Wednesday 7 August 2019

 The hunt for the mad trapper

The people in Canada are transfixed at the search for the two teenagers, Schmegelsky and od in British Columbia who are wanted or the two murders of a man and woman from Australia and the third murder of an elderly man. At the time of the publishing of his article, these two fugitives have been on the lam for 17 days despite the extensive attempts to find them by the RCMP (federal police) and the Canadian armed forces during their searches in four provinces.           

Like the search for Schmegelsky and McLeod, the "Mad Trapper" case dominated newspaper headlines across North America and fueled rumors and speculation as to the suspect's whereabouts.

Albert Johnson known as the Mad Trapper of Rat River, was a murderer and a fugitive from the largest manhunt in the history of Canada, leading a posse of Mounties through the Arctic on a six week, winter wilderness chase in 1932. He killed one Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer and wounded two others before dying from police bullets in a firefight on a frozen river. Today, the Mad Trapper tale is symbolic of the North American frontier. He is an icon and a legend.

Albert Johnson on July 9th 1931 who was living on the southern edge of the Mackenzie delta where his life was by all accounts non-eventful. He was about 35 years of age, a very taciturn person with cold blue eyes with a stocky muscular build. These physical characteristics in men that trapped for a living in the north were nothing out of the ordinary.  So how did he earn the name The Mad Trapper of Rat River?

Johnson did not bother to get a trapping license. Nevertheless he built an 8′ X 10′ cabin with a good view on 3 sides in a prime location close to the Rat River.

With the trapping season in full swing by early December 1931 some of Albert’s neighbours began believing someone was disrupting their traps. On Dec. 31st , Constable Alfred ‘Buns’ King and Special Constable Joe Bernard, each of whom had much northern experience, decided to call on Johnson to investigate the complaints by speaking to the suspect.  But Albert wasn’t in a talking mood.

After many attempts to strike up a conversation in 40 below temperatures and getting nowhere with a man holed up with a gun, they decided to return to the small town of Aklavik to get reinforcements. They returned with two more Mounties plus one civilian. Right after the first knock on the door, a sudden shot rang out wounding Constable King. A hasty retreat and a 20 hour dog sled ride back to Aklavik saved the life of the Constable.

On Jan 4th, 1932, a posse of 9 men, 42 dogs and 40 pounds of dynamite, went back to Johnson’s cabin with a determination to bring this fugitive in. Once their positions were secure on the cabin perimeter, the dynamite was thrown into the structure and a massive explosion ripped the roof clean off with one of the walls caving in.

As the Mounties entered the cabin to remove the corpse, Johnson stood up from a fox hole he dug firing 2 weapons narrowly missing both officers. A hasty retreat was in order again. After a 15 hour siege and food starting to run low. they returned to Aklavik to contemplate their next move.

While all this was going on, the local people and the  rest of the continent were fixed to their radios listening to the first live reporting of a RCMP manhunt in Canada’s north as it occurred. The whole affair was now dubbed the Mad Trapper of Rat River.

A third patrol was dispatched on January 14th. But this time Johnson had fled his cabin fortress. For two weeks in near 50 degrees below zero weather and two blizzards, Johnson had evaded his hunters.

On January 30th, he was confronted once more. After a short shootout, Constable ‘Spike’ Millen lay dead – shot through the heart. Johnson made his escape by climbing a sheer cliff in the dead of night.

Albert Johnson seemed to be no average trapper. The Mounties said he seemed to be capable of great feats and that he was crafty beyond belief. Johnson had been back tracking in large circles for the past month to evade capture. At this time, hundreds of men were now tracking him. He had guns but could not use them to hunt for food since the shots would give away his position. He had means to light a fire to cook what food he could snare but the fire would also aid his pursuers in finding him so he ate the food raw.

Now Johnson’s greatest feat was about to happen. Johnson could see that the Arctic Red River district was becoming to difficult to manage. His only avenue of escape was to traverse the Richardson Mountains and head into Northern Yukon. The Mounties had already closed that door on that possibility by guarding the only two passes through this range. But once again, Johnson pulled off another incredible feat. 

During a raging blizzard, he climbed over these mountains with very little food and no climbing gear. With visibility during the blizzard at near zero, trying to cling to sheer cliffs of slippery ice and numbing cold, the mountain men of the area told the Mounties it would be impossible to survive the climb at this time of the year even with the proper gear and food.

That’s the Mounties called in for support. On February 7th, 1932 a monoplane piloted by W.R May was pressed into service to aid in the search to finally corner Johnson.

On February 17th, 1932 May directed the Mounties to a hairpin turn in the middle section of the Eagle River where a gun battle eventually brought Johnson down. It took 9 bullets to kill him.  His death ended the five week ordeal.

Where did he come from? Hs finger prints were no help. No family member ever claimed his body. Before entering the Arctic River area, no one had ever heard of him. During the entire man hunt, the Mounties never heard him speak a word. Yet he had over $2,000 in cash and some placer gold in his possession. 

His burial site is in the Akalavik cemetery in the North West Territories.

The two currant fugitives, Schmegelsky and McLeod have managed to elude the reaches of the RCMP and the armed forces despite the use of helicopters, drones carrying heat detection equipment and dogs. There are only three possible reasons why they have eluded capture. They are dead, they are very lucky or they are extremely proficient living off the land.


later this day, an announcement was made that the two bodies of these fugitives were found. In another article, I will give you more details about how they were found and the condition of their bodies etc.

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