When the priests were finished
examining Jesus, they to0k him to Pontius Pilate who was the
fifth governor of the Roman province of Judaea, serving under the
authority of Emperor Tiberius.
Pilate was reluctant to
execute Jesus for two reasons. He didn’t see how Jesus was a danger to Rome and
he despised the priests.
The Jewish elders continued to ask Pilate to judge and
condemn Jesus, accusing Jesus of making false claims of being a king. While
questioning Jesus about the claim of being the King
of the Jews,
Pilate realized that Jesus was a Galilean since he was born
in Nazareth and therefore Jesus was under King Herod's jurisdiction. Since
Herod already happened to be in Jerusalem at that time, Pilate decided to send
Jesus to Herod to be tried by him.
Herod Antipas (the same man who had previously ordered the
death of John the Baptist) had wanted to see
Jesus for a long time, hoping to observe one of the miracles of Jesus. However, Jesus said
nothing in response to Herod's questions, or the vehement accusations of the
chief priests and the scribes who were present at that moment.
Herod Antipas (the same man who had previously ordered the
death of John the Baptist and had wanted to
see Jesus for a long time, hoping to observe one of the miracles of Jesus he had previously
performed. However, Jesus said nothing in response to Herod's questions,
or the vehement accusations of the chief priests and the scribes who were in
In the previous article I wrote, I said that Jesus wanted to
be crucified so that he and everyone else would know if he was really the Son
of God and the expected messiah if God actually sent an
army of angels to rescue him from the cross as per the earlier
Herod and his soldiers mocked Jesus, put a gorgeous red
robe on him, as the King of the Jews, and sent him back to Pilate.
Herod did not condemn Jesus, and instead attributeed that
conclusion to Pilate who then called together the Jewish elders, and said to
"I having examined him before you, found no fault in
this man touching those things whereof ye accuse him nor has Herod for he sent
him back unto us and I see nothing worthy of death being done to him.”
That infuriated the priests and the crowd that followed them.
The chief priest yelled st Pilate
telling him that the emperor would be displeased when he lesrned that he released a man who
claimed that he was the king of all the Jews in the land. The emperor would be
displeased iif he learned Jesus claimed that he ws the king of all the Jews in the land. Pilate was frightened so he came up with what
he believed would solve his problem.
He gave an order to bring up a thief that had already been
sentenced to death by crucifixion. His name was Barabbas. He was part of fa
group of men who killed Roman soldiers during a minor revolt.
Pilate said to the crowd,
“There is the custom in your Passover in
this land that I can spare the life of a condemned man. Who shall I spare and
who should be crucified?”
The priests and the rabble behind them screamed
repeatedly, “Crucify Jesus. Crucify
Pilate e had no other choice but to keep his word to the
priests and the rabble so he ordered that Jesus was to be crucified and the thief was to
be set free. Some sources said that Barabbas
took part in another revolt against the Romans, and was killed.
Pilot publically washed his hands as to imply that the death
of Jesus was not of his doing but that of the priests.
It is customary of s0k3 people nowadays to tell people that they are
not going to help them any more by saying, “I am washing my hands of
Flogging was a legal
preliminary to every Roman execution and only women and Roman senators or
soldiers (except in cases of desertion) were exempt. The usual instrument was a
short whip with several single or braided leather thongs of variable lengths,
in which small iron balls or sharp pieces of sheep bones were tied at
intervals. For scourging, the man was stripped of his clothing, and his hands
were tied to an upright post. The back, buttocks, and legs were flogged either
by one or two soldiers.
Jesus was naked when he was secured
ro an upright post. I don’t know how long he was whipped but it was the custom
in that era that Jews were to be flogged 39 times. When the flogging was over, he was bleeding all over his back, buttocks
and legs.
One of the soldiers made a crown of
thorns and pushed the thorns into his scalp.
Then he had to carry the cross-piece
of the cross on his shoulders while he dragged the post behind him. He walked some considerable distance slong the
streets of the old city of Jerusalem
Jesus carried his cross however Simon of Cyrene, who was ordered by
the soldiers from the crowd to help Jesus drag the post behind him. Jesus’
mother Mary and his disciple Mark were with Jesus as he walked to his death. Veronica.a
follower wiped the face of Jesus. He fell a second time. Jesus met the
daughters of Jerusalem and finally Jesus
fell the third time
They walked through an opening in
the wall that was next to the hill where the condemned were crucified.
My wife and I visited the place
where he was executed. We were confused because the huge church built centuries
later was located inside the new wall that surrounded the city.
Later I learned that the original wall
was destroyed by the Roman army years later during the Jewish revolt.
The assumption of the use of a two-beamed cross does not
determine the number of nails used in the crucifixion and some theories suggest
three nails while others suggest four nails I am convinced that three
nails were used. I will explain why.
After he was lain on the ground, two
nails were banged into his wrists. Then the cross-beam was secured in a notch
carved near the top of the beam. When the beam and cross beam were hoisted upwards and the base dropped in a hole, both
of his feet were banged by a single nail onto the lower part of the post.
Jesus was no fool. He knew that
condemned prisoners could hang on their crosses for days before they died. But
he also knew that anyone crucified on the Friday before the beginning of the
Passover took place at four in the afternoon, he would be put to death and
removed from the cross.
Now I want to bring to your
attention two vvery important facts.
You remember that he believed that
if he was the Son of God and the expected Messiah. If God dent an army of
Angels to rescue him. That would be
proof that he really was the Son of God and the expected Messiah.
While he was suffering on the cross,
it became obvious to him that no angels were coming to rescue him. That is when
he cried out, “Father. Why have you forsaken me?”
That is when he realized that he was
not the Son of God or the expected Messiah. His plan to be crucified and all
that suffering he endured to prove this theory was for naught.
He also knew that at four in the
afternoon, the soldiers would break his lower legs with an iron bar so that he
wouldn’t be able to continue breathing.
Here is another fascination fact.
In order for the victim on the crossto
breathe. he has to stand up straight
which would be would be very painful to
their feet. If they slouched on the cross, they would suffocate. I will
The diaphragm
which is in our lower abdomen is shaped like a dome and is at its maximum
height when it is relaxed. This shape reduces the volume in the chest cavity.
As the diaphragm contracts, the diaphragm moves downward and the intercostal
muscles move outward. These actions increase volume in the chest cavity and
lower air pressure within the lungs. The lower air pressure in the lungs causes
air to be drawn into the lungs through the nasal passages until the pressure
differences equalize. When the diaphragm relaxes again, space within the chest
cavity decreases and the air is forced out of the lungs.
However if our muscles
in our belly press hard on the bottom of our diaphragm, we cannot exhale and if we can’t exhale, we can’t breathe
in air ether.
Those who are crucified
would eventually die when they fell asleep because they would be in a slouched position because their muscles from their
upper arm to their diaphragms would push
their diaphragms upwards thereby causing them to fail to exhale and subsequently
fail to breathe in air.
Before Jesus died,
he said, “Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do.”
A soldier heard
what Jesus had said and concluded that he was really a decent man. For this reason
n, he said, “Surely this man is a son of God.” That expression was often used
by the Jews about decent men who care for others.
he moment finally
arrived when he would purposely put himself to death by suffocation. It was a better
death that having his legs broken first.
His final words
were. “It is finished”. Then he purposely
suffocated himself.
One of of the
soldiers thrust the tip of his spear into Jesus’ chest. His blood didn’t squirt
out because his heart had stopped beating. Jesus was now dead.
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