PRAYERS: Why are people still fighting over them?
It never fails. Whenever a
government body wants to change a prayer for their opening sessions, someone
squawks like a chicken being plucked alive. I believe that the only reason why
these dolts squawk is that they like the sound of their voices.
Some people are so overzealous of their religion, if they fail to spend two hours in prayer each morning, the devil
will be victorious throughout their days. But if that is their wishes, so be it.
Thirty-two years ago, a US state
senator and a Presbyterian minister faced off in the Supreme Court of the United
States over whether the Nebraska
Legislature could open its sessions with a prayer. The court said yes, siding
with the minister, and for three decades, that settled matters. Such prayers
are commonplace in States Legislatures. Usually it is the Lord’s Prayer.
The practice of opening sessions of the American Congress
with a prayer has continued without interruption for almost 200 years, ever
since the First Congress drafted the First
Amendment, and a similar practice has been followed for more than a century
in Nebraska and many other states in the US.
Clearly the men who wrote the
First Amendment religion clauses did not consider the existence of paid
legislative chaplains and opening prayers as a violation of that Amendment, for the practice of opening
sessions with prayer has continued without interruption ever since that early
session of Congress.
To invoke divine guidance on a
public body entrusted with making the laws is not, in my opinion, a violation
of the rights of the public in general.
Of course it has to be obvious that an atheist who is a member of government
body such as city a council, state or provincial legislature or Congress or
Parliament, doesn’t care what form of prayer is used.
Now there are two kinds of people who object to the Lord’s Prayer being used to open the sessions. They are those of
other faiths and there are those who would complain on matters that are so
trivial, it beggars the question as to whether or not they are mentally unbalanced.
Their squawking is not unlike that of frustrated chickens in a hen house.
For the most part, especially in Congress or legislatures, the Lord’s Prayer or some other Christian
prayer is enunciated by a paid Christian minister or priest. This will seem
unfair to members of the governmental body who are Jews of Muslims—and rightly
so for they also believe in God even if God goes by a different name. They must
surly ask themselves, “Why should I have to listen to this particular prayer?
The Lord's Prayer
Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and
forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Now I admit that the words are archaic. What does it mean when it
includes the words, Thy kingdom come? or Thy will be done on earth as in heaven? These
two sentences are rather vague as to their meanings.
When you consider the words of the Lord’s
Prayer, can they apply to any religion? Can the prayers of the Jews and the Muslims apply
to any other religion? I couldn’t find a Jewish prayer or Muslim prayer used in
the beginnings of meetings so I have chosen common ones used in each of those
two religions
A Jewish Prayer
“Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe, who has
kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this season.”
A Muslim
“In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most
Merciful. Most Gracious, Most
Merciful; Master of the Day of
Judgment. Thee do we worship, and
Thine aid we seek. Show us the
straight way, the way of those on
whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose portion is not wrath, and who go
not astray.”
It is very likely
that Christian, Jewish and Muslim prayers are similar because they are directed
to God Himself and it is accepted by all three religions that God and only God can
bring blessings upon the people of Earth.
It is obviously correct that no one acquires a vested or
protected right in violation of the Constitution
by long use, even when that span of time covers our entire national existence,
and indeed predates it. Yet an unbroken practice of citing the Lord’s Prayer is not something to be
lightly cast aside. However, we are in this current era, and as such, we are more
receptive to the rights of others. This is why I believe that the Lord’s Prayer cited at the beginnings of
government meetings or sessions should be replaced with a more non-denominational
The city counselors in Brampton, Ontario have decided that
citing the Lord’s Prayer at the
beginning of their council meetings was not appropriate in the past since the city has many people of other faiths
living in their community. They have replaced the Lord’s Prayer with one that in my respectful opinion is most
suitable since anyone of any faith will not be offended when they hear it at
the beginning of a council meeting.
council meeting prayer
(Lord) “Inspire us to decisions which establish and maintain a
city of prosperity and righteousness where freedom prevails and where justice
rules. Amen.”
I would have preferred that they added three words to the
prayer as I have submitted in italics.
Lord) “Inspire us
to make decisions which will establish and maintain our city of prosperity and righteousness
where freedom prevails and where justice rules. Amen.”
In any case, the Brampton prayer is a great prayer. It could
also be used by the Ontario Legislature if the word “city” was replaced with
the word “legislature”. Our parliament
could also use that prayer if they replaced the word “city” with the word,
Of course, to simplify the practice, the mayor
could simply say, “We will now have a moment of silence for private reflection
and meditation.” And a soon after, say, “Amen.”
Don’t these dummies realize that although the Lord’s Prayer is a general prayer that could be
applicable to all faiths, those of other faiths recognize it primarily as a Christian
prayer and for this reason, they justifiably feel slighted that their prayers
aren’t used also. What is needed and I
believe the Brampton council has fulfilled that need, is a non-denominational
In 1999 the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that
the practice of reciting the Lord’s
Prayer at the beginning of municipal meetings was unconstitutional as it
contravened the freedom of conscience and religion provision in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The appeal was in reference to the policy of the city council
of the Town of
Penetanguishene to recite the Lord’s Prayer at the beginning of each
meeting. The practice clearly violated
the freedom of religion of non-Christian residents of the town who regularly
attended Town Council meetings. One resident complained that
when everyone stood up when the prayer was being recited, he felt compelled to
stand up so that he wouldn’t appear as being disrespectful of Christians.
The by-law of the Town did not mandate recitation
of the Lord's Prayer, nor did it refer
to the recitation of any prayer or any particular
opening ceremony for council and committee meetings. However, the Mayor's
authority to conduct the meetings as he chose derived directly from the Municipal Act, while his
authority to open the meetings derived from the by-law. The fact that he chose
to do so by invoking the Lord's Prayer meant that the recitation of the prayer was
part of the meetings and was done pursuant to the authority of the Mayor to
open and conduct the meetings.
It was clear that the purpose of the recitation
of the Lord's Prayer at the opening of council meetings was to impose
a Christian moral tone on the deliberations of council. That purpose would be
an affront to non-Christian citizens and council members attending those
It is true that the majority of the citizens in
Canada are Christian but Muslims represent 3.2% of Canadians, Hindus, 1.5%.
Sikhs, 1.4%. Buddhists, 1.1%. Jews, 1.0% and non-religious people, 23.9 %. Should any of these non-Christian citizens
who attend council meetings feel obligated to stand up when the Lord’s Prayer is being recited so that
they won’t appear to be disrespectful to the Christian prayer? I think not.
Freedom of religion can primarily be
characterized by the absence of coercion or constraint. If a person is
compelled by the state or the will of another person to a course of action or
inaction which he would not otherwise have chosen, he is not acting of his own
volition and he cannot be said to be truly free.
One of the major purposes of the Charter is to protect everyone (within reason) from
compulsion or restraint. Coercion includes not only such blatant forms of
compulsion as direct commands to act or refrain from acting on pain of sanction;
coercion includes indirect forms of control which determine or limit
alternative courses of conduct available to others.
Now there is no law that prohibits non-Christians from
praying silently to themselves but should they have to do that with a Christian
prayer ringing in their ears? I think
Freedom in a broad sense embraces both the
absence of coercion and constraint, and the right to adhere to one’s beliefs
and practices. Now I am not suggesting
that it would be appropriate for a Muslim to get down on his knees and face
Mecca and pray while the city council is reciting a prayer. That would be
distracting to say the least.
What may appear as good and true to a
majoritarian religious group, or to the state acting at their behest, should
not, for religious reasons, be imposed upon citizens who have a different view
of their prayer to God. The Charter safeguards religious minorities from the threat
of the wishes of the majority.
The application judge who heard the citizen’s
complaint erred in his approach to this issue. He hadn’t properly considered
the effect of the practice of reciting the Lord’s
Prayer in earshot of the complainant but instead he only looked at its
effect on Christians attending the council meeting. He paid little or no heed
to the fact that the purpose of the practice to imposed a specifically
Christian moral tone on the deliberations of the Town Council without any real
concern of non-Christians attending the meeting, actually ignored the fact that
this particular practice contravened section 2(a) of the
Charter. Despite that, the judge decided that there
was no need to examine the effects of the practice on non-Christians. However,
even if the application judge did consider the effects on the complainant, he
erred in finding that the complaint was trivial and insubstantial. The right to
not have a prayer that is not of your own religion thrust upon you is in
conflict with the freedom of religion enunciated in the Charter and for this reason; his application was not trivial and
This does not mean, however, that every use of
religious practices is offensive to the constitutional guarantee of freedom of
religion. It means only that indirect or unintentional burdens will not be held
to be outside the scope of Charter protection on that account alone. For example, section 2(a) does not require the legislatures to eliminate every minuscule
state-imposed action associated with the practice of religion.
The purpose of
Section 2(a) is to ensure that
society does not interfere with the personal religious beliefs that govern
one's perception of oneself, humankind, nature, and, in some cases, a higher or
different order of being These beliefs, in turn, govern one's conduct and
The Charter
shelters individuals and groups only to the extent that religious beliefs or
conduct might reasonably or actually be threatened. For a state-imposed burden
to be proscribed by section 2(a) it
must be capable of interfering with religious beliefs or practices. In short,
legislative or administrative action which increases the risk of practicing or
otherwise manifesting religious beliefs is not prohibited if the burden is
trivial or insubstantial. But in the complainant’s case against the practice of
the city council of the Town of Penetanguishene, his
complaint wasn’t trivial or insubstantial and the Court of Appeal hearing his
appeal agreed.
It may be difficult for members of a majoritarian
religious group to accept such a ruling but if they are mindful of the rights
of non-Christian attendees at city council meetings, they will accept such a
ruling as being fair. But as I said earlier, there are malcontents who will
always fight against reason and fairness. My response to their feelings is, (to
quote a rather uncouth saying) Tough Titty.
To continue proclaiming the standards of the
Christian faith in places where people meet (other than religious facilities) the
practice creates a climate hostile to, and gives the appearance of
discrimination against non-Christian Canadians. It takes religious values
rooted in Christian morality and, using the force of the state, translates them
into a positive law that is binding on believers and non-believers alike. The
theological content of these continuing practices remains as a subtle and
constant reminder to religious minorities within Canada of their differences
with, and alienation from the dominant religious culture. That was not the
intent of the Canadian parliamentarians who brought us the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
In my respectful opinion, non-Christian citizens
attending city council meetings and for that matter, even students at schools
(other than strictly Christian schools) should not be forced to stand and
recite the Lord’s Prayer if there are
non-Christians in attendance any more than having to attend a Christian Church
unless of course if they are attending a wedding or a funeral.
Nowadays, our
religious composition in Canada makes us a vastly more diverse people than were
our forefathers. As a nation, we must recognize that diversity and apply it to
our practices that don’t conflict with the rights of others. In the face of such profound changes,
practices which may have been objectionable to no one in the time of our
forefathers may today be highly offensive to many persons, the deeply devout
and the nonbelievers alike.
A non-denominational prayer and a perhaps a moment of silence is similar to
the current practice of the Canadian House of Commons. Therefore, the
recitation of a denominational prayer does not minimally impair the non-Christian’s
freedom of religion as guaranteed in the Charter.
UPDATE: In April 2015, the city council of Saguenay, Quebec decided that they would no longer recited the Lord's Prayer at the opening of their meetings.
UPDATE: In April 2015, the city council of Saguenay, Quebec decided that they would no longer recited the Lord's Prayer at the opening of their meetings.
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