Immediately the
foreman knew this was going to be a long day. As if moving construction
material up a hill wasn’t hard enough, now he had to deal with an ignorant woman who refused to move her car. He thought about calling the police, but
that would take precious time away from his work.
Then, as the
woman continued to dismiss and condescend him, this angry genius had a brilliant
idea. That woman was about to regret ever parking there.
not like he had asked for all that trouble. He had gotten hired as a foreman
for a new house being blt.
But this project was different. The house they were building
was on top of a hill, and the only way to get there was by walking up a 250-ft
Naturally, this complicated their work – especially when it
came to bringing up materials. Thankfully, there was a saving grace.
Two parking spots on the street at the bottom of the hill had
been reserved for the construction site. Two official “No Parking” signs had
been installed, to deter anyone who may want to leave their car there.
Unfortunately, the signs didn’t stop everyone from parking illegally.
There was an elementary school half a block from
the bottom of the hill, and the foreman soon found that parents often made use
of those parking spots. But that didn’t faze him much – until one day.
Whenever he saw a parent parked in one of his
reserved spots, he didn’t say anything as long as there wasn’t a truck needing
to park or a scheduled delivery. And when there was, he politely asked them to
move and they did so.
On the day in question, the foreman received a
call from a lumber delivery driver letting him know he was on his way.. So he went to verify the parking spots were available, and
that’s when he saw it. An idling car was parked in one of the reserved spots,
and he saw there was a woman sitting in the driver’s seat. The foreman assumed
she was there waiting for her kid to come out of school. He walked up to her
window and cordially asked her to move her car.
Scoffing, the woman replied, “I’ll just be a
few minutes, and your truck isn’t here, take a chill pill dude.” And, as the
foreman processed the rude remark, the lumber truck arrived.
The foreman thought that, now that the truck
had arrived, the woman would move her car and let them park. But all she did
was roll up her window and try to ignore him.
When he waved at her to get her attention, she
rolled it down halfway and shouted, “WHAT?” This time with a stronger tone of
voice, the foreman told her the truck needed the space to park. And that’s when
she said something that left him speechless.
“Can’t you guys just unload around me? Jesus,
it’s not that hard,” said the woman dismissively. The foreman was astounded by
her rudeness, but her remark gave him an idea. Her remark gave
him an idea. He went over to the truck driver and told him to park his truck
parallel to the woman’s car, and as close to it as possible.
The driver smiled, understanding what the
foreman had in mind. This woman was about to get a taste of her own medicine.
Behind the woman’s car was the construction
workers’ port-a-potty, and next to the two reserved parking spots was another
parked car. The lumber truck was now blocking the side of her car effectively boxing her car right next to the curb.
The woman did not notice, though, as she was
too busy pretending to ignore the construction workers she had just forced to
park in the middle of the street. But there was one more thing the foreman
needed to do.
The foreman called the police parking
enforcement office to let them know of the issue. “At this point in time I
wasn’t trying to get her in trouble, I just wanted a record of why we were
there. Unquote
The female officer told him she would be there in 30
minutes, but she just wasn’t quick enough. When the woman’s child appeared, d
all hell broke loose.
woman tried to exit her car to get access to her small son, but the door wouldn’t open all
the way. By this time, the foreman fully expected the woman to finally
understand the predicament she had gotten herself into and try to rectify it.
But, instead, she had the gall to glare at him — as
if this was somehow his fault! Her ineffectual rage would have been comical if
it wasn’t for what she did next.
Now, she was fuming. She awkwardly clambered
over to the passenger’s seat and stumbled The truck drivers , who were holding back
their smiles.t were greatly amused. After she placed her son in the back of her car, she went over
to the foreman It seemed as if the woman had only just realized that the
workers weren’t going to back down.
She looked at the scene angrily. There was a
car in front of hers, a huge truck to her left, a porta-potty behind, and a
curb to her right. Now, she was livid. “I’m in a big hurry, you need to move.
""Move your our truck right now so I can go,” she barked.
But the truck driver had a comeback that left her
Ma’am in order to unload the lumber on the truck we
had to unstrap it, and per our company policy I’m not allowed to move the truck
with any unsecured load on it,” replied the truck driver, trying not to laugh.
“Ma’am in order to unload the lumber on the
truck we had to unstrap it, and per our company policy I’m not allowed to move
the truck with any unsecured load on it,” replied the truck driver, who was trying not
to laugh.
But neither the foreman nor the driver could
have foreseen the spectacle that was about to unfold.
Enraged, the woman screamed obscenities at the
truck driver. “I have somewhere to be!” she bellowed. But, unbeknownst to her,
the traffic officer who took the foreman’s call had then arrived.
The foreman, remaining utterly calm while the
woman yelled at him.replied sweetly. The foreman, smiling, told the woman, “Can’t you just pull out around it? It’s not that hard.” The furious woman cursed him passenger’s seat.him out and stormed back to her car, again clambering in through the passenger seat.
As the officer walked up to the foreman and the
driver, the woman slammed her car in reverse and stepped on the gas.
Her wheels spun wheels before backing up into the
port-a-potty behind her, knocking it over with a crash. But she wasn’t done yet. She then charged forward, in an attempt to drive over the sidewalk
The three onlookers couldn’t believe what they
were seeing. Their smiles turned to confusion as her car mounted the curb. What was
she doing?
woman’s attempt to escape her parking jail failed when her car got stuck
halfway down the curb. But her misfortune didn’t end there. The officer calmly
walked over to her and told her to get out of the car.
Once she was
out, she was handcuffed and made to sit on the curb as the officer called for
backup. But the stupid woman wasn’t done being a terrible person.
Knowing she was in deep trouble, the woman tried to
spin the situation in her favor. She lied to the officer, saying the foreman
hadn’t asked her to move and had instead told her she could stay in that
parking spot.
But the officer wasn’t believing her.. She told the
woman she had received the foreman’s initial call when she refused to move and
knew exactly what was going on. The woman was doomed.
The foreman said later, “While myself and the driver are giving a
report to the second officer, my guys finish moving the remainder of the lumber
and the driver finishes his statement and takes off to go back to the yard,”
“By the end of the ordeal, she was arrested,
charged with reckless driving, Her car was towed and her son’s grandmother was
forced to come and pick him up while the woman was taken to jail She was also charged with destruction of
property, (the porta-potty) and Driving on a Suspended License.
The forman said, “I never expected her to actually heed my
advice to “Just pull out around it.” But I think next time she’ll probably
think twice about parking in a t ow-away zone, if she ever gets a license
Will that creep be rude when she is again n
the wrong? Probably she will.
Now I will tell you another story of a creep
who caused someone grief and how that creep was punished.
The victim was my younger brother. He bought
some property that was approximately an hour’s drive east of SanFrancisco.
His new home was to be built on the top of a
small mountain. When you drive up the dirt winding road to the top of the
mountain, you will see a lake that is about an acre in size.
Before he bought the property at the other side
of the lake, there was a man and his wife who were the only persons living on
the top of that mountain. They didn’t want to share it with another couple and
their two young sons. The man took an unusual
step to prevent my brother and his family sharing that mountain with him and
his wife. Her is what this creep did.
When the truck carrying the large load of lumber reached the top, the creep placed his
car in front of the truck and refused to let the truck drive on the road
leading to the other side of the lake. For three days,he refused to let the
truck move to my brother’s property.
My bother took the neighbour to court and the judge
ordered that the neighbour was not to block the entry of the truck a
The judge asked my brother how much he had to pay
for the costs of the delay. My brother told him.
Needless to say, the neighbour squawked like a
stuck pig so my brother told the judge that instead of the neighbour paying that enormous amount
of money, he would settle if the neighbour gave him permission to put the steel
tower providing the electricity for my brother’s home on the neighbour’s
property. The neighbour agreed.
However, he squawked again when my brother had the large four-legged
tower built right in the middle of the neighbour’s manicured front lawn. The
judge said to the neighbour, “You gave Mister Batchelor your permission to build
the tower on your property. You didn’t specify where on your property the tower
ws to be placed.
Revenge is so sweet when you are the one who gets
to eat it.
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