History of Homosexuality (Part IV)
Let me premise this article with the statement that I am a heterosexual
and happily married for the past 36 years with two daughters and five
This article is about some countries that
forbid homosexuality and severely punish those who participate in homosexual
Under the
rule of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last monarch of the Pahlavi Dynasty, homosexuality
was tolerated, even to the point of allowing news coverage of a same-sex
wedding. In the late 1970s, some Iranians even began to talk about starting up
a gay rights organization, similar to the Gay Liberation movement.
Until the revolution, there were some night clubs in which gay behavior was
tolerated. During the Shah's time, however, homosexuality was still officially taboo
everywhere in Iran.
I remember when the Shah of Iran left Iran for
good on January 16, 1979 and when Islamic nationalist Ayatollahh Koomeini
returned to Iran from France on February 1, of that same year. It was soon after his arrival that homosexuals
began feeling the full brunt of the prejudices of Iranians about homosexuals in
their midst.
I remember seeing published pictures of
homosexuals being executed by firing squads and others being hanged soon after
Koomeini’s arrival. Nowadays, the executions are generally done by hangings
which are generally done in public although some hangings are
carried out in secret in the notorious Karoun prison in Tehran. Those who are
hanged in public are generally hoisted up by a crane.
The fact
that the two genders are strictly segregated in Iran increases the tendency for
same-sex acts among the youth. It is a
phenomenon that is also similarly known in single gender prisons. Indeed this
phenomenon happens throughout highly segregated societies in the Middle East
and North Africa.
In September 2011, three men were
hanged for committing forbidden acts against religion. They were convicted of
unlawful acts against Sharia law, based on the articles of 108 and 110 of the
Iranian Islamic penal code. Article 108 reads:
Sodomy is sexual intercourse between men. (which includes oral and/or anal sex)
Article 110 says: Punishment for sodomy is killing. The Sharia judge decides on the method of
Iranian prosecutors
have previously presented such cases before the courts as rape in order to make
the executions more acceptable and to avoid too much international attention
about the execution of homosexuals. It is believed however that the execution
of the three men is the first time for many years that any Iranians have been
given death sentences on the sole basis of them being homosexuals. The
executions for sodomy (which they were accused of) were among the rare cases that
followed where the Iranian authorities admitted to having executed men
convicted of homosexual acts.
The issue
of the death penalty for same-sex acts is further compounded by the fact
that the Iranian legal code does not differentiate between rape and
homosexual acts.
September 24, 2007, while speaking at Columbia University, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, in
answer to the question “Iranian women are now denied basic human rights and
your government has imposed draconian punishments including execution on
Iranian citizens who are homosexuals. Why are you doing those things?” The
president replied, “We don't have homosexuals, like in your country. I don't
know who told you that.” An aide
later said that the president was misquoted and actually said “Compared to
American society, we don't have many homosexuals.” The aide further clarified added
that the president also said “Because of historical, religious and cultural
differences, homosexuality is less common in Iran and the Islamic world than in
the West.”
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a speech on September 26, 2012 during his visit to
New York before the UN general assembly, “We don't have homosexuals in Iran.” That is about as ridiculous as saying that they
don’t have sand flies in the deserts of Iran. But then he went on continuing to
show his ignorance by saying, “No one will be punished for homosexuality
in the country.”
In August
2010, a 16-year-old Iranian, Ebrahim Hamidi
was arrested for sodomy and at age 18, he faced execution on charges of sodomy
on the basis of judge's knowledge
which is a legal loophole that allows for subjective judicial rulings where
there is no conclusive evidence against the accused. Hamadi was also tried
without any legal representation. Hamidi was temporarily reprieved after his
case drew widespread international attention. By the way, he was not a homosexual. As of the time this article is
presented to you, he is still in prison waiting for either his release or his
What I find rather amusing is that if President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad was telling the truth when he told the members of the UN General
Assembly that Iran has no homosexuals in his country, then why is Hamidi still
in prison? Is it possible that Ahmadinejad lied?
Four men
identified by the Human
Rights Activist News Agency in Iran as Saadat
Arefi, Vahid Akbari, Javid Akbari and Houshmand Akbari were sentenced to be
hanged after their guilty verdict was approved in 2012 by high court judges.
sodomy for men was punishable by death for all individuals involved in
consensual sexual intercourse, but under the new amendments the person who
played an active role will be flogged 100 times if the sex was consensual and
he was not married, but the one who played a passive role will still be put to
death regardless of his marital status.
Under the new code, the death sentence has been removed for juveniles
only in crimes whose punishment can be administered at the discretion of the
judge (such as drug offences). Under the same law, however, a death sentence
may still be applied for a juvenile if he or she has committed crimes that are
considered to be ‘claims of God’ and therefore have mandatory sentences of
death for such crimes as sodomy, rape, theft, fornication, apostasy and
consumption of alcohol for the third time.
There is
no legal protection against discrimination in Nigeria — a
largely conservative country of more than 170 million people that is split
between a mainly Muslim north and a largely Christian south.
Both male
and female same-sex sexual activity is illegal in Nigeria. The maximum
punishment in the twelve northern states that have adopted Shari’a law is death by stoning if the person
is married or was previously married or if the adult commits sodomy with a
person under age. In December 2011,
gay man in northern Nigeria was sentenced to death by stoning after it
was alleged he had sex with an underage male. That law applies to all
Muslims and to those who have voluntarily consented to application of the Shari’a
courts. In southern Nigeria and under the secular criminal laws of northern
Nigeria, the maximum punishment for same-sex sexual activity is 14 years'
imprisonment. Legislation is still pending to criminalize same-sex marriage throughout
the country.
to the 2007 Pew Global Attitudes Project, 97
percent of Nigerian residents
believe that homosexuality is
a way of life that society should not accept, which was the second-highest rate
of non-acceptance in the 45 countries surveyed.
In the northern states of Nigeria of Gombe, Jigawa, Kebbi, Sokoto, Yobe,
and Zamfara, a woman who commits the offence of lesbianism will be punished
with caning which may extend to fifty lashes and in addition be sentenced to a
term of imprisonment which may extend to six months.
A person who commits the offence of gross indecency will be punished
with caning which may extend to forty lashes and may be liable to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding one year and may also be liable to fine.
In the northern state of Kaduna, a person
commits an act of gross indecency "in public, exposure of nakedness in
public and other related acts of similar nature capable of corrupting public
morals". In the states of Kano and Katsina, a person commits an act of
gross indecency by way of kissing in public, exposure of nakedness in public
and other related acts of similar nature in order to corrupt public morals. In
the state of Gombe, a person commits an act of gross indecency by committing
any sexual offence against the normal or usual standards of behaviour. I guess
that means sodomy is out.
saying goodbye to your wife at a bus depot by kissing her and then being
arrested, convicted and sentenced to a year in a prison for that so-called
indiscretion because you supposedly corrupted public morals.
In the northern state of Bormo, a man or woman who engages in sexual
intercourse with another person of the same gender shall upon conviction be
punished with death.
In the state of Kano, a person who being a male gender who acts, behaves
or dresses in a manner which imitates the behavioral attitude of women shall be
guilty of an offence and upon conviction, be sentenced to one year imprisonment.
November 2011, Nigeria’s Senate voted to
criminalize gay marriages, by instituting prison terms for violations in a
nation where gays and lesbians already face discrimination and abuse. Under the
new law, same-sex couples who marry could face up to 14 years in jail and
witnesses or anyone who helps such couples marry could be sentenced to 10 years
in prison.
Saudi Arabia
Homosexuality is illegal in Saudi Arabia and is
punishable by imprisonment, corporal punishment or death.
young Saudi men have each been sentenced to more than 2,000 lashes and at least
five years in prison for deviant sexual behavior. A court in the western city
of Qunfuda sentenced five of the men to six years in prison and 2,600 lashes.
The men were flogged 52 times in 50 sessions. The four other defendants were
sentenced to five years and 2,400 lashes. They were flogged 48 times in 50 sessions.
There was a pause of 15 days between each of the flogging sessions.
Police started tailing the nine men after reports that they were acting
strangely. The police found that men were dressing in women’s clothes and
engaging in deviant sexual behavior with each other. The nine men confessed to
the charges. However, I am not convinced that the confessions weren’t brought
about by undue pressure. Their
trials were certainly farces since they didn’t have any lawyers representing
If you think that
many lashes given to those nine men were gross, consider what happened to two
men in Saudi Arabia who were sentenced to be flogged. They
were sentenced to 7000 lashes each in public after being convicted of sodomy. Can they survive that many lashes of a whip? They can if it is done
with a wet noodle.
than 100 men in Saudi Arabia were sentenced to imprisonment and flogging after
being arrested for “deviant sexual behaviour”. The men were arrested for
dancing and behaving like women at a private party in a rented hall, according
to Al-Wifaq, a government-affiliated
Saudi newspaper. The paper claimed the men were attending a gay wedding.
“Homosexuality is one of the most disgusting sins and greatest
crimes.... It is a vile perversion that goes against sound nature, and is one
of the most corrupting and hideous sins.... The punishment for homosexuality is death. Both the active and passive
participants are to be killed whether or not they have previously had sexual
intercourse in the context of a legal marriage.... Some of the companions of the Prophet stated that the perpetrator is to
be burned with fire. It has also been said that he should be stoned, or thrown
from a high place.”
Where do you think you would find those writings in Saudi Arabia? It is
in the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education text books for Islamic Studies for
the 2007-2008 Academic year.
In 1980,
I was flying to Venezuela to give a speech on human rights. On the plane was a Saudi Arabian official who
was also attending the UN conference I was attending. I asked him if his
country still tortured their prisoners. He denied that it was being done. I
reminded him that recently a prisoner in his country was flogged. He replied,
“But that wasn’t torture. It was punishment.” Trying not to laugh in his face
at that precise moment was like trying not to pee when your bladder is about to
burst. Many years ago, I was invited to go to Saudi Arabia to assist a Canadian
architectural firm in designing the security measures of a new University being
built in Saudi Arabia. I refused the offer. There was no way I would ever set
foot in a country where it is governed by archaic royal decrees and where human
rights are flogged as many times as their criminals are.
History of Homosexuality (Part V) will be the
next article in which I will tell my readers of three more countries that abuse
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