Wednesday 6 May 2020


If you click your mouse on the underlined words, you will get more information.

This ban  doesn't apply to members of the armed forces or police forces. Prime minister Trudeau says the banning of military-style gus   takes effect immediately. 

At last, innocent people in Canada won’t be killed by criminals carrying such deadly weapons.  Mind you these criminal scum will still kill innocent people with ordinary guns.

The prime minister says that the order has a two-year amnesty period for current owners, and there will be a compensation program.

I don’t object that the owners of these types of guns will be compensated but giving them two years to turn over those guns is ludicrous.  Imagine saying to a gangbanger, “You can keep your deadly weapon that fires bullets out of the nuzzle at many times a second but you must turn it over to the police after two years have passed.  Of course, the gangbanger has to have obtained a permit to own such a gun which is probably unlikely. 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled his government’s ban on “military-style” assault rifles by fulfilling an election promise in the wake of a mass shooting in Nova Scotia that killed 22 people.The guns he used by the killer were military assault types of rifles.

Suppose this killer was told that he that before the shootings that the prime minister  said that gun owners  with those kinds of guns could keep them for two years before turning those guns over to the police, then he would still be in possession of those two horrific deadly military-type guns.

People who legitimately have such guns are not breaking the law since they have a gun permit. The mass killer in Nova Scotia  didn’t have a gun permit because he had a criminal record after being jailed for assault. 

Sixty-four-year-old Stephen Craig Paddock was an American mass murderer responsible for the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, in which ts 64-year-old mass killer opened fire into a crowd of approximately 22,000 concertgoers attending a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip. He fired his military-type gun at the concert  goers and killed 59 of them and injured 413. 

At 10:08 p.m the shooter began to fire shots into the concert venue across the street. He was positioned in a large suite that contained two rooms, according to Las Vegas Sheriff Joseph Lombardo. He is believed to have fired from both rooms to get different angles.

When the police burst into Room 135 on the twenty-second floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, they found Stephen Paddock’s body and his 23 guns.  He had killed himself. He owned a  military-type gun but he didn’t bring it with him when he began shooting at the concert-goers. If he used that gun, far more victims would have been killed and injured. 


Gun violence in the United States results in tens of thousands of deaths and injuries with guns annually. Nearly 40,000 people died from guns in the US. since  2018. Americans have   killed more than 20 million victims in th US since World War II. Ionically, the largest WWI casualties were China and the Soviet Union with 20 million victims killed.

The ability to illegally obtain weapons in the USA is made easier by lax gun laws, and the guns that make it to the illegal market, by and large, start out as firearms that are legally sourced from the manufacturer. The patchwork of gun laws means that American States with the least restrictive laws for purchasing guns become the source of weapons for crimes in states with more restrictive laws.

Ironically, the less rational gun rights advocates (NRA) obliquely reference this in an often-heard argument that high gun crime rates in restrictive areas is proof that gun regulation simply doesn't work, as opposed to the argument that more uniform restrictions are needed. More uniform laws that set the bar at the more restrictive level are universally opposed by politically active gun laws.

However, gun control only hurts law-abiding citizens. A person intent on doing harm will simply just acquire any kind of gun illegally.

Purchasing military-type firearms is as easy and purchasing a pound of butter in a grocery store. Just go to a the gun sales venue in the United States where  anyone who isn’t a child  can buy any kind of gun you want even if it is a military-type firearm.

New Zealand’s ban on semi-automatic weapons has put guns, violence and regulation back in the spotlight, underscoring the different approaches taken by governments around the world and their relative success.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern outlined the plan after a gunman killed 50 people at two mosques in a city on the country’s South Island. The strengthened laws will prohibit military-style semi-automatics and assault rifles, as well as putting in place an amnesty for such weapons to be handed in and a buyback scheme.

Australia’s 1996 gun-law reforms offered that nations ’s a template. After a massacre in Tasmania resulted in  35 people being killed.  wSsemi-automatic weapons, pump-action shotguns and rifles were removed from civilian possession, and firearm deaths fell. Even so, while evidence and academic studies suggest that the fewer people who have access to firearms, the safer a community is. Gun controls remain controversial in some countries, most notably the United States.

There are more than one billion firearms in the world and the majority are owned by ordinary people, according to the Small Arms Survey. It estimates that 85% are in civilian hands, 13% are in military arsenals and 2% are owned by law enforcement agencies.

National ownership rates vary hugely, from about 120 firearms for every 100 residents in the US to less than one firearm for every 100 residents in Indonesia, Japan and Malawi.

Japan is also often cited as a gun-control success, with strong and repetitive tests that act as a barrier to ownership. There are only shotguns and air rifles that are allowed, and if you want to buy one, you need to attend lessons, pass a written test and a shooting-range test. After that, you would undergo mental-health and background checks.

Gun rights are defended by the National Rifle Association, which spends heavily to lobby against all forms of control, arguing that weapons make the country safer. It often holds up the nation’s Second Amendment as a reason to protect ownership, saying “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”

Even so, it’s worth remembering that Amendment was penned in 1791, when gun technology was still pretty basic and semi-automatic and automatic weapons were around 100 years away from conception and development Further it was at a time when many citizens weren’t protected by police forces.

Assault rifles, like the AR-15 and AK-47, that fire dozens of rounds of ammunition per minute, came many decades later. Today, they are the gun of choice for many ordinary citizens and criminals  and have played a role in most of the country’s high-casualty shootings, highlighting a dramatic shift in the style and potential impact of gun ownership.

The Small Arms Survey underlines how embedded guns have become, showing that 6% of US adults participated in target shooting with a modern sporting rifle or semi-automatic assault weapon in 2016. That’s about 14 million people.

I can appreciate why people like going to shooting rages with ordinary rifles. I know because I was an instructor in such ranges.  But firing a semi-automatic rifle at a targe tin a range  is ridiculous, Obviously it doesn’t require any degree of training or expertise. It is not unlike a man showing his penis to other men and saying , “See how big my penis is.”  As far as I am concered. Any man who chooses to own and fire an assault gun is acting with the immature mind of a small child. 

What is that twit going to use the gun for other than show off. He can’t use it for hunting purposes.

More people were wounded and killed in incidents in which semiautomatic rifles were used compared with incidents involving other firearms, Semiautomatic rifles are designed for easy use, can accept large magazines, and fire high-velocity bullets, enabling active shooters to wound and accidentally kill more people per incident.

Of course there are also some high-profile advocates of stronger controls, including former President Barack Obama and Senator Bernie Sanders, whose post on Twitter was backing New Zealand’s new approach which was swiftly counteracted by gun advocates.

Bernie Sanders said, “This is what real action to stop gun violence looks like. We must follow New Zealand's lead, take on the NRA and ban the sale and distribution of assault weapons in the United States.”

  It  was obviously that that senator was not one of those dishonest senators who accepted  the huge bribes given to them by the NRA to vote the way the NRA wanted then  to vote.

The ability to illegally obtain weapons is made easier by lax gun laws, and the guns that make it to the illegal market, by and large, start out as firearms that are legally sourced from the manufacturer. The patchwork of gun laws means that American States with the least restrictive laws for purchasing guns become the source of weapons for crimes in states with more restrictive laws. Ironically, the less rational gun rights advocates obliquely reference this in an often-heard argument that high gun crime rates in restrictive areas is proof that gun regulation simply doesn't work, as opposed to the argument that more uniform restrictions are needed. More uniform laws that set the bar at the more restrictive level are universally opposed by politically active gun advocate.

In Canada, these illegal guns are often brought over the border between Canada and the United States.

In my opinion.  anyone bringing illegal guns into Canada should be imprisoned for two years and if the gun is a military type of gun, then five years in prison is appropriate.  

At last, innocent people in Canada won’t be killed by criminals carrying such deadly weapons.  Mind you these criminal scum will still kill innocent people with ordinary guns.

The prime minister says that the order has a two-year amnesty period for current owners, and there will be a compensation program.

I don’t object that the owners of these types of guns will be compensated but giving them two years to turn over those guns is ludicrous.  Imagine saying to a gangbanger, “You can keep your deadly weapon that fires bullets out of the nuzzle at many times a second but you must turn it over to the police after two years have passed.  Of course, the gangbanger has to have obtained a permit to own such a gun which is probably unlikely.  

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled his government’s ban on “military-style” assault rifles by fulfilling an election promise in the wake of a mass shooting in Nova Scotia that killed 22 people.
The guns he used by the killer were military assault types of rifles.

Suppose this killer was told that he that before the shootings that the prime minister  said that gun owners  with those kinds of guns could keep them for two years before turning those guns over to the police, then he would still be in possession of those two horrific deadly military-type guns.

People who legitimately have such guns are not breaking the law since they have a gun permit. The mass killer in Nova Scotia  didn’t have a gun permit because he had a criminal record after being jailed for assault.  

Sixty-four-year-old Stephen Craig Paddock was an American mass murderer responsible for the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, in which ts 64-year-old mass killer opened fire into a crowd of approximately 22,000 concertgoers attending a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip. He fired his military-type gun at the concert  goers and killed 59 of them and injured 413.  

At 10:08 p.m the shooter began to fire shots into the concert venue across the street. He was positioned in a large suite that contained two rooms, according to Las Vegas Sheriff Joseph Lombardo. He is believed to have fired from both rooms to get different angles.

When the police burst into Room 135 on the twenty-second floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, they found Stephen Paddock’s body and his 23 guns.  He had killed himself. He owned a  military-type gun but he didn’t bring it with him when he began shooting at the concert-goers. If he used that gun, far more victims would have been killed and injured. 


Gun violence in the United States results in tens of thousands of deaths and injuries with guns annually. Nearly 40,000 people died from guns in the U. since  2018. Americans have   killed more than 20 million victims in th US since World War II. Ionically, the largest WWI casualties were China and the Soviet Union with 20 million victims killed.

The ability to illegally obtain weapons in the USA is made easier by lax gun laws, and the guns that make it to the illegal market, by and large, start out as firearms that are legally sourced from the manufacturer. The patchwork of gun laws means that American States with the least restrictive laws for purchasing guns become the source of weapons for crimes in states with more restrictive laws.

Ironically, the less rational gun rights advocates (NRA) obliquely reference this in an often-heard argument that high gun crime rates in restrictive areas is proof that gun regulation simply doesn't work, as opposed to the argument that more uniform restrictions are needed. More uniform laws that set the bar at the more restrictive level are universally opposed by politically active gun laws.

However, gun control only hurts law-abiding citizens. A person intent on doing harm will simply just acquire any kind of gun illegally.

Purchasing military-type firearms is as easy and purchasing a pound of butter in a grocery store. Just go to a the gun sales venue in the United States where  anyone who isn’t a child  can buy any kind of gun you want even if it is a military-type firearm.

New Zealand’s ban on semi-automatic weapons has put guns, violence and regulation back in the spotlight, underscoring the different approaches taken by governments around the world and their relative success.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern outlined the plan after a gunman killed 50 people at two mosques in a city on the country’s South Island. The strengthened laws will prohibit military-style semi-automatics and assault rifles, as well as putting in place an amnesty for such weapons to be handed in and a buyback scheme.

Australia’s 1996 gun-law reforms offered that naton’s a template. After a massacre in Tasmania killed 35 people, semi-automatic weapons, pump-action shotguns and rifles were removed from civilian possession, and firearm deaths fell. Even so, while evidence and academic studies suggest that the fewer people who have access to firearms, the safer a community is. Gun controls remain controversial in some countries, most notably the United States.

There are more than one billion firearms in the world and the majority are owned by ordinary people, according to the Small Arms Survey. It estimates that 85% are in civilian hands, 13% are in military arsenals and 2% are owned by law enforcement agencies.

National ownership rates vary hugely, from about 120 firearms for every 100 residents in the US to less than one firearm for every 100 residents in Indonesia, Japan and Malawi.

Japan is also often cited as a gun-control success, with strong and repetitive tests that act as a barrier to ownership. There are only shotguns and air rifles that are allowed, and if you want to buy one, you need to attend lessons, pass a written test and a shooting-range test. After that, you would undergo mental-health and background checks.

Gun rights are defended by the National Rifle Association, which spends heavily to lobby against all forms of control, arguing that weapons make the country safer. It often holds up the nation’s Second Amendment as a reason to protect ownership, saying “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”

Even so, it’s worth remembering that amendment was penned in 1791, when gun technology was still pretty basic and semi-automatic and automatic weapons were around 100 years away from conception and development Further it was at a time when citizens weren’t protected by police forces.

Assault rifles, like the AR-15 and AK-47, that fire dozens of rounds of ammunition per minute, came many decades later. Today, they are the gun of choice for many ordinary citizens and crimnals  and have played a role in most of the country’s high-casualty shootings, highlighting a dramatic shift in the style and potential impact of gun ownership.

The Small Arms Survey underlines how embedded guns have become, showing that 6% of US adults participated in target shooting with a modern sporting rifle or semi-automatic assault weapon in 2016. That’s about 14 million people.

I can appreciate why people like going to shooting rages with ordinary rifles. I know because I was an instructor in such ranges.  But firing a semi-automatic rifle at a targetin a range  is ridiculous, Obviously it doesn’t require any degree of training or expertise. It is not unlike a man showing his penis to other men and saying , “See how big my penis is.”  As far as I am concered. Any man who chooses to own and fire an assault gun is acting with the immature mind of a small child. 

What is that twit going to use the gun for other than show off. He can’t use it for hunting purposes.

More people were wounded and killed in incidents in which semiautomatic rifles were used compared with incidents involving other firearms, Semiautomatic rifles are designed for easy use, can accept large magazines, and fire high-velocity bullets, enabling active shooters to wound and accidentally kill more people per incident.

Of course there are also some high-profile advocates of stronger controls, including former President Barack Obama and Senator Bernie Sanders, whose post on Twitter was backing New Zealand’s new approach which was swiftly counteracted by gun advocates.

Bernie Sanders said, “This is what real action to stop gun violence looks like. We must follow New Zealand's lead, take on the NRA and ban the sale and distribution of assault weapons in the United States.”

  It  was obviously that that senator was not one of those dishonest senators who accepted  the huge bribes given to them by the NRA to vote the way the NRA wanted then  to vote.

The ability to illegally obtain weapons is made easier by lax gun laws, and the guns that make it to the illegal market, by and large, start out as firearms that are legally sourced from the manufacturer. The patchwork of gun laws means that American States with the least restrictive laws for purchasing guns become the source of weapons for crimes in states with more restrictive laws. Ironically, the less rational gun rights advocates obliquely reference this in an often-heard argument that high gun crime rates in restrictive areas is proof that gun regulation simply doesn't work, as opposed to the argument that more uniform restrictions are needed. More uniform laws that set the bar at the more restrictive level are universally opposed by politically active gun advocate.

In Canada, these illegal guns are often brought over the border between Canada and the United States.

In my opinio. , anyone bringing illegal guns into Canada should be imprisoned for two years and if the gun is a military type of gun, then five years in prison is appropriate.  

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