Wednesday 13 November 2019


The answer to that question is yes and when you finish reading this article, you will agree with me.

On November, 12th 2019, I was watching a segment of the TV show titled Mysteries at the Museum. It described an event in which a man knifed a woman to death in her apartment. Before she died, she scratched her killer’s initials on the wall. The police had no idea who the initials applied to.   

Now here comes the weird part of the story. A woman in another apartment in the building was sleeping and while she was asleep, she suddenly screamed out the name of the man who killed the woman in the other apartment. I can’t remember the man’s name was but his initials  were AS, When the other  woman gave the police the name the victim  screamed out, the police found the man and charged him with second degree murder, He was sentence to prison for 14 years.  

In the TV show, the man telling the story asked this rhetorical question. “Did the dead woman walk to the sleeping woman’s apartment and tell the sleeping woman who murdered her?  If that really happened, then that could mean that when we die, our spirits (if they really exist) walk about unseen. Great stuff for movies but it isn’t possible because when we die, our brains turn to mush and it would be impossible for us to then move about as the so-called spirits. The theory has resulted in great movies being made but like most movies, the theory is simply unrealistic.

The only other explanation is that while the stabbed woman was dying, she screamed out the name of her killer.  Now I know what you are thinking. The sleeping woman was in the next apartment and heard the dying woman scream out the name of the man who killed her. Well it didn’t happen that way because the sleeping woman was on another floor of the apartment building completely out of earshot of the dying woman’s apartment.  

There is only one possible explanation. The mind of the dying woman communicated the message to the mind of the woman who was sleeping. In  actual fact, they didn’t know each other so how is that communication between them possible?  I will explain this to you.

Many years ago, my wife told me that a woman at her job told her that she  could read minds. I laughed and jokingly said that I too could read minds. A couple of minutes later, she place a sealed envelope on the table and said, “I wrote a word on a piece of paper and sealed it in his envelope. What is the word?” I immediately said “LOVE.”  That was the actual word. We were both surprised .I milked that event by telling my wife that I had always read her mind, Needless to say, she was shocked.

I was the producer and host of a TV talk show then and one night, my guest was a psychic. She explained how I was able to determine that the word LOVE was on the paper in the envelope.

She said that the ability to send thoughts directly to another person’s brain is the stuff of science fiction. At least, it used to be.
In recent years, physicists and neuroscientists have developed an armory of tools that can sense certain kinds of thoughts and transmit information about them from onr brain into another human brain. That has made brain-to-brain communication a reality. I didn’t know that my wife was watching that particular show so when I returned home, the first thing she said to me was “So you can read my mind, eh?”

A team of researchers later successfully achieved brain-to-brain human communication using non-invasive technologies across a distance of 5,000 miles. However, that has occurred years before the scientists began toying with that concept. I will explain.

In 1944, my mother and my brother and me were living in a small mining town in British Columbia. One day, I overheard my mother talking to my aunt in which she told her that she had the same dream three nights in a row. She said that she dreamed that my father who was a flight engineer in a bomber that was flying over North Africa. In her dream, the plane crashed and she saw him crawling out of the plane and she called him to get back into the plane. When he returned home, he told us about the plane crash. She immediately went to her bedroom and brought her diary to the kitchen table and flipped some pages and told my father the exact day his plane crashed. He was really puzzled when he asked her how she knew about the crash. She told him and he was really shocked when he heard her describing that she told  him to crawl back into the plane. He said that he thought he heard a voice calling him to return and when he returned, he found that one of the men was still alive but unconscious. Obviously their minds were mentally connected. Is that mind boggling or not?

One day in this century, my aunt (my mother’s sister) visited me and my family and we later took her to the Toronto Airport to fly back to British Columbia. While I was driving out of the airport, I had a feeling that something was wrong with my aunt. My  wife and I returned to the terminal and I found my aunt in a line with tears in her eyes. When she saw us, she smiled and said, “I am glad that you are here. I am not sure which part of the airport I am to be in to catch the plane toB.C, I kept wishing that you were here with me so that you could help me find the proper place to go.” My brain picked up that message.

One day when I was driving to work, I suddenly had a feeling that something was wrong at my house so I returned to my house and arrived as my pregnant wife was carrying our two-year old daughter in her arms and walking to the next door neighbour’s townhouse  to ask the neighbour to drive  her to the hospital  She later told me that she wished I was at home when her water broke. My brain picked up that message also.

One morning I dreamed that I was getting dressed to go to my own funeral. When I went into my wife’s bedroom, she was getting dressed and she told me that she was going to the funeral of an old friend. Again, my brain picked up that message.

Can animal’s brains pick up signals from our brains? When our cat is asleep on the sofa, I will creep up to him without making a sound and when I am about two feet from him, he will wake up and lift his head up so that I will cuddle him in his neck. 

As you can see from this article, it is quite possible that the woman in the apartment who was sleeping in another part of the building, picked up a signal from the victim’s dying brain when  she was thinking of the killer’s full name  while  she  was scribbling  the letters AS on the wall.

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