Here is the
full release from Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s office:
For the purposes of this order, businesses include
any-for-profit, non-profit or other entity providing the goods and services
described herein. This does not preclude the provision of work and services by
entities not on this list either online, by telephone or by mail/delivery.Note
that teleworking and online commerce are permitted at all times for
all businesses.
Supply chains
1. Businesses that supply other
essential businesses or essential services with the support, supplies, systems
or services, including processing, packaging, distribution, delivery and
maintenance necessary to operate;
Retail and Wholesaling
2. Businesses engaged in the
retail and wholesale sale of food, pet food and supplies, and household
consumer products necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation and essential
operations of residences and businesses, including grocery stores,
supermarkets, convenience stores, markets and other similar retailers;
3. Businesses that provide
essential items for the health and welfare of animals, including feed, animal
food, pet food and animal supplies including bedding;
4. Beer, wine and liquor stores
and alcohol producers, and stores that sell beer and wine through arrangements
with authorized providers; cannabis stores and cannabis producers;
5. Gas stations, diesel, propane
and heating fuel providers including providers of motor vehicle, aircraft and
water/marine craft fuels;
6. Motor vehicle, auto-supply,
auto and motor-vehicle-repair, including bicycle repair, aircraft repair, heavy
equipment repair, watercraft/marine craft repairs, car and truck dealerships
and related facilities;
7. Hardware stores and stores
that provide hardware products necessary to the essential operations of
residences and businesses;
8. Business providing
pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical services, including pharmacies and
9. Businesses that supply office
products and services, including providing computer products and related repair
and maintenance services, for individuals working from home and for essential
10. Safety supply stores (for e.g. work clothes,
Personal Protective Equipment);
Food Services and Accommodations
11. Restaurants and other food facilities that
prepare and serve food, but only for delivery or takeaway, together with food
delivery services;
12. Hotels, motels, shared rental units and similar
facilities, including student residences;
Institutional, Residential, Commercial and
Industrial Maintenance
13. Businesses that provide support and maintenance
services, including urgent repair, to maintain the safety, security, sanitation
and essential operation of institutional, commercial industrial and residential
properties and buildings, including, property management services,plumbers,
electricians, custodial/janitorial workers, cleaning services, , security
services, fire safety and sprinkler systems, building systems maintenance and repair
technicians and engineers, mechanics, (e.g. HVAC, escalator and elevator
technicians), and other service providers who provide similar services
Telecommunications and IT Infrastructure/Service
14. Businesses engaged in providing or supporting
Information Technology (IT) including online services, software products and
related services, as well as the technical facilities such as data centres and
other network facilities necessary for their operation and delivery;
15. Businesses providing telecommunications
services (phone, internet, radio, cell phones etc) as well as support
facilities such as call centres necessary for their operation and delivery;
16. Taxis and other private transportation
providers providing transportation services necessary for activities of daily
17. Businesses and facilities that provide
transportation services to businesses and individuals including by air, water,
road, and rail including providing logistical support, distribution services,
warehousing and storage, including truck stops and tow operators;
18. Businesses that provide materials and services
for the operation, maintenance and safety of transportation systems (road,
transit, rail, air and marine) including delivery of maintenance services such
as clearing snow, response to collisions, and completing needed repairs to the
transportation systems.
Manufacturing and Production
19. Businesses that extract, manufacture, process
and distribute goods, products, equipment and materials, including businesses
that manufacture inputs to other manufacturers (e.g. primary metal/ steel, blow
molding, component manufacturers, chemicals, etc. that feed the end-product
20. Businesses, facilities and services that
support and facilitate the two- way movement of essential goods within
integrated North American and Global supply chains.
Agriculture and food production
21. Businesses that farm, harvest, process,
manufacture, produce or distribute food, including beverages, crops, animal
products and by-products, aquaculture, hunting and fishing;
22. Businesses that support the food supply chain
including assembly yards, livestock auctions, food distribution hubs, feed
mills, farm equipment suppliers, feed suppliers, food terminals and warehouses,
animal slaughter plants and grain elevators;
23. Business that support the safety of food
including animal and plant health and animal welfare;
24. Businesses that provide veterinary services,
and that supply veterinary and animal control medications and related supplies
and testing kits;
25. Businesses that help to ensure safe and
effective waste management including deadstock, rendering, nutrient management,
bio hazardous materials, green waste, packaging recycling;
26. Construction projects and services associated
with the healthcare sector, including new facilities, expansions, renovations
and conversion of spaces that could be repurposed for health care space;
27. Construction projects and services required to
ensure safe and reliable operations of critical provincial infrastructure,
including transit, transportation, energy and justice sectors beyond the
day-to-day maintenance;
28. Construction work and services, including
demolition services, in the industrial, commercial, institutional and
residential sectors;
29. Construction work and services that supports
health and safety environmental rehabilitation projects
Financial activities
30. Capital markets (e.g., the TSX);
31. Banking & Activities related to Credit
Intermediation; credit unions;
32. Insurance;
33. Businesses that provide pension services and
employee benefits services;
34. Businesses that provide financial services
including payment processing, the payroll division of any employer (as defined
by the Employment Standards Act/Occupational Health and Safety
Act), any entity whose operation is the administration of payroll,
banks and credit unions;
35. Businesses that ensure global continuity of
supply of mining materials and products (e.g. metals such as copper, nickel and
gold) and that support supply chains in Northern Ontario including;
a. Mining operations, production
and processing;
b. Mineral exploration and
c. Mining Supply and
Services that ssupport supply chains in the mining industry including
maintenance of operations, health and safety.
36. Businesses that provide chemicals and gases to
support the natural resource sector analytical labs and drinking water and
wastewater sectors and other essential businesses;
37. Businesses that ensure global continuity of
supply of forestry products (e.g. lumber, pulp, paper, wood fuel, etc.);
38. Businesses that ensure global continuity of
supply of aggregates to support critical infrastructure repairs and emergency
response requirements (e.g. sandbags, armour stone barriers, etc.);
39. Businesses that ensure global continuity of
supply of petroleum and petroleum by-products;
Environmental Services
40. Businesses that support environmental
management/monitoring and spill clean-up and response, including environmental
consulting firms, professional engineers and geoscientists, septics haulers,
well drillers, pesticides applicators and exterminators, management of
industrial sewage/effluent (eg for mining operations), and environmental
Utilities and Community Services
41. Utilities, and Businesses that support the
provision of utilities and community services, including by providing products,
materials and services needed for the delivery of utilities and community
a. Waste Collection, Waste/
Sewage Treatment and Disposal, operation of landfills, and Hazardous Waste
b. Potable drinking water;
c. Electricity Generation,
transmission, distribution and storage;
d. Natural Gas distribution,
transmission and storage,
e. Road construction and
f. police, fire,
emergency services including coroner services and pathology services ;
g. corrections and courts
h. other government services
including licenses and permits;
42. Businesses engaged in or supporting the
operation, maintenance and repair of critical infrastructure (railways, dams,
bridges, highways, erosion control structures, etc.);
Communications Industries
43. Newspaper publishers;
44. Radio & Television Broadcasting;
45. Telecommunications providers;
46. Businesses and organizations that maintain
research facilities and engage in research, including medical research and
other research and development activities;
47. Businesses that provide products and services
that support research activities;
Health Care and Seniors Care and Social Services
48. Organizations and providers that deliver home
care services;
49. Retirement homes;
50. Long-term Care Facilities;
51. Independent health facilities;
52. Laboratories and specimen collection centres;
53. Manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and
retailers of pharmaceutical products and medical supplies, including
medications, medical isotopes, vaccines and antivirals; medical devices and
medical supplies
54. Manufacturers, logistics and distributors of
products and/or services that support the delivery of health care in all
locations (including but not limited to hospitals, labs, long-term care homes,
other residential health care, physicians, nurse practitioners and midwives, and
home care services);
55. Businesses that provide products and/or
services that support the health sector or that provide health services,
including mental health and addictions and counselling supports.
56. Businesses that sell, rent or repair assistive/mobility/medical
devices, aids and/or supplies.
57. Businesses that provide personal support
services (many seniors and persons with disabilities, who can afford to, hire
individuals to assist with the activities of daily living).
58. Health care professionals providing emergency
care including dentists optometrists and physio-therapists;
59. Not-for-profit organizations that provide
critical personal support services in home and also provide residential
services for individuals with physical disabilities (such as the Centre for
Independent Living and March of Dimes);
60. Businesses and all other organizations that
support the provision of food, shelter, safety or protection, and/or social
services and other necessities of life to economically disadvantaged and other
vulnerable individuals, including but not limited to food banks, violence
against women emergency shelters, homeless shelters, community housing,
supportive housing, children’s aid societies, residential services for adults
with developmental disabilities and for children, and custody and detention
programs for young persons in conflict with the law;
Justice Sector
61. Professional and social services that support
the legal and justice system;
Other Businesses
62. Rental and leasing services, including
automobile, commercial and light industrial machinery and equipment rental;
63. Businesses providing mailing, shipping, courier
and delivery services, including post office boxes;
64. Laundromats, dry cleaners and laundry service
65. Professional services including lawyers and
para-legals, engineers, accountants, translators;
66. Businesses providing funeral, mortician,
cremation, transfer, and burial services, and any related goods and products
(such as coffins and embalming fluid);
67. Land registration services, and real
estate agent services and moving services;
68. Businesses providing security services
including private security guards; monitoring or surveillance equipment and
69. Businesses providing staffing services, including
temporary help;
70. Businesses that support the safe operations of
residences and essential businesses;
71. Businesses that provide for the health and
welfare of animals, including veterinarians, farms, boarding kennels, stables,
animal shelters, zoos, aquariums, research facilities and other service
72. Child care services for essential workers, and
home child care services of less than six children;
73. Businesses providing cheque cashing services;
Business Regulators and Inspectors
74. Organizations, including Administrative
Authorities, that regulate and inspect businesses.
Needles to say that these people shol d be
provided protective equipment so that
they don’t ge the virus from people they deal with. If they become infected,
they should go to hospitals to be
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