people to choose to intentionally
not vaccinate their children which in my opinion, is a very big mistake.
I would be less than honest if I didn’t mention that there have been
instances where people were vaccinated and did suffer reactions from the
measles vaccinations but these reactions are extremely rare. Deaths from fatal plane accidents are
extremely rare when you consider how many millions of successful flights occur
every year. Despite those statistics, would you then decided not to board a
plane anymore or get vaccinated with the measles vaccine?
Before the routine use of the
measles vaccine (1963) and the MMR vaccine (1971), measles cases—and complications from those cases—were high. There
used to be about 500,000 cases of measles and 500 measles deaths each year in
the United States alone.
Current status of the
measles outbreak
One would think that parents who see their children being barred from
attending school and not being invited to their friend’s birthday parties would
get the message that their children are being treated as outcasts and entirely
because of their parents are ignorant.
As much as 60 percent of small children a kindergarten in Orange County
are not vaccinated against this disease. In San Geronimo, 50 kilometres (31
miles) north of San Francisco, as many as 40 percent of students in the
Lagunitas Elementary School have not been inoculated against this disease. The
parental stupidity just continues to grow and grow.
Unfortunately because of parental stupidity, measles cases are now on the
rise. After hitting a record low number of cases in 2004 (just 37 cases) so far, there have already
been over 644 confirmed cases of measles in the U.S. in 2014—the most since 1994.
What is most
concerning is that more and more cases don't seem to have a confirmed source in
the United States that is easy to pinpoint, however it is believed that the
outbreak started at Disneyland and from there, it continues to
For this reason, the year 2015 is getting off to a very strong start already
with at least 121 cases in 17 states alone.
Because measles is so
contagious, it is necessary that everyone with that disease should be
quarantined so that others don’t catch it. But this can create a problem not
only for them but also for others. For example, the chances are that other
family members in the home have breathed in the droplets carrying the measles
virus from the first victim and therefore they too can be infected. How then
can they buy groceries if they too are quarantined? That solution is easy to arrive at. If at
first there are no signs of an infection with any of the other family members,
they should shop for enough food to last for several weeks.
I remember seeing in the 1940s,
large paper posters tacked to the front doors of people who were under
quarantine. That way no one other than medical personnel would come to the
Parents who refuse to have their
children vaccinated?
I don’t care if those parents who refuse to have their children
vaccinated for religious, philosophical or other stupid reasons, they are twits
and their children should be removed from their homes and placed in foster care
until the parents agree to have them vaccinated or until the child while in the
foster care, is vaccinated against the measles virus. Those twits who refuse to
vaccinate their children against diseases are not acting in the best interests
of the other people in their country and that is why I believe that not only
should their unvaccinated children be temporarily removed from their homes, their
parents should also be heavily financially punished and for a first offence, a
$5,000 penalty or an alternative, six months incarceration. For a second
offence, the punishment should be a $10,000 penalty or in the alternative, one
year in jail. You may consider this unnecessarily harsh but think of this
following scenario.
Your next door child has measles because his parents refused to
vaccinate him with the measles vaccine. He then spread the disease to ten of
his classmates and one of them died as a direct result of getting the virus
from your next door neighbour’s child. Another of the ten children goes to a
party and he unknowingly spreads it around the room where the party is held
with his coughing. Five of the children at the party have just arrived in your
country and hadn’t been vaccinated so they too are carrying the virus in their
systems. They unknowingly spread it to their family members who in turn spread
it to others in the community who were also never vaccinated with the measles
vaccine. And this is how this disease can become plague-like—because of your
uncaring next-door neighbor’s indifference to the wellbeing of their child and
others in your community.
A Queen’s
University professor in Ontario actually conducted a class in which he advocated
anti-vaccinations. He is no longer
teaching his course on health.
The Today Show featured a
mother and her unvaccinated teen who are upset that her son is being
quarantined and can't go to school for up to 21 days because of the measles
outbreaks in California. This stupid woman doesn’t appreciate just how serious
the virus is and how her stupidity could result in her son dying from that
disease. She is obviously not the only stupid parent on this continent. Thirty
percent of parents polled in the province of Ontario said that they think that
they should be able to decide whether or not they want their children
vaccinated however, 82% of Ontarians believe that people who are against having
their children vaccinated with the Measles vaccine are irresponsible. Older people who have lived through serious
illnesses caused by disease are more inclined to say that parents who don’t
want their children vaccinated and therefore are irresponsible than younger
people who haven’t had to suffer as much from diseases.
In Ontario, the
immunizations of all school-age children are tracked but not those youngsters
who are in day care. They should be immunized as soon as possible.
We should never forget that infamous flu virus of 1918 that spread
around the world killing millions of people. We have to stamp out measles just
as small pox was stamped out. The eradication of measles can only be done if everyone
is vaccinated against it. I mean EVERYONE.
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