Is chemical
castration really effective?
Chemical castration is the administration of medication designed to
reduce libido and sexual activity. Unlike
surgical castration, where the testicles or ovaries are removed through an incision in the
body, chemical castration does not actually castrate the person, nor is it a
form of sterilization.
castration is generally considered reversible when treatment is discontinued,
although permanent effects in body chemistry can sometimes be seen, as in the
case of bone density loss. Chemical
castration has, from time to time, been used as an instrument of public and/or
judicial policy despite concerns over human rights and possible side effects.
Chemical castration
involves the administration of antiandrogen drugs, such
as cyproterone acetate or the
birth-control drug Depo-Provera, which is given as
an injection every three months, making compliance easier to track. The antipsychotic agent Benperidol is also
indicated for this purpose, and can also be given by depot injection as a means
of increasing compliance.
When used on men,
these drugs can reduce sex drive, compulsive sexual fantasies, and capacity for
sexual arousal. Life-threatening side effects are rare, but some users show
increases in body fat and reduced bone density, which increase long-term risk
of cardiovascular
disease and osteoporosis.
They may also
experience gynecomastia (which creates
development of larger than normal mammary glands in males). When used on women,
these drugs deflate the breast glands and expand the size on the nipple. Also
seen is a sudden shrink in bone mass and discoloration of the lips, reduced
body hair, and loss of muscle mass.
Although chemical
castration is presented as a humane alternative to lifelong imprisonment or
surgical castration, the American
Civil Liberties Union opposes the coerced administration of any
drug, including anti-androgen drugs for sex offenders. They argue that forced
chemical castration is a "cruel and unusual
punishment", and therefore should be constitutionally prohibited by
the United States Eighth Amendment (protection against
cruel and unusual treatment)
They also stated
that it interferes with the right to procreate and could expose users to
various health problems. Law professor John Stinneford has argued that chemical
castration is a cruel and unusual punishment because it exerts control over the
mind of sex offenders to render them incapable of sexual desire and subjects
them to the physical changes caused by the female hormones used
In the case of
voluntary statutes, the ability to give informed consent is also an
issue; in 1984, the U.S. state of Michigan's court of appeals held that
mandating chemical castration as a condition of probation was unlawful on the
grounds that medroxyprogesterone
acetate had not yet gained acceptance as being safe and
reliable and also due to the difficulty of obtaining informed consent under these
What is informed consent? It is a person’s agreement to have
things happen to him after he has been told what consequences may occur if he
proceeds with the procedure. Are those persons who are chemically castrated, told everything about
the consequences of chemical castration?
What alternative method of sentencing is available to the courts
when sentencing sexual offenders? Imprisonment. What real choice does a sex
offender have when told he can choose one or the other being, they being chemical
castration or imprisonment? But even if he is informed about the medical
consequences of submitting himself to chemical castration, is he being
subjected to cruel and unusual punishment?
The United States, the United Kingdom and Canada amongst other
nations) have similar wording with respect to cruel and unusual punishment by
saying it shall not be inflicted.
The key word is
‘punishment’. But if a condemned offender is given the choice of imprisonment
or freedom which also includes chemical castration, is the latter choice a form
of unusual punishment? If there aren’t any side effects and it isn’t taken for
continuous use for years on end, then no, it isn’t a form of unusual
punishment. It is nevertheless to some degree, a form of punishment even though
it is also a form of treatment. We take Aspirin for headaches so if a sex
offender is given chemical castration to curb his desire to molest and rape his
victims, is that not a form of treatment? And it certainly isn’t unusual since
it is a commonly used and accepted by the majority of the population.
A 78-year-old prisoner in Louisiana was surgically
castrated as part of a plea deal in a child molestation case. The alternative was life in prison. Only his
testicles were removed.
In the United States, there are over a quarter of a million
offenders in prison. In the Ryker’s prison in New York, it costs $150 a day to
house each prisoner. There has to be a way to deal with some offenders that
doesn’t place such a drain on the public purse.
When a Delhi district court recently suggested
chemical castration of serial rapists and child abusers as an alternative to a
jail term, the idea was met with guarded reactions from women's rights
activists. However, with the alarming increase in the number of rapes in India,
the use of this alternative is becoming compelling.
I agree with the concept that chemical castration is a good idea
but the problem that goes with that form of treatment is making sure that these
child molesters and rapists take that treatment. If a child molester with a
record of these offences is eventually released, a condition could be placed on
him that he be on parole for the rest of his life and that he be given chemical
treatment regularly. This will no doubt solve a great deal of those problems
relating to the recidivism of such offenders.
Often people will ask if child molesters and rapists are monsters.
I do not think of child molesters and
rapists as monsters unless they physically torture or kill their victims. Child
molesters and rapists who do no physical harm to their victims are not really
the same as those who seriously injure, torture or kill their victims. I do however
see the non-violent sex offenders as sick human beings who need professional
treatment just as alcoholics do. And in many cases, imprisonment can act as a
Look at the various kinds of kinky sex there are. Is getting
sexually aroused by licking a woman's toe, normal? Is having sex with an animal
normal? Last year, a professional person was found hiding in the bottom of a
public outhouse staring at women's behinds while they were defecating. Is that
normal? Some people are actually permitting others to choke them during the sex
act and as a result, some have died. Is that also normal? I am prepared to say that these kinds of
sexual activities are less normal than an adult male having sex with a young
teenage girl.
Society has frowned on adults having sex with children (and
rightly so) because the children might grow up thinking this is acceptable.
That is where the danger is.
But to suggest that we execute them or physically castrate them or
otherwise lock the non-violent pedophiles in prison for many years thereby
creating a heavy drain on the public purse, is ludicrous. That is why many of
them (if they are first offenders) are subjected to chemical castration as an
alternative to imprisonment.
As they get older, their libido lessens and their sexual desires
wane and coupled with chemical treatment, their afflictions can be reduced and
their activities directed towards less evil goals in life.
I accept the premise that if these non-violent sexual predators
continue to molest children despite the treatment they get, then they will have
to be warehoused in prisons for many years and possibly for the rest of their
As for child killers who have molested their victims prior to or
after killing their victims, I have no qualms about having them put to death
providing that their executions are civilized.
It's not my intention to sway my readers from their concerns about
child molesters. They have every right to be concerned.
Many years ago, I was invited (as a criminologist) to appear
before the Justice Committee of the Ontario Legislature to give my views on
child abuse. I suggested that one in four children are sexually abused in North
America at least once in their young lives. I later learned that I was wrong.
It’s one in three. I myself was sexually
abused by two men as a young child so I appreciate the concerns people have. What is really frightening is that many such
offences go undetected for years. We are only learning about this problem from
adults who were silent about the abuses they underwent when they were too
afraid to speak out when they were children. In a recent Canadian case, a great
many adults spoke about one child molester who molested them when they were
young teenagers.
What I have attempted to do is convince my readers that this
problem is not a simple one to deal with and the suggestion of physically
castrating them or executing them all, violent and non-violent child molesters alike
simply won't pass muster in this era we are currently living in. That is why
chemically castrating first offenders if their crimes didn’t involve serious
injuries, torture or murder, is a good alternative to imprisonment.
We have to find the right way to treat and if necessary, punish
them so that our children will be safe, but not at the expense of justice and
fairness to these sick individuals, who in many cases, really feel that they
are cursed by their afflictions and desperately want to change their ways and
be normal. Chemical castration along with psychiatric treatment is a better way
when dealing with first offenders who haven’t seriously injured, tortured or
killed their victims.
The saying, "A dead pedophile is a good pedophile" is
something from our past and isn't acceptable anymore by our society. We should be re-thinking on ways to cure
these sick individuals.
The German Nazis prior and during the Second World War thought
that if they killed off all their mentally ill citizens, there would be no more
mentally ill people around. They were wrong of course. Despite the hundreds of thousands of mentally
ill Germans having been murdered by the Nazi doctors in Nazi Germany, hundreds
of thousands of new mentally ill people took their places after the war.
And here is the scary part. If we were to execute all child
molesters, be they violent or non-violent, do you have any idea how many
executions there would be? If I am right about one in four children being
sexually abused in North America, that means that it's possible that one in
four adults are molesting children. Even if the figure were one in twenty
adults molesting children, would you have us execute at least 20 to 25 million
American male adults or even one million male adults or alternatively, imprison
that many?
This could decimate the males in the United States. All of a
sudden, families would be decimated, co-workers would be decimated along with
our friends and scientists, researchers, peacemakers and even writers like
Oscar Wilde would be gone from us.
The suggestion of physically castrating them or executing them is
ludicrous. Some members of society have to change their thinking so that their
ideas are acceptable and feasible.
I hope that this piece has given some input on this subject. If it
has, perhaps my readers can offer suggestions on how we should deal with this
enormous problem—suggestions that make sense and are financially viable and are
acceptable to fair-minded citizens.
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