Friday 10 July 2020


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         It is beyond me as to me why so many world leaders are so dishonest. Their salaries should be suffice for their income. Here are the names of some of these dishonest leaders.


         This dishonest Russian  has used his last decade of absolute power and wholehearted corruption to stash away a vast personal fortune estimated at more than $70 billion. A fortune that simply does not jibe with the humble, man-of-the-people, portrait Putin paints of himself. Does he pay yay taxes on that money? Give me a break.

         vLadimir Putin is currently serving his second term as the President of Russia. His first Presidential term lasted from 2000 – 2008. Putin was also Prime Minister of Russia from 1999 – 2000 and again from 2008 – 2012. In last April's financial disclosure, Putin listed his "official" Presidential salary at $187,000 (5.8 million rubles.). And his salary has gone up more than 50% since last year. where did he get all that other money?

         Sergei Kolesnikov said that  he worked for the Kremlin to collect money from the super-rich, which they believed was to be spent on healthcare, but which was ultimately used “to help build a $1 billion palace for Putin on the Black Sea coast,  The BBC said it had seen documents from one of the offshore companies that diverted millions of dollars to the palace, which was constructed during Putin’s first term as president.  Mr. Kolesnikov was also allegedly filmed discussing Mr. Putin’s secret fortune – investments of up to $440 million, Where did he get all that money? 

         Benjamin Netanyahu
This man is the Prime minister of Israel.  He  has become  the first serving Israeli prime minister  to face criminal charges as he went  on trial over corruption allegations on the  24th  of May, 2020. He lambasted Israel's justice system for bringing "fabricated and ludicrous" charges against him as he became the first serving Israeli prime minister to face criminal prosecution.

         Israel's attorney general recommended indicting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with bribery, fraud and breach of trust on in a series of corruption scandals that have dogged his recent years in office and overshadowed his current re-election campaign.

         The scandals have engulfed Netanyahu's family and his inner circle, with at least three former close confidants turning state's evidence and testifying as a witness against him. Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit says he has sufficient evidence to press charges against Netanyahu in three separate cases, pending a pre-indictment hearing where Netanyahu will be given the opportunity to defend himself. His political opponents, and indeed the entire country, have been eagerly awaiting the decision of Mandelblit — a Netanyahu appointee.

Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, have long been saddled with a penchant for expensive tastes and questionable use of public funds. Mrs. Netanyahu has been indicted for graft, fraud and breach of trust for allegedly overspending more than $100,000 in public funds on private meals at their official residence.

The most damaging case involves an influence-peddling scandal in which two of Netanyahu's closest aides are testifying against him on suspicion of promoting regulation worth hundreds of millions of dollars to Israel's Bezeq telecom company. In return, Bezeq's popular news site, Walla, allegedly provided favorable coverage of Netanyahu and his family. Nir Hefetz, a former Netanyahu family spokesman, and Shlomo Filber, the former director of the Communications Ministry under Netanyahu, cut deals with prosecutors after they were arrested along with Bezeq's controlling shareholder Shaul Elovitch, his wife, son and other top Bezeq executives. Former journalists at the Walla news site have attested to being pressured to refrain from negative reporting of Netanyahu. Mandelblit said he recommends charging Netanyahu for bribery, fraud and breach of trust.

Police recommended indicting Netanyahu over accepting nearly $300,000 in gifts from Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan and Australian billionaire James Packer. Police say that in return for lavish gifts that included jewelry, expensive cigars and champagne, Netanyahu had operated on Milchan's behalf on U.S. visa matters, tried to legislate a generous tax break for him and sought to promote his interests in the Israeli media market. Police have not commented on what Packer, who reportedly sought Israeli residency status for tax purposes, may have received, and Netanyahu has said everything he received were gifts from friends. Long-time aide Ari Harow who  is a state witness in this case. Mandelblit recommends charging Netanyahu with fraud and breach of trust.
Police have also recommended indicting Netanyahu for supposedly offering a newspaper publisher legislation that would weaken his paper's main rival in return for more favorable coverage. Netanyahu reportedly was recorded asking Arnon Mozes, the publisher of the Yediot Ahronot daily, for positive coverage in exchange for helping to weaken Israel Hayom, a free pro-Netanyahu newspaper that had cut into Yediot's business.

Israel Hayom is financed by Netanyahu's American billionaire friend Sheldon Adelson and largely serves as the prime minister's mouthpiece. Netanyahu has noted that a proposed law to weaken Israel Hayom never passed and that he had even dissolved his coalition and called a new election in 2015 because of his opposition to the proposal. Harow is a state witness in this case, too. Mandelblit recommends charging Netanyahu with fraud and breach of trust.

         Bair Bolsonaro 

This man is currently the president of Brazil. Sao Paulo (CNN) Brazil's highest court has authorized an investigation into allegations that President sought to interfere with police investigations. The decision ratchets up pressure on Bolsonaro, who is under fire over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and a looming economic crisis.

Some of his cabinet ministers are likely to resign after being placed under investigation in a massive corruption probe

Donald Trump

It shouldn’t be a surprise to any9ne that this political freak is dishonest The  Washington Post’s fact-checking operation has now counted 10,000 “false or misleading claims” by Donald Trump during his presidency. It’s hard to convey how big a deal this is. To begin with, te allegation is real.  Anyone can go through the Post’s data and find plenty to argue with  maybe one statement isn’t really false, another was just an exaggeration and some other one was nit-picky. But even if the fact-checkers are wrong an implausible three out of four times, that’s still 2,500 false or misleading claims by the president in two-plus years.

But is he dishonest? Ask the students who paid fees  to his  so-called University. Trump University (also known as the Trump Wealth Institute and Trump Entrepreneur Initiative LLC) was an American company that ran a real estate training program from 2005 until 2010. It was owned and operated by The Trump Organization. A separate organization, Trump Institute, was licensed by Trump University but not owned by The Trump Organization. After multiple lawsuits, it is now defunct. It was founded by Donald Trump and his associates, Michael Sexton and Jonathan Spitalny, in 2004. The company offered courses in real estate, asset management, entrepreneurship, and wealth creation. The courses were a sham.

Donald Trump and his administration did not create the worst biological threat that the world has experienced in more than 100 years, but the American president’s incompetenceignorance, and dishonesty in handling this crisis has been stunning. One hundred and twenty-seven thousand Americans are dead already, and that number will continue to rise.
         On Decmber. 18th, 2019, Donald Trump was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives on two charges based on attempting to have Ukraine interfere with the U.S. presidential elections. The first charge—or article of impeachment—was abuse of power and the second was obstruction of Congress. Ah, the good old days of common presidential corruption. The Senate didn’t follow suit.
         Here were six pr0ven “Articles of Incompetence, Ignorance, and Dishonesty” that in many ways dwarf the corruption that led to Trump’s original impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives.

         Trump’s lawyers and his Justice Department contended that the president didn’t have to comply with the subpoenas and could block his financial advisers from complying to the subpoenas because the requests were overly intrusive and undermined to the sweep immunity from criminal investigations any president should enjoy while in office.  The Supreme Court ruled otherwise.

         The Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. is conducting a probe into the Trump Organization’s efforts to mask hush money paid to two women who said they had sexual encounters with Trump. The D.A. wants to explore whether, as part of those maneuvers, Trump’s team falsified business records. Trump’s lawyers argued that prosecutors like Vance should have to meet a heightened standard when seeking any president’s personal papers. Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority, disagreed,

         President Trump reminds me of the story of the king who wore no clothes but believed that he  was fully dressed.

         Justin Trudeau

         This man is currently the Prime Minister of Canada.  He is one of the two sons of the late Pierre Trudeau who was a former prime minister in the latter part of the 1970s and the earlier part of the   1980s.

Trudeau is already facing serious ethics problems by blurring the line between the public interest and his personal profit. Apparently he doesn’t even care what the voters think about his misdeeds.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is being investigated for the third time by the ethics commissioner.

Mario Dion, the conflict of interest and ethics commissioner, confirmed recently confirmed that  he has accepted a complaint by Tory MP Michael Barrett and will look into concerns alleging Trudeau broke the Conflict of Interest Act when the government awarded WE Charity a sole-sourced contract that did not follow the normal contracting process. The Commissioner has launched his investigation into Justin Trudeau's involvement in awarding the 900million dollar contract to charity with close ties to his family and the his  Liberal Party.

In a ruling posted on the website of the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson said that her investigation into two complaints about the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau breaking  multiple federal ethics rules when he accepted a ride on the Aga Khan’s private helicopter and stayed on his private island over the holidays in 2016, The ethics commissioner has ruled.trip to the found that Trudeau violated the Conflict of Interest Act when he and his family accepted the trip. But she also dismissed several of the specific violations brought within those complaints. Essentially, the ruling boils down to two core issues: whether Trudeau’s acceptance of the trip put him in a conflict of interest because the Aga Khan has ongoing business ties with the government, and also whether he broke the rules around when cabinet officials and members of the House of Commons can accept rides on private transportation.
         This article deals with some of the current leaders of nations who are dishonest. The next article will be about the dishonesty of past despots  of nations.

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