Friday 12 July 2019

        Terrorists are mass killers

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The name of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant has been subject of debate and controversy since 2013.In Arabic, the jihadist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant has called itself ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah since June 2014. which it adopted that name  in April 2013.  They are also called ISIS and ISIL ISI and Daesh.

In my opinion, these Islamic terrorist are the worst in the world. I have seen videos of them cutting the throats of living victims and burning other victims alive and rape women and girls.

The countries that they attacked were Iraq and Syria. As of the writing of this article, they have been chased out of both of those countries by armies of UN comprising of military units and also soldiers of the two countries they invaded.

The group has been designated a terrorist organisation by the United Nations and many individual countries. ISIL is widely known for its videos of beheadings and other types of executions of both soldiers and civilians, including journalists and aid workers, and its destruction of cultural heritage sites.  The United Nations holds ISIL responsible for human rights abuses and war crimes. ISIL also committed ethnic cleansing on an historic scale in northern Iraq. Their aim was to create a medieval-style caliphate in northern Iraq and eastern Syria.

Originating in Iraq, the terrorists failed to gain any traction, as the group had eventually failed to gain or hold any significant territory in either of those two countries it invaded.

These terrorists  staged mass executions in the northern Iraqi city of Tikrit, which amounted to crimes against humanity and war crimes, according to Human Rights Watch. ISIS executed 1,700 Iraqi soldiers. They made their victims lie in ditches and then the terrorists machine-gunned them to death.  This was also done in the 11940s by the Nazis to the Jews.

ISIL broadcasted dozens of videos showing beheadings, shootings and other cruel treatment of soldiers, police officers and civilians, with many people being targeted because of their ethnicity, including Shiites and Christians.

The one-million-strong Iraqi army, trained and equipped by the United States, has been largely ineffectual in the face of the ISIL assault.

ISIL has been murdering Christians and other minority religious groups, like the Yazidi Muslims, who had been trapped in the Sinjar Mountains, for months and that is just in Iraq. In Syria, what ISIS had been doing has been a mystery for most of the West. Many later found out the massive carnage that has been done in Syria, including hanging people on meat hooks, disemboweling them and then offering them up as human sacrifices to Allah.

the Yazidis are monotheists who believe in a benevolent peacock angeland practice an ancient gnostic faith.  iSIL's persecution of the Yazidis gained international attention and led to the American-led intervention in Iraq, which started with United States airstrikes against ISIL. Additionally, the US, UK, and Australia made emergency airdrops to Yazidis who had fled to a mountain range and provided weapons to the Kurdish

Peshmerga who had a role in defending the Yazidis, together with PKKand YPG forces. ISIL's actions against the Yazidi population have resulted in approximately 500,000 refugees and several thousand killed and kidnapped. The Yazidis have also had their human rights violated by terrorist organizations who began killing the Yazidis. 

On 3 August 2014, ISIL militants attacked and took over Sinjar in northern Iraq, a Kurdish-controlled town that was predominantly inhabited by Yazidis, and the surrounding area.        

On 4 August, ISIL fighters attacked Jabal Sinjar, killed 30 Yazidi men; 60 more Yazidi men were killed in the village of Hardan. On the same day, Yazidi community leaders stated that at least 200 Yazidis had been killed in Sinjar (see Sinjar massacre), and 60–70 near Ramadi Jabal. According to reports from surviving Yazidi, between 3 and 6 August, more than 50 Yazidi were killed near Dhola village, 100 in  Khana Sor village, 250–300 in the Hardan area, more than 200 on the road between Adnaniya and Jazeera, dozens near al-Shimal village, and on the road from Matu village to Jabal Sinjar      

On 10 August 2014, according to statements by the Iraqi government and others, ISIL militants buried alive an undefined number of Yazidi women and children in northern Iraq in an attack that killed 500 people, in what has been described as genocide. Those who escaped across the Tigris  River into the Kurdish-controlled areas of Syria on the 10th of  August, gave accounts of how they had seen individuals also attempting to flee who later died   

On 15 August, in the Yazidi village of Kojo, south of Sinjar, after the whole population had received the jihadist ultimatum to convert or be killed, over 80 men were killed.[44][45] A witness recounted that the villagers were first converted under duress,[15] but when the village elder refused to convert, all of the men were taken in trucks under the pretext of being led to Sinjar, and gunned down along the way. According to reports from survivors interviewed by OHCHR, on the 15th of August, the entire male population of the Yazidi village of Khocho, up to 400 men, were rounded up and shot by ISIL, and up to 1,000 women and children were abducted; on the same day, up to 200 Yazidi men were reportedly executed for refusing conversion in a Tal Afar prison.

Between 24 and 25 August 14 elderly Yazidi men were executed by ISIL in the Sheikh Mand Shrine, and the Jidala village Yazidi shrine was blown up. On 1 September, the Yazidi villages of Kotan, Hareko and Kharag Shafrsky were set afire by ISIL, and on 9 September, Peshmerga fighters discovered a mass grave containing the bodies of 14 executed civilians who were presumably Yazidis.

According to an OHRCR/UNAMI report on 26 September, by the end of August, 1,600–1,800 or more Yazidis who had been murdered, executed, or died from starvation. In early October

In October 2014, a UN report revealed that ISIL had massacred 5,000 Yazidi men in northern Iraq in August 2014.

On 3 August, ISIL abducted women and children from the al-Qahtaniyaarea, and 450–500 abducted Yazidi women and girls were taken to Tal Afar; hundreds more to Si Basha Khidri and then Ba'aj.[32] When ISIL fighters attacked Jabal Sinjar on 4 August, they abducted a number of women in the Yazidi village of Hardan, wives and daughters were abducted; other Yazidi women were abducted in other villages in the area.[32] On 6 August, ISIL kidnapped 400 Yazidi women in Sinjar to sell them as sex slaves.[50] According to reports from surviving Yazidi, between 3 and 6 August 500 Yazidi women and children were abducted from Ba'aj and more than 200 from Tal Banat.[32] According to a statement by the Iraqi government on 10 August 2014, hundreds of women were taken as slaves in northern Iraq.[9][34][35] On 15 August, in the Yazidi village of Kojo, south of Sinjar, over 100 women were abducted,[44][45] though according to some reports from survivors, up to 1,000 women and children of the Yazidi village of Khocho were abducted.[32] According to an OHRCR/UNAMI report on 26 September, by the end of August up to 2,500 Yazidis, mostly women and children, had been abducted.[32] In early October, Matthew Barber, a scholar of Yazidi history at the University of Chicago, compiled a list of names of 4,800 Yazidi women and children who had been captured (estimating the total number of abducted people to be possibly up to 7,000)

The abducted Yazidi women were sold into slave markets with ISIL "using rape as a weapon of war" according to CNN, with the group having gynaecologists ready to examine the captives. Yazidi women were physically observed, including examinations to see if they were "virgins" or if they were pregnant. Women who were found to be pregnant were taken by the ISIL gynaecologists and forced abortions were performed on them.

Haleh Esfandiari from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars highlighted the abuse of local women by ISIL militants after they have captured an area. "They usually take the older women to a makeshift slave market and try to sell them
while the younger girls  are raped or married off to fighters", she said, adding, "It's based on temporary marriages, and once these fighters have had sex with these young girls, they just pass them on to other fighters.

They were predominantly from the Yazidi and Christian communities who were reportedly transported to Syria, either to be enslaved to ISIL fighters as a 'reward' or to be sold as sex slaves".[55] Also in October 2014, a UN report revealed that ISIL had detained 5,000 to 7,000 Yazidi women as slaves or forced brides in northern Iraq in August 2014.

In June 2017, reports from Vian Dakhil of the Iraqi parliament told of a captured sex slave being fed her own one-year-old child. The woman was starved for three days in a cellar and was finally given a meal by her captors. When finished, they said "We cooked your one-year-old son that we took from you and this is what you just ate"

As far as I am concerned, terrorists should be shot dead as soon as they are caught. None of them should be taken as prisoners.

Three terrorists once held at the Guantanamo Bay prison were confirmed as having returned to terrorism after their release. further, two others who were released joined the ranks of those terrorists who were suspected of rejoining jihad against the Western nations. The report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence also revealed that three of the confirmed released terrorists were killed since January. 2013 when the last report to Congress was made public.

Senator Gardner, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee  said  on Fox News on January  23rd, 2003. “We know that a dozen or so terrorists released have later killed Americans.” The senator made the numbers sound much more concrete than they actually were however, it’s not clear that all of these prisoners ultimately turned back to terrorism. But there was some evidence that Americans had died when fighting against groups of terrorists  that included released former terrorist  prisoners.

At least every six months, the Director of National Intelligence, an appointee of the president, publishes a Congress-mandated report detailing the number of former Guantanamo detainees who have re-engaged in terrorist or insurgent activity.

A report, which was published in September, 2016 showed re-engagement of terrorist prisoners through July 15th, 2016. The report included information on 693 prisoners released from Gitmo since the prison opened in 2002. The government reported that 17.6 percent -- 122 individuals -- had been "confirmed of re-engaging" and 12.4 percent -- 86 individuals -- "suspected of re-engaging" in terrorism.

The Israelis released a thousand Palestinian terrorist prisoners in order for the bodies of two Israelis soldiers be returned to their families. How many of those prisoners released, returned to committing acts of terrorism?  

In 1985, I was invited to participate at a conference held in Milan, Italy  by the United Nations for the purpose of  addressing  the delegations of 190 nations with respect to my  paper that was titled;  Terrorists—How to deal with them.  The Italian government through the armed forces asked the chairman of the session on terrorism to permit me to speak from the podium rather than from my desk on the main floor.  They said they wanted my speech to be recorded on television and shown throughout Italy that night. The request was granted and I gave my speech right after the Solicitor General of Canada, Perrin Beatty gave his address. My speech was shown on TV throughout Italy that night in which my words were written in Italian so that my speech could be understood. A portion of of my speech was published in newspapers around the world. In a part of my speech, I recommended that terrorists should be tried before a panel of three judges. Three months later, Germany began trying their accused terrorists before a panel of three judges.                   

Alas, very few nations took the part of my speech seriously when I recommended the terrorist caught in the act of terrorism be tried as soon as possible and if found guilty, be executed as soon as possible. However, some nations do execute terrorists caught in the act of terrorism.   

At the end of my speech, I said the following;

“When a terrorist kills a human being, he has created three victims. The first is the murdered victim. The second victims are the families and friends of the victim. The third victims are all the rest of us because when the victim dies, a little of us dies also.”

Dzhokhar Tsarnave. the surviving terrorist in the Boston Marathon bombing was convicted of murder  since three  spectators were killed. He is eligible for the death penalty, and is currently held in the high-security U.S. Penitentiary, Florence-High in Colorado, Why hasn’t he been executed? 

Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, was executed by lethal injection in 2001, about four years of appeals  after his conviction

I have to assume that Tsarnave’s appeals are not completed as of this date. So far, his appeals have taken four years to be processed. That is far too long to wait for this terrorist to be executed.

In my speech, I gave a scenario on how the terrorist could be tried, and how the appeals could be heard right up to the Supreme Court.  The terrorist could then be executed within ten days from the day he was captured.

Before I finish this article, I want to tell you about a funny thing that happened to me soon after I gave that speech, I was          sightseeing Milan when I noticed that a man in street clothes was following me wherever I went. When I returned to my hotel and looked out of my window, he was standing on the sidewalk across the street looking at the entrance to the hotel.                                

The next morning I spoke to the general in charge of the security for the building where the conference was being held.  I told him of my concern. He asked me to sit at a chair that was across from his desk. H picked up his phone and three minutes later,

 A civilian in civilian clothes entered the office. It was the same man who was following me. Apparently, he was assigned to follow me wherever I went so that if any terrorist who heard my speech on TV wanted to kill me. the man following me was armed and he would protect me.                                                                                            

I stood up and shook his hand. Then General chastised him for failing to not be so obvious to me as he was following me. After that, while I was in Milan, he didn’t follow me, he was beside me pretending that he too was a tourist.  

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