Should the Boston Bomber be executed? (Part 1)
Khadr (first and last
name pronounced Zokar Sarnay) was sentenced to death on May 15, 2015 for his
part in the Boston bombing that took place on April 15, 2015 during the running
of the Boston marathon twenty-five months ago.
series I have written about on this particular terrorist is divided into two
parts. Part 1 will include a speech I gave at the Seventh United Nations
Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders held in
Milan, Italy in September 1985. The second part will deal with Dzhokhar Tsarnev’s background, his
crime, his trial and his sentence.
Between 1975 and 1985, when
I was invited by the United Nations to address UN Congresses as a criminologist,
I was classed by the UN as an officially UN recognized “Canadian Observer” to
the UN Congresses. This classification also applied to judges, police chiefs,
parole and probation officers along with wardens and Superintendents of
prisons. In 1995, our classifications changed to being classed as UN recognized
“Individual Experts”.
After being invited to
speak at the Seventh UN Congress in 1985, I gave my speech on Terrorism on September
30, 1985. Now normally those of us who
are not delegates of our own countries can speak but not vote. And when we
speak, it is from our desks behind the desks of the delegates. When our names
are called, we press the ‘on’ button of the microphone on our desks and then
give our speeches. However, this time, the chairman of that particular session
decided that I should speak from the podium because the Italian government
wanted to have my speech recorded on television. Later I was told that my
speech in part was broadcasted all over Italy, with my voice being dubbed over
by someone speaking Italian. And now, I
will submit to you my official UN document.
I am addressing my remarks specifically to those countries that have
suffered under terrorism. I am not going to speak to you as a
criminologist but rather as one human being to another.
Terrorists slaughter human beings with the same indifference as humans
slaughter animals. We are at this time in history when we can no longer stand
by as mere curiosity seekers and watch innocent men, women and children being
slaughtered by terrorists. We are superior to these animalistic terrorists and
for this reason, it is time to deal with these animals in the same manner that
we deal with marauding wolves which are hunted down and exterminated. Do we
show mercy to a wolf that would devour our children? Should we show mercy to a
terrorist who would randomly and with indifference, slaughter out
It is the custom in some countries to merely imprison them with the
understanding that if these terrorists behave themselves, they might eventually
be released back into society.
Please note that when Abu Bakral-Baghdadi
was released from custody by the Americans from their Camp Bucca in Iraq in
2009 because of his good behavior, he later became the leader of ISIS, one of
the worst terrorist organizations in the world.
I ask you this question. Do you want these animals to prowl amongst us
again? They will prowl again and thy will rip your guts out and fling them in
your face in the same contemptuous manner in which they earlier ripped out the
guts of your loved ones. And as you lay
dying on the street with your blood running into the gutter, these animals will
drool over your body and smack their lips and bay to each other and to the news
media. You will simply be another statistic and they will live on to rip out
the guts of other innocent victims.
There are many thinkers throughout this world and even in this Assembly
Hall that would argue that even a terrorist has a right to life. They would
state that only God can take a life since it is only him who gave it. That
argument is an interesting one and to some extent, it has some validity to it
but I for one do not subscribe to it totally. God can give life and take it but
there are times when he doesn’t get involved in saving it. If God wishes to
give life to a newborn and then refuses to save that baby from destruction at
the hands of a terrorist, then I for one am not interested in considering God’s
position on how to deal with that innocent baby’s killer.
God is not the terrorist’s judge. We as humans are the terrorist’s
judge. If God wants to deal with terrorists in his own way, he can—after we are
through with him.
You have to admit that one has to
have a lot of intestinal fortitude to make statements like that in a god-fearing
nation like Italy.
To those who advocate mercy to terrorists who randomly kill innocent
victims, I say this. Wait until your family is wiped out by some animal who
drooled over the bodies of your loved ones. Wait until you have spent years in
loneliness and heart break because your loved ones are not with you in your
twilight years. Then only then when you come to face with the killer of your
loved ones, tell him how you understand his motives. Tell him that you
sympathize with his aims and that you appreciate that the murder of your loved
ones was an important and necessary step towards the realization of his aims. And
finally when you are by this time dying at his feet, offer him your
forgiveness, Be careful however not to get to close to his face lest he drool
all over you at best and spit in your face at worst.
If this is what you desire for yourself, then so be it. But you cannot
expect the rest of us to show mercy to the animals that would destroy our lives
and those of our loved ones.
When a murderer kills another human being, he creates three kinds of
victims. The person who is murdered is of course, the primary victim. The
families and friends of the primary victim are the secondary victims. Those of
us who are outside the circle of family and friends of the primary victim are
the peripheral victims because in some sense, we too suffer. That is because
most if not all of us have compassion. We don’t suffer from the agony of the
primary victim or the anguish of the secondary victims. The loss of an innocent victim at the hands
of a murderer takes something from us also because when an innocent victim
dies, a little of each of us peripheral victims die also.
There are three kinds of terrorists in this world. The first kind are
those who randomly kill innocent men, women and children by firing guns, or
placing bombs and/or lobbing grenades in crowded streets or buildings. There are also those who hijack buses, planes
or ships and kill those on board. And finally there are those who are leaders
of terror organizations and their bomb makers. They are just as guilty of
murder as those who are the ones who pull the triggers or plant or throw
explosive devices.
I am proposing what I think is a more suitable scenario in dealing with
these terrorists. As soon as these terrorists are arrested, they should be
brought to trial immediately; that is within a month at most. If the evidence
is overwhelming, such as being caught in the act, there trials should begin
within a week or so.
The witnesses should be individually placed in hotels and only be
permitted to talk to the investigators. They should however be permitted to
write and receive letters that are first examined by censors.
Special tribunals should be created to deal with these criminals. There
should be permanent investigative teams who are trained in law, prosecutors and
judges who all have a thorough understanding of terrorism and whose only work
in the field of law deals only with terrorism.
A list of lawyers should be given to the accused so that they can choose
the lawyer they wish to defend them. The lawyers who are chosen by the
terrorists should have their fees paid only by the government and their fees
should be no greater or less than those of the prosecutors. The defence should
be given copies of all document that are going to be used as evidence against
them and anything that is blacked out in the documents will not be used as
evidence against them.
The accused should be given information about what every witness is
going to say when testifying against them. The trials should be in camera
(secret) during the times when secret information is going to be discussed
during the trials. The names of the witnesses should not be disclosed nor
should their faces be shown nor should anything other than their testimony (if
not secret) be disclosed to the public.
Since civilians no doubt will pay an important role in the trials, great
care should be undertaken to ensure that their identities remain secret, that
they are protected at all times prior, during and after the trials. Further, they should be well compensated for
any inconvenience they have to endure, both prior and during the trials.
I realize that keeping secret the identities of witnesses creates an
aura of unfairness but in reality, it is only their statements, both under
direct examination and cross examination that the judges will concern
themselves with. Certainly, their faces, names, occupations and homes can
hardly add anything to their testimony and in actual fact would deter any
potential witnesses to cooperate with
the investigators out of fear that they and their families will be harmed if
the terrorist’s cohorts know who they are and where they live.
As soon as the witnesses have testified, they should be immediately
removed from the court and secretly taken to a military airbase and finally
from there, taken to their homes.
Since it would not be safe for civilian jurors to hear the evidence
because of the fear of being murdered by terrorists, a panel of three judges
should be empaneled to hear each case. Their names should not be disclosed to
the public.
Within a year after I gave this
speech, Germany tried terrorists with a panel of three judges.
If all three judges at a trial find the defendant guilty, then the
defendant should be sentenced to death. If two of the judges find the defendant
guilty, then the defendant should be sentenced to life in prison without
parole. If only one judge finds the defendant guilty, then he should be
declared not guilty. That defendant should still be held in custody until the
Supreme Court of the country the trial was held in has reviewed the transcripts
of the trial.
The Supreme Court reviewing the transcripts (which will also include the
closing arguments of both counsel and the statements of the judges) will
determine if the trial was conducted fairly and the testimony of the witnesses
were believable. If the trial was fair and the witnesses’ testimony is
believable, then the Supreme Court will not overturn the verdicts and the
sentences. There is no reason why the Supreme Court can’t put aside all other
matters and concentrate on the trials of the terrorists. This would mean that from
the moment of the arrests and until the final decision of the Supreme Court
comes down and the terrorists are executed, only a month will have passed.
It has been estimated that
as much as two or more decades will pass before Dzhokhar Tsarnev will have exhausted his appeals
and is executed. It is conceivable
that some of the victims who lost limbs in
the bombings will never see the day when this terrorist is executed.
Terrorists who are between fifteen and eighteen who are convicted of
murder should be sentenced to twenty-five years in prison. Teenagers under
fifteen who are convicted of murder should be placed in youth institutions
until the authorities are satisfied that society will not be harmed if they are
released back into society.
While the convicted defendants are waiting for the decision of the
court, the only contact they should have is that of their lawyers and no-one
If the Supreme Court upholds the verdicts and the sentences of death,
the executions should take place within 24 hours. Families of murdered victims
and those who lost limbs should be permitted to watch the executions.
In 2013, the Republican-controlled legislature previously sent a
bill to Gov. Rick Scott that, if signed, would require the governor to sign
execution warrants 30 days after the state Supreme Court reviews the case. It
would require the state to execute a prisoner within 180 days of a warrant
being signed. That is a good idea but the State should wait until the Supreme
Court of the United States makes its ruling.
Survivors and
family members of Oklahoma City bombing victims
were allowed to watch the execution of convicted Oklahoma bomber Timothy
McVeigh on a secure, closed-circuit television feed.
If it is the decisions of the Supreme Court of the country where the
executions are to take place are not to overturn the verdicts and sentences,
then the sentences should be carried out within 24 hours. Since permitting the
media to watch the executions would only incense the compatriots of the
condemned to kill more innocent people as an act of revenge, the only statement
made by the authorities is similar to that made after the executions of the men
who murdered Egyptian President Sadat. “They are now with Allah.”
Once terrorists are convicted of their murderous crimes, they are the
property of the country that executes them. As such, they are entitled to
nothing but the barest of necessities. They should not be comforted by family
members, friends or men of the cloth. They can pray to their own god without
the assistance of others.
The whole purpose of this is to get the message across to others who are
terrorists or wannabe terrorists that these condemned terrorists are not worthy
of any consideration whatsoever since they, not unlike wild dangerous animals
are simply being put down. They should not be pampered in their final hours.
The method of execution should be quick and painless and with no fuss or
ceremony and their bodies should be disposed of as the trash they are. Their bodies should be incinerated and their
ashes place in lead containers and dumped in the sea so that no one can pray
over their graves.
After Osama bin Laden was killed, he was dumped
overboard into the sea from an American warship despite the fact that under
Islamic tradition, burial at sea is considered inappropriate when other,
preferred forms of burial are available. In order not to inflame Muslims, his
body was washed first and then wrapped in a white shroud as per Muslim custom before
being dumped overboard.
I say these things knowing that there are some who will say that I am no
better than those who I condemn as terrorists. But to those I would ask this
rhetorical question. Has imprisoning them actually worked? How many terrorists
who were imprisoned and then later released returned back to terrorism again?
In 1972, three Japanese gunmen
opened fire on crowds at Lod International Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel, killing
26 people and injuring dozens more. The surviving gunman, Kozo Okamoto, was
tried in June 1972 and given a life sentence, in spite of his pleas to be
allowed to shoot himself. He spent 13 years in jail in Israel before being
released in a prisoner exchange with the Palestinians. He moved to Libya, then Syria, and finally to Lebanon where he reunited with other members of the Japanese Red
Army. He
converted to Islam and is regarded as a hero in Lebanon. Quite frankly, I will
find it difficult to believe that since his release from the Israelis prison,
he has lived in peace and harmony with his fellow human beings.
We are at this point in history where we must either fight with
everything we have or succumb to the fate of all innocent victims who have been
murdered by terrorists. We are at war with them.
The White House and
Pentagon acknowledged on September 12, 2014 that the U.S. “is at war” with the Islamic
State (ISIS).
Admittedly war is evil and it is
anything but fair.
Hundreds of thousands of German citizens in World War II were
killed in Allied bombing raids and the same applied in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
when the Americans dropped the two atomic bombs on those two cities and many
innocent civilians in Pakistan and Yemen have been killed by US operated
We fight hard in wars and we
should do no less than when fighting terrorism. We should deal harshly with
these terrorists who care little about their own lives and absolutely nothing
about the lives of their innocent victims. They have already accepted the fact
that they are destined to be killed either by suicide attacks or by soldiers
and policemen or enraged citizenry so it shouldn’t come to them as a surprise
that they will be executed soon after they have been found guilty of murder.
In January 2015, the Pakistan government established nine
military courts after Pakistan Taliban terrorists attacked an army-run school
in Peshawar, killing 134 pupils and 19 adults. The courts expanded the
military’s powers, giving them the authority to also try civilians accused of
terrorism. In May 2015, the new
military courts e sentenced six men to death for involvement in terrorism and a
seventh to life imprisonment. The six condemned hardcore
terrorists committed heinous offences relating to terrorism, such as
slaughtering innocent civilians by suicide bombings, abduction for ransom,
colossal damage to life and for this reason; they were property tried by the military
instead they were sentenced to imprisonment for life, there is a
chance that they will be set free by their compatriots outside who have come to
set them free. On July 27, 2013, 1,000 inmates escaped from
the Queyfiya prison near Benghazi, Libya. Local residents of Benghazi released the inmates out of
the prison. Many of those who were set free were terrorists and many of the men
who released them were also terrorists.
As many as 1,000 Palestinian prisoners were set free by the
Israelis in 2011 in order to obtain the release of one Israelis soldier who was
held captive by terrorists. Many of the Palestinians who were released were originally
captured by the Israelis as terrorists.
If some of the esteemed conferees
of this United Nations Congress would advocate the eventual release from prison
such terrorists and these unrepentant killers go out and kill again, I say to
these esteemed members of this assembly, weep for those innocent victims whose
deaths you will bring about by negotiating their killers out of prison. I will
weep with you but the guilt will fall on your heads and when that happens, I
will step aside of you for none shall fall on my head. If after we have returned to our respective
countries, any of you or your loved ones become victims of those released
terrorists, I shall weep for you and your family. As a peripheral victim, I
shall suffer for your loss because if you or your loved ones die at the hands
of those terrorists, a little of me will die also.
This was the end of my document
that the UN officially classified as a UN document. All delegates and other
speakers such as me are allotted only ten minutes to speak on any one topic. What
was televised was ten minutes of excerpts from my paper. The entire paper which
you have read was distributed by the United Nations to the delegates of the more than one hundred
nations attending the conference.
Right after I gave my
speech, I was interviewed by a reporter of the Milanese newspaper, CORRIER
DELLA SERA. What follows is what they published in their paper.
“The proposition of the Canadian delegate, Dahn Batchelor was;
`Terrorists must be executed, their bodies must be burned and their ashes
thrown into the sea so that no-one will ever cry over their tombs. Terrorist is
the worst cancer of society and I deny any possibility of any rehabilitation
the other delegates mentioned in their speeches. The terrorists kill persons
that work toward the progress of society and also kill innocent women and
innocent children.” unquote
UPA (United Press Association)
sent the following text around the world within hours after my speech was
“DAHN BATCHELOR criminologist of Toronto, Canada speaking as an
individual said that terrorists slaughter human beings with the same
indifference as humans slaughter animals. It is time to deal with these animals
in the same manner that we deal with marauding wolves which are hunted down and
exterminated. As soon as these terrorists are
arrested, they should be brought to trial immediately; that is within a month
at most. If the evidence is overwhelming, such as being caught in the act,
there trials should begin within a week or so. In such cases, the Supreme Court
would only concern itself as to the honesty and fairness of the original trial.
If the court decided that the verdict and sentence should stand, then the
sentence of death should be carried out immediately. Announcement of the
execution should be made in a very brief statement after the sentences were
carried out. Admittedly, the idea of summary trials even for terrorists is
repugnant but it must not be forgotten that the longer murderers are kept in
prison, the greater the chance that their compatriots would take the lives of
innocent citizens and hold countries hostage to get them released." unquote
UPDATE: Khadr has been sentenced to death.
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