Monday 8 October 2018

SUGGESTED TIPS TO FOLLOW (part1)                                           

Increasing the intensity of your hearing

Hearing loss happens for different reasons. Many people lose their hearing slowly as they age. This condition is known as presbycusis. Doctors do not know why presbycusis affects some people more than others, but it seems to run in families. Another reason for hearing loss with aging may be years of exposure to loud noise. This condition is known as noise-induced hearing loss. Many construction workers, farmers, musicians, airport workers, yard and tree care workers and people in the armed forces have hearing problems even in their younger and middle years because of too much exposure to loud noise. Hearing loss can also be caused by viral or bacterial infections, heart conditions or stroke, head injuries, tumors, and certain medicines.

I am presently 85 years of age and have had two heart attacks, which may explain why my hearing isn’t as good as it was when I was young man. I don’t need a hearing aid but there are times when I can’t hear sounds or voices that are  some distance from me.

I accidentally found a solution to that problem. One morning when I was laying in my bed, I could hear the humming of the fan in the room. When I blew my nose and cleared the mucus out of my nostrils, the sound of the fan became much louder. The sound was a loud SSSS.  I then place my thumbs across the openings of my two nostrils and blew my nose again. The SSS sound came again. That was the real sound of the fan. I then went to the family room where the TV is. I turned it on and did the same thing I did in my bed room. The voices were much louder. When I swallowed even without anything in my mouth, the loudness was gone and my hearing became what it was earlier. 

You don’t have to do this trick all the time but if someone says something to you and you can’t hear them,  it may because they spoke too softly or because they are too far away. Do what I did and then ask them to speak again.

Often save what you have written in your computer

While I was writing this article, the lights went out and the computer shut down. Minutes later the electricity returned. What didn’t return on my computer screen was my article. I hadn’t saved it. Now I will always save every paragraph I write so if the electricity shuts down again, I will have lost only the latest paragraph.

Don’t let anyone cut in front of you

There are always people that will want to cut in front of you. Letting them get ahead of you is a stupid thing to do. I will give you examples that will surely convince you that it will be a stupid move on your part if you let someone cut in front of you.

My wife and I go to a movie on Fridays and as we approach the mall, there is a lane that we go on that makes a left turn that takes us directly into the parking area of the mall.

One day when we were on that lane, there we six cars ahead of us. I saw in the right mirror a motorist approaching us with his left signal light flashing. Obviously, he wanted to get closer to the front of the line rather than be at the end of the line. I said to my wife, “There is a creep trying to get into the lane ahead to us. Don’t let him cut in front of you.” When he realized that he wasn’t going to be getting in front of my wife’s car, he moved slowly past us and signalled to the driver ahead of us that he would like to cut in front of him. When the line began moving forward with the green light in our favour, the driver immediately ahead of us, stopped his car to let the creep’s cur in front of him. A minute later, the green light want on and the three cars at the front of the line crossed the lane to our left and so did the creep’s car and the car immediately ahead of us. It was too late for us to cross the oncoming lane because the light turned red snd  we were stuck in our lane for four minutes. If the driver ahead of us didn’t let the creep get ahead of him, then we would have been able to cross the oncoming lane before the green light turned red. The kindness of the driver ahead us caused an inconvenience to us without him considering how his action would cause us a delay to get into the parking lot. Now you will say that a four-minute delay isn’t anything to pout about. Well, it was in my case.  I am disabled and have a handicap permit. When we drove to the handicap locationt, they were all filled. Guess who got the last handicap spot that was empty. You guessed it. It was the creep. A pox on him and the driver that let the creep get ahead of him. that wasn’t the first time a creep tried to cut in front of others in a line I was in. 

This next antidote will really amuse you. It happened in 1994. I spent thirty days traveling around Europe.  When I was in Madrid, Spain, I was standing in a long line in the train station. I was going to take a night train to southern Spain. I noticed a black man worming up the line by cutting in front of the various persons in  the line. When I was at the counter, I told the tivket woman that the man behind mr was originally at the end of the line and that he has jumped the line by gradually cutting in front of everyone. She said, “I  will deal with him as soon as I give you your ticket. After I got my ticket, I waited around to see how the ticket woman would deel with the creep 

She said to him, “Get at the back of the line.” He replied, “But I am at the front of the line.”  She said, angrily. “You were cutting in front of the people behind you so if want to buy a ticket, you will get at the back of the line and wait your turn.  He went to the back of the line. When he was only two  persons who were going to  buy their tickets for the night train, the ticket woman said, “I am so sorry folks to tell you that the night train is now fully  filled and there a no more tickets for the night train.

It has been said that God works in mysterious ways. However, it was me and the ticket seller who made it possible for the creep to suffer the consequences of cutting in front of the other persons in that line.  Often we can bring about justice in many different ways.

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