they be absolute?
There is a paragraph that has white backing behind it. It has no signigficance as it is only an anomaly in the printing.
Certainly one of our prized
possessions in westernized countries such as the United States and Canada is
our right to speak and express ourselves publicly. I strongly suspect that in
less advanced countries, a great many of their people envy our two countries
because of our guarantees that we can enjoy when it comes to our freedom of
speech and expression.
But do we in our advanced
countries really expect our guarantees of our freedom of speech and expression
to be adhered to the fullest? Not really. There are some restrictions. For
example, you cannot yell fire in a crowded theatre when there is no fire. You
cannot libel someone publicly and not expect to be sued in court for damages. If
you blaspheme Mohammad or criticize the writings in the Qu’ran, you can expect
to be hunted down and murdered by radical Islamists. You cannot publicly advocate
genocide or the murder of someone. You cannot publicly advocate the violent
overthrow of the government. And believe it or not, you apparently cannot try
to change history in Canada or Germany by claiming that the murder of six
million Jews is a myth.
I am deeply concerned that it
is an offence in Canada and in Germany to deny the existence of the murder of
six million Jews in Europe during World War II. I believe that figure is
reasonably accurate but even though a public statement denying those facts is
offensive to millions of Jews and others world-wide, and rightly so, to punish
anyone who publicly denies those facts is not only unconstitutionally wrong,
but actually the potential harm is that it will deny historians in the future
from arriving at their own conclusions as to what happened in history before
their own births and publicly stating them in their own writings.
In this article, I will be
dealing with issues involving the bridging of freedom of speech and expression.
The Espionage Act of 1917 in the US imposed
a maximum sentence of twenty years for anyone who caused or attempted to cause
insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty in the military or
naval forces of the United States. Over two thousand citizens of the US were
convicted under the Act. In one case,
when sailors refused to continue unloading explosives after a ship blew up
because of bad loading procedures, they were imprisoned after protesting
against the government that their lives were in danger. Later, they were released when the government
realized that it had gone too far. One filmmaker was sentenced to ten years
imprisonment because his portrayal of British soldiers in a movie about the American Revolution impugned the good faith of
a current American ally—the United Kingdom. Those situations are evidence that
the freedoms of speech were wrongly being denied to these people.
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., writing for
the US Supreme Court in one particular case, explained that the question in
every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of
such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils
that Congress has a right to prevent.
I am convinced that the kind
of evils he was speaking of include those in which innocent people can be
killed. I will give you an example of a recent evil.
We are all cognizant of the
rather ham-fisted ridiculous film written and produced by Nakoula Bassela
Nakoula, an American convicted criminal in the United States who took great pleasure
in insulting Islam’s holiest prophet, Mohammed in his film, Innocence of Muslims. What was shown
publicly was that 'blasphemous' film that branded Mohammed a fraud, a
pedophile and a womanizer. Now that fool Nakoula has a bounty on his head.
Thousands of
Muslims around the world took to the streets in 11 countries to protest the
insulting material and demand an apology. Many people died in the clashes including
an American ambassador and three of his aides who were murdered in their
consulate in Libya. Despite condemning the film as “repulsive”, the US
government has not officially apologized for the insulting movie, because it
was acknowledging the American’s right to free speech and expression and the
right of Nakoula to film what
he wanted to film and show it publicly.
I do however recognize how
important free speech is in our society since I certainly have spoken my mind in
the last five years by publishing almost 800 articles in my blog. But I do not
purposely inflame my readers to the point that they want to kill innocent
people around the world. That is going too far. Further, I am not stupid enough to write and
publish a book that besmirches Mohammad and therefore causing me to hide
because there is a bounty placed on my head. That is simply asking for unwanted trouble.
Whatever I think of that particular prophet, I keep my views of him to myself.
However, are there
really times when exercising a person’s right to speak his mind publicly is
contrary to his country’s best interests? Consider this case.
Charles Schenck was the Secretary
of the Socialist Party of America and was
responsible for printing, distributing, and mailing to prospective military draftees during
World War I, as many as 15,000 leaflets that advocated opposition to the draft.
These leaflets contained statements such as; “Do not submit to intimidation”, “Assert
your rights”, “If you do not assert and support your rights, you are helping to
deny or disparage rights which it is the solemn duty of all citizens and
residents of the United States to retain, on the grounds that military
conscription constituted involuntary servitude, which is prohibited
by the Thirteenth
The Court, in a unanimous
opinion written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., held that
Schenck's criminal conviction was not contrary to the edicts of the American
Constitution. He wrote that the First
Amendment did not protect speech encouraging insubordination, since, “when
a nation is at war, many things that might be said in time of peace are such a
hindrance to its effort that their utterance will not be endured so long as men
fight, and that no Court could regard them as protected by any constitutional
right.” unquote In other words, the
court held that the circumstances of wartime permit greater restrictions on
free speech than would be allowable during peacetime.
The outbreak of the Second World War allowed Mackenzie
King's government to reinstate the Act. Further, the Defence of Canada Regulations was developed subsequent to the
invoking of the War Measures Act. These
regulations essentially passed the authority of government to the war committee
of the federal cabinet. The regulations had enormous influence in limiting free
speech, suspending habeas corpus, interning suspicious individuals or groups. There
could not have been successful grounds of appeal by Houde against the War Measures Act as being
unconstitutional and certainly not in a time of war.
Some free speech advocates
maintain that they have the right to be enormously offensive even to the point
of expressing discriminatory attitudes that vilify identifiable minorities. For
example, Terry Jones is a church minister in Florida who goes out of his way to
bring his followers with him (mostly his family and relatives) to military
funerals where he then berates the dead soldiers as being killers of children.
Canada won’t permit this scumbag entry into Canada since we don’t tolerate that
kind of abuse at our funerals or anywhere else for that matter. Germany has
also banned this twit and his followers entry into their country.
This dimwitted, supercilious, and impulsive
so-called man of God even managed to increase violent rioting at the United
Nations building in New York. He increased Islamic animosity toward Americans
internationally by threatening to burn the Qu’ran, increased religious
polarization, and put American troops overseas in more danger amongst outraged
people in the Middle East who are sick and tired of what they are convinced is
American disrespect, ignorance and condescension of their nations.
The question that obviously comes to the fore is—can the United States do
anything to stop this man from spewing out of his mouth, the garbage he stores
in his barely functioning brain? Even though he puts Americans at risk, the US First Amendment protects this man’s
right to make silly and dangerous comments publicly.
hould human rights
legislation aimed at promoting tolerance and combating discrimination be used
to restrict free speech? I remember a case where I was representing a man in
court whose superintendent of the building had purposely damaged my client’s
car (and other tenant’s cars) when the cars were parked in the underground
parking. Outside the courtroom, I referred to the superintendent as a Polish
bastard. He was of Polish descent and he certainly was a bastard in the
colloquial sense. I got a call from a woman from the Human Rights Commission of
Ontario saying that I couldn’t call the man a Polish bastard and that if I
continued to do it, I would be charged under the Human Rights Act of Ontario. I told the stupid woman that the truth
beats might and since the man was Polish and he certainly was a bastard, I was
correct in my definition of him. I told her that if I am charged, I will make
mincemeat out of their case and mincemeat out of the reputation of the Human
Rights Commission. Needless to say, I never heard another thing about the bastard’s
complaint again.
The most infamous case in
Canada concerned the issue as to whether Mark Steyn’s 2006 Maclean’s article, The Future
Belongs to Islam was likely to expose Muslims to hatred and also contempt
and thusly violated British Columbia’s Human Rights Code. The
case went forward in British Columbia where complainants have direct access to
the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, as long as the complaint is timely
and falls under the jurisdiction of the Tribunal.
There could be doubt, that
the overall thrust of Steyn’s argument, as well as his sarcastic, even mocking tone;
was offensive and hurtful to many Muslims and Westerners too, who were his main
target of derision for their cultural relativism, low birth rates, and
unwillingness to defend Western society. The British Columbia Human Rights
Tribunal Panel stated that Steyn’s article was deeply offensive to some Muslims
and it also stated that the Article contained numerous factual, historical, and
religious inaccuracies about Islam and Muslims.
However, the Panel
ultimately dismissed the complaints because the article did not rise “to the
level of detestation, calumny and vilification” necessary to breach s. 7(1)(b)
of the Code. Moreover, they found that the article was an expression of
political opinion in the context of ongoing debates about recent historical events
involving extremist Muslims and the problems facing the vast majority of the
Muslim community that does not support extremism.
In 1969, in Brandenberg v. Ohio, the US
Supreme Court struck down the conviction of a Ku Klux Klan member and in doing
so, established a new standard—Speech can be suppressed only if it is intended,
and likely to produce, “imminent lawless action.” Otherwise, even
speech that advocates violence is protected. The Brandenberg standard prevails even in today’s era of unrest.
It seems to me that the film, Innocence of Muslims is a prime example of the kind of speech that
excites people to riot and commit murder. Unfortunately, like other countries
in the world, the Middle East has violent reactionary elements amongst their
citizens. For this reason, this kind of rhetoric in my opinion should not be
permitted to be in the public domain even though the author of such detestable
material has the constitutional right to publish his views.
Censoring so-called hate speech also runs counter
to the long-term interests of the most frequent victims of hate: racial,
ethnic, religious and sexual minorities. There are people who will say that we
should not give the government the power to decide which opinions are hateful
because history has taught us that governments are more apt to use this power
to prosecute minorities than to protect them. As one US federal judge had put
it, tolerating hateful speech is “the best protection we have against any
Nazi-type regime in this country.” That premise appears on the surface to be
reasonable but at a terrible consequence such as what has happened after the
film Innocence of Muslims circulated around the
I made a statement on the Internet on February 15,
1998 when I said;
“When we open the
door to reason, we can expect the cold and biting winds of racism to enter. But if we
keep the door closed, we are deluding ourselves into believing that it is warm
outside. It is far better to face the cold and biting winds of racism head on
because from that experience, we soon learn that by cloaking ourselves with
some form of protection; it makes the cold and biting winds of racism more
bearable.” unquote
That statement was in
response to a bigot who was denouncing blacks per se. The message I was trying
to convey was that if we forbid the publication of racist commentary, we are
forcing racists to take an alternative way to get their messages across by the
use of violence alone. However, in my opinion, if racist commentary has the
potential to incite violence, then it should be nipped in the bud. No one’s
life should be sacrificed because a racist has the constitutional right to spew
dangerous commentary that highly offends a group of people into a murderous
rage. By nipping in the bud, I was referring to speaking out against racism which
is what I did when I then mentioned many of the great accomplishments that
black people had done in the past.
US President Barack Obama
on September 26, 2012 reminded Americans that hateful speech is protected by
the First Amendment of the American Constitution. He also said;
“The strongest weapon
against hateful speech is not repression; it is more speech—the voices of
tolerance that rally against bigotry and blasphemy and lift up the values of
understanding and mutual respect.” unquote
Now one could argue that
the rioters and murderers in the Middle East countries already have a hatred
for Americans and the publication of Innocence
of Muslims wasn’t and isn’t the real reason why so many Muslims hate
Americans. There are other reasons for their hatred of Americans but the
publication of that detestable film was the spark that ignited the flammable
Islamic psyche into a conflagration that was previously up to then, mere embers
of hatred of Americans that Muslims living in the Middle East had towards them.
As of the middle of September 2012, the cities of Tunis, Tripoli, Lebanon, Gaza
City, Cairo, Amman, Jordan, Baghdad, Tehran, Kabul, Kuwait City, Doha Srinagar,
Dhaka, Chennai and Kuala Lumpur—cities that are populated primarily with
Muslims, are protesting the showing of the film Innocence of Muslims. I can’t help but wonder if the film hadn’t
been made in the United States but instead somewhere else, would the Muslim
fury be as intense as it is now?
The question that must come
to the fore is; “Is it possible to know in advance as to whether or not a
publication of an inflammatory article or statement will immediately set off a
set of events that will unquestionably result in rioting and murder? Consider
the following case.
A leader of a Ku Klux Klan
group in Ohio was convicted under the Ohio
Criminal Syndicalism Statute for
advocating crimes of sabotage, violence, and unlawful methods of terrorism as a
means of accomplishing political reform. He was convicted. He challenged the
constitutionality of the Criminal
Syndicalism Statute under the First and
Fourteenth Amendments to the United
States Constitution. His final appeal was heard in the Supreme Court in
Ohio. The Court’s decision was announced on June 9, 1969. He was found innocent
because to find otherwise, would have denied him his rights of expression
guaranteed by the First Amendment.
The Court was aware of an
earlier decision of the US Supreme Court (Abrams v. United
States) in which Justice
Holmes said in
“It is only the present
danger of immediate evil or an intent to bring it about that warrants Congress
in setting a limit to the expression of opinion where private rights are not
concerned. Congress certainly cannot forbid all effort to change the mind of
the country.” unquote
I interpret that aspect of
the jurist’s remark as to mean that Congress would have to add something to the
First Amendment that an exception
should be added as a codicil; the exception being that if clear and present
danger will immediately or soon after come as a direct result of an
inflammatory statement, then the edict of the First Amendment cannot be used as a defence for having made the
inflammatory statement.
Publicly destroying a copy
of the Qu’ran can incite Muslims to an intense violent response so should the
person doing it be arrested? Suppose instead he rips his own Bible to shreds to celebrate his
departure from his faith and his embrace of atheism. Should he also be arrested?
If so, can he legitimately claim that he has that right based on his right of
free expression to burn both books? Suppose he burns a copy of
the Qu’ran as one of the many books he is burning in his own backyard and he
does it privately and then his neighbour notices what he is doing and he
videotapes what he sees and publicizes it knowing that he will inflame the
anger of Muslims. Can the neighbour then be arrested and charged with creating
the scenario that followed when incensed Muslims in the Middle East killed
Americans? The
line between what is permissible and not subject to control and what may be
made impermissible and subject to regulation is the line between ideas and
overt acts.
If publicly burning the
Islamic holy book occurred many decades ago, the resulting inflamed Muslims’
reaction would likely be nothing like what has happened in this current era.
But a very important question has surfaced and it has to be answered. The
question is; “Why should anyone in the Westernized world of today be governed
by the emotions of those of the Islamic faith that live in the Middle East?
This question has to be
answered sooner or later and it can only be answered by both the politicians
who make our laws and the courts that interpret those laws. It is a question
that I cannot answer because of the complexity of the problem. I will refer the
answer to that question to brighter minds than mine.
All matters of belief should be beyond
the reach of subpoenas or the probings of investigators. That is why the previous
invasions of privacy made by American investigating committees were notoriously
unconstitutional. That was later realized because of the infamous loyalty-security
hearings which, since 1947 when President Truman launched them, had processed
20,000,000 men and women. Those hearings were primarily concerned with the
thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and opinions of those being questioned under oath. The
hearings were the most blatant violations of the First Amendment that Americans have ever known. If any of them admitted
that they liked some of what Karl Marx wrote in his book, Das Kapital, they were deemed to be communists and denied
opportunities in employment.
In Canada, no one can use the Internet
as a means of making statements that conflict with Human Rights legislation. What
follows is from section 13 of the Canadian
Human Rights Act.
13. (1) It is a discriminatory practice for a
person or a group of persons acting in concert to communicate telephonically or
to cause to be so communicated, repeatedly, in whole or in part by means of the
facilities of a telecommunication undertaking within the legislative authority
of Parliament, any matter that is likely to expose a person or persons to
hatred or contempt by reason of the fact that that person or those persons are
identifiable on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination.
(2) For greater certainty,
subsection (1) applies in respect of a matter that is communicated by means of
a computer or a group of interconnected or related computers, including the
Internet, or any similar means of communication, but does not apply in respect
of a matter that is communicated in whole or in part by means of the facilities
of a broadcasting undertaking.
What subsection 2 means that if for
example, a blogger writes something in his blog that is contrary to the edicts
of the Canadian Human Rights Act, the
firm that provider (such as Rogers) cannot be prosecuted for what a subscriber published
in his blog.
Certainly there is no constitutional
line between advocacy of abstract ideas and advocacy of political action.
The quality of advocacy turns on the depth of the act committed and as such,
unless the quality of advocacy encourages hatred and violence, the government should
have no power to invade that sanctuary of anyone’s belief and conscience. If
that were to happen, then we are not truly free.
No one can be absolutely free however if
he or she cannot express an opinion. Our rights to express ourselves should be
paramount both to governments and the people of all nations but I am not
caprice when I say that there should be some rare exceptions in order to
protect the public as a whole.
My opinions in this contentious issue
may not be palatable to some of my readers but I would rather stand up and
state them with conviction than err on the side of others who might believe in the
necessity of excessive government control over our beliefs and our rights to
express them while the government acts in what it believes is in our best
interests. We all know what happens when rogue governments do this. They do this to further their own interests
at the expense of those they govern.
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