Monday 8 April 2019


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Brunei is a country that is located on the north coast of the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. Apart from its coastline with the South China Sea, the country is completely surrounded by the Malaysian state of Sarawak. It is separated into two parts by the Sarawak district of Limbang. Brunei is the only sovereign state completely on the island of Borneo with the remainder of the island's territory being divided between the nations of Malaysia and IndonesiaBrunei's population was 423,196 in 2016. Malay is the official language.

Islam is the official religion of Brunei, specifically that of the Sunni branch of Islam as dictated by the Madhhab of Shafi‘i. Two-thirds of the population, including the majority of Bruneian Malays adhere to Islam. Other faiths that are practiced are Buddhism (13%, which is the religion mainly by the Chinese and Christianity (10%). Freethinkers, mostly Chinese, form about 7% of the population. Although most of them practice some form of religion with elements of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism, they prefer to present themselves as having practiced no religion officially, hence labelled as atheists in official censuses. Followers of indigenous religions are about 2% of the population.

In October 2013, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah announced his intention to impose  the Penal Code based on the Sharia law on only the country's Muslims, which make up roughly two thirds of the country's population This would be implemented in three phases, culminating in 2016, and making Brunei the first and only country in East Asia to introduce Sharia law into its penal code. that nation  has a legal system based on English common law, although Islamic Shariah law supersedes this in some cases The move attracted international criticism, the United Nations expressing "deep concern" since Sharia law has severe punishments that are given to those who disobey the edicts of that particular law.

In 2015, the Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolikah, made headlines when he announced that he would impose Sharia law (in three phases) in his Southeast Asian sultanate. The proclamation drew criticism from countless human rights advocates, who labeled the move “draconian” and “medieval.

Since then, the first phase of sharia law, which include fines and prison sentences for “crimes” such as pregnancies outside of wedlock, propagating religions other than Islam, and not attending mandatory Friday prayers, has been rolled out.

Brunei then brought in the second phase, which will introduced harsh punishments such as floggings and cutting off hands for property offenses such as thefts.

The third and final phase was announced in 2016  and enforced in April 2019 which includes executions such as stoning, (a very slow death) for offenses like adultery, abortion, homosexuality/sodomy ,and even for blasphemy. The Sultan has defended his decision by saying that it was “not for fun, but to obey Allah’s command as written in the Quran.”

It goes without saying that these kinds of punishments are considered outrageous in the minds of people in democratic nations.

it is not realistic to think that all of Brunei’s Muslim citizens really want to live under Sharia law. Indeed, many of the nation’s brightest Muslim citizens may also abscond from Brunei and work abroad. Many countries in Southeast Asia already struggle with a brain drain, including Brunei.  The implementation of Sharia law will not help this tiny nation the size of Delaware to attract and retain a highly skilled, well-educated workforce. 

The 2035 plan strives for Brunei to have a dynamic, sustainable economy. Of course, revenues from Brunei’s oil and gas sector have steadily poured in for years, but what will become of this nation when all of its natural resources have been depleted? The oil and gas sector is responsible for two-thirds of Brunei’s GDP, 98 percent of its exports, as well as 93 percent of government revenues. The country has yet to put in place the policies and initiatives to ensure it will enjoy a dynamic economy beyond 2035 especially since it doesn’t have any industries in that small nation.

Economically, Brunei has little going for it financially aside from its oil and gas sector. The country’s tourism industry was the only Southeast Asian nation to not experience any growth during the span of 2002-2013, and implementing Sharia law will surely not help this already ossified industry. Non-Muslim and Muslim tourists alike will likely opt to spend their vacations traveling to other tourist destinations in the region, such as Malaysia or Indonesia where a more tolerant form of Islam is practiced.

Brunei has a Muslim population of around 220,000, which compares with Indonesia (220 million) and Malaysia (18 million). The latter two countries established themselves as Islamic banking centers years ago.  Brunei is unlikely to become a hub for Islamic banking and finance.

When the Sultan stated that the decision was not for fun, he should have also said that it was not meant to help the country’s 2035 plan. The introduction of Sharia law is hardly a reflection of the Sultan’s own piety, as his lavish and licentious lifestyle, most recently documented by 60 Minutes, is no secret. As a consequence, many people are simply nonplussed by tje sultan’s  decision. Perhaps the only positive result that will come of this move is that it will serve as a stark reminder to all other countries that jettisoning moderate and tolerant policies for Sharia is not an astute d and popular decision to take place in the 21st century.

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