If you click your mouse over the underlined
words, you will get more info.
After Jesus was seized by the guards
of the temple, he was taken to to the house of Caiaphas who was the current
Priest of Judea where the scribes
and religious leaders (the
Sanhedrin) were present.
He was charged in
this “ecclesiastical” trial with blasphemy for claiming to be the Son of God and being the
expected Messiah and xorcising people by
the power of demons. The penalty for
blasphemy in those days in Judea was death.
As an interesting aside, many years
ago, the crime of blasphemy was in the Canadian Criminal Code but later that
particular crime was removed from the Criminal Code.
Jesus was a learned prophet and he
knew the laws of Judea and he also knew that trials could not legally be
conducted in the dark of night and yet, he was prepared to let the trial take
place even though the trial at night was illegal. All he had to say was
that his trial coldn’t be conducted at
It is my honest opinion that the illegality
of his trial wasn’t a problem to him. He wanted to be crucified because it
would be the only way that he and everyone else would know for sure that he
really was the Son of God
and the expected Messiah. He wasn’t absolutely sure that
he really was the Son of God that
is why he asked one of his disciples if he thought that Jesus was the son of God and the expected Messiah as
forecasted in the scriptures.
However, if God
actually did send an army of angels to
the site of Jesus’ crucifixion to rescue
him while he was on the cross, then the proof of the
belief’s of his followers would be confirmed.
Jesus was generally quiet when being accused of the
crimes of violating
the Sabbath law (by healing on the Sabbath), threatening to destroy the Jewish Temple, sorcery, exorcising people
by the power of demons and claiming to be both the Messiah and the Son of
Not surprisingly, Jesus didn’t offer a defense, and he rarely
responded to the accusations so he was condemned by the Jewish authorities in the house of Caiaphas for the crimes he
was accused of having committed.
Joseph of .Arimathea and Nicodemus dissented from
those decisions a however, not all the members of the Sanhedrin were present at at that time.
Meanwhile, the
high priest questioned Jesus about his disciples and his teaching. "
Jesus replied. replied
“I have spoken openly to the world," Jesus replied. "I always taught
in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said
nothing in secret. Why question me? Ask those who heard me. Surely they
know what I said."
When Jesus said this, one of the officials nearby slapped him in the face. "Is this the way you answer the high priest?" he demanded. "If I said something wrong," Jesus replied, "testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me?" "testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why did you strikeme?"
zit was then that
Caiaphas sen Jesus to Annas
Because Peter who was Jesus’ senior disciple was known to the high priest, Peter waited outside at the door of the courtyard. One of the other disciples, who was also known to the high priest, spoke to the servant girl on duty while in the courtyard there and she brought Peter in. 1"You aren't one of this man's disciples too.
He replied, "I am not." It was cold, and the servants and officials stood around a fire they had made to keep warm. Peter also was standing with them, warming himself. The servant girl asked the question two more times and Peter denied being Jesus’ each time he was asked.
22:61 states that as Jesus was bound and standing in the courtyard
of the priest's house. Peter was also in the courtyard. Jesus "turned and
looked straight at him", and Peter remembered the words Jesus had spoken
to him earlier in the previous evening. "Before the rooster crows today,
you will disown me three times.”
The guards and the chief captain, and his officers, seized Jesus and bound him and took him to
Annas who was the father in law to
Caiaphas, who was high priest that year.
[You should know that John calls Annas has the high priest. The high priesthood was a life office. According to Moses, Annas was the real high priest, but the Romans had given that office to Caiaphas, so that Annas was high priest de jure, but Caiaphas was so de facto. As high priest, therefore, as head of the Sadducean party, the people looked to Annas before Caiaphas, therefore Jesus was taken to him first. The influence of Annas is shown by the fact that he made five of his sons and sons-in-law high priests. Annas is said to have been about sixty years old at this time. He questioned Jesus for the purpose of obtaining, if possible, some material out of which to frame an accusation against Jesus.
The high priest therefore asked Jesus of his disciples, and of his
“Why askest thou me? Ask them that
have heard me, what I spake unto them: behold, these know the things
which I said.
Jesus indeed spoke some things privately for the the purposes of concealment said that he was Jesus was the light of the world when addressing his teachings to all who c me to listen to hikm. He chose the most public places to utter them--places, however, dedicated to the worship of the true God. He who had said that heaven and earth would pass away, but that his word would not pass away, did not suffer his teaching to be held in contempt. He did not permit it to be made matter for cross examination. On the contrary, it was to be taken cognizance of among the things universally known and understood. The very officers who had arrested him could tell about it.
when he had said this, one of the
officers standing nesrby, struck Jesus with his hand, saying, “Answer thou the
high priest so.
Jesus answered him, “If I have
spoken evil, bear witness of the evil: but if well, why smitest thou me? [
Jesus was then under arrest, and as the trial had not yet
opened there was ample time to add a new matter to the charges against him. If,
in addressing the high priest, he had just spoken words worthy of punishment,
the officer who struck him should, instead, have preferred charges against him
and had him punished in a legal manner. If the officer could not do this (and
the point is that he could not), he was doubly wrong in striking him. Thus Jesus
calmly rebuked the wrong-doer. Compare
his conduct with that of Paul under somewhat similar circumstances exemplified
his teachings.
During the two trials the
priests nothing that they could use to condemn Jesus of blasphemy.
Tomorrow, (Friday) I will yell you more about his appearances before Pilate and
Jesus’ crucifixion.
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